3. Healing and Fishing

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It has been a few years now since Luna has been reborn so Luna was now 3 years old and Sokka was 4. Just like Bato said all the people in the Southern Water Tribe helped her with her water bending and she's been getting better at controlling the water.

Now when the men in their tribe go fishing they bring Luna and Sokka. They taught Sokka how to fish and Luna uses her water bending to help bring fishies she sees into the air (like in the first episode) for her father or Bato to get.

Luna knew of the war that was going on out in the world so she was training her water bending to be stronger so she could help protect herself and others. But she knew that sometimes there were parts in the timeline that she might not be able to change.

But she did find out that she could heal with water already.


"Gran Gran, watch this," Sokka said as he tried doing a cool trick but ended up falling and cutting his hand.

"Sokka!" Gran Gran yelled running to him.

"Are you okay?" Gran Gran asked him.

"It hurts." he whimpered with tears in his eyes as he watched blood spill from his cut.

"Come on let us show your parents," Gran-Gran said leading him to their hut.

"Sokka what happened?" their mom asked as she saw him clutching his bloody hand to his chest.

"Hakoda bring me a bowl of water and a cloth," she told her husband so she could clean his hand.

"Are you okay?" Luna asked her brother when her mother finished cleaning his hand and went to get a cloth to cover his cut with.

"It stings" Sokka told her.

She gently grabbed his hand and looked at the cut, it wasn't too deep. But she didn't want her big brother in pain so she tried something she remembered from the show.

She led his hand back to the water with the intention of taking away his pain and they watched as the water around his hand glowed. When the glowing stopped they took their hands out of the water and looked at the spot where his cut was but there was nothing there anymore, not even a scar.

"Dad look," Sokka yelled excited showing his father his no longer hurt hand.

"But how?" he asked looking at his son's hand in astonishment.

"Luna did it, she dipped my hand in the water and it glowed like the moon at night and then it stopped hurting. Thank you, Luna," he said giving her a hug.

"Kya, Luna just healed Sokka's hand, there's not even a scar on him," Hakoda informed his wife.

"Hmm, like I said the day she was born, my granddaughter is a very powerful water bender. It takes skilled water benders years to learn how to do that, but Luna is a natural." Gran Gran told them.

"How do you know that?" Kya asked curiously.

"I grew up with a lot of water benders and none of them were as strong as Luna was until they were teenagers sometimes older." Gran Gran said thinking back to Paku.

~End of Flashback~

"Bato look I caught fishies," Luna told him holding up 4 fish in a ball of water just in front of her.

"Good job, Luna," Bato told her as he put his net underneath the floating ball of water to catch all the fish.

"We should head back now. All of our nets are full. " Bato said tying up the net to secure the fish.

"Look, Daddy, look at all the fishies we caught," Luna said running up to her father's arms for him to pick her up. Okay so what if she was talking like a baby even though she died at 17, she had to make them believe she was a child they would be suspicious if she was acting like an adult.

"Wow little moon, that's a lot of fishies. I'm so proud of you," he said carrying her in his arms and kissing her head.

"You should be. She caught more than half of those fish. All I did was put them in the nets." Bato told him tickling Luna.

"Really? Looks like you just got put out of a job by my 3-year-old." Hakoda told Bato jokingly.

"Did you catch some fishies too Sokka?" she asked her brother as he came back with one of the other men.

"Yup, I caught 8 fishies," Sokka said proudly.

"Yayyy!!" Luna said clapping her hand together in congratulations.

"Good job Sokka, I'm so proud of you," Hakoda told his son scooping him up in his other arm so he was holding them both at once.

"Does that mean I'm gonna be a good leader like you one day?" Sokka asked his father.

"That means you're gonna be better than I am," Hakoda told his son.

"Come on why don't we help your mother prepare dinner now," he said to his kids.

Luna has been working on making Sokka not be so sexist because in season one of the show he had been really sexist towards girls and she thought that if she had nipped that in the bud while they were kids then it wouldn't happen in the future.

It's actually been working he is a very good gentleman. He always helps their mother in the kitchen and Luna even taught him how to sew so that if he needs to sew anything he can do it instead of having their mother do it.

Luna knew she only had a limited time with her parents before the war took them from her and her brother so she made sure she didn't take it for granted.

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