5. Fire Nation

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Luna was now 8 years old and Sokka was 9 years old. This was the year that the fire nation would come and invade their tribe looking for a water bender. Luna doesn't know what she can specifically change but she has been preparing herself emotionally for if her mom dies.

Today was the day Luna dreaded she could hear the fire nation ships and see the black ashes falling from the sky, the fire nation was here.

"Find the water bender and bring them to me." the leader said to his men.

Hakoda and Kya looked at each other they knew these men were here searching for Luna and they knew if they got their hands on her they would kill her.

"Go I'll be fine," Kya said to her husband.

Luna ran to her mom while her father went off to help other people with Sokka.

"Come on let's go inside," Kya said trying to not freak her daughter out.

When they got inside their hut there was already a soldier in there causing Luna to scream in fright. But because of her strong emotions, it made water gets thrown at the fire nation soldier. Her scream also alerted Harmony who turned herself big but small enough to stay in the hut.

"A dragon?" the soldier asked confused.

Harmony shot fire at the soldier and turned him to ashes.

"Harmony hide, quickly," Kya whispered as she heard another person coming towards their hut and Harmony quickly shrank back down and hid in Luna's hair.

"I've heard there's a water bender here. Do you know where I might find them? If you tell me I'll spare you and your daughter." Yon Rha asked Kya.

Kya pulled Luna behind her protectively.

"There are no more water benders here. The fire nation came years ago and took them all away." Kya said confidently.

"Really? Because from what I've heard there's a water bender here and they are powerful." Yon Rha continued.

"It's me, I'm the water bender," Kya said trying to save her daughter's life.

"Good," he said before getting ready to fire bend.

"No!" Luna yelled running in front of her mom as she bent water and snow around them and froze Yon Rha in a block of ice.

"Harmony take them out," Luna instructed.

Harmony understood what she wanted and flew outside where she turned herself into her regular huge dragon size and one by one took out all of the fire nation soldiers.

The Southern Water Tribe watched in awe as the black and white dragon killed all of the fire nation's people. At first, when they saw the dragon they thought it was part of the fire nation but then they knew it wasn't when it turned one of the soldiers to ashes with fire.

"Dad?! Sokka?!" "Sokka?! Hakoda?!" Kya and Luna yelled coming out of the hut.

"Luna! Kya! Thank the spirits you're okay!" He said running up to them and embracing them in a hug.

"Mom! Luna!" Sokka said following his father's actions.

"Hakoda are you not seeing this dragon?" one of the people from their tribe asked him.

"That's Harmony," Luna told them like it was obvious.

"What?" Someone else asked with a disbelieving expression.

"Bato gather the tribe. I think it's time to inform them about Harmony." Hakoda said.

Bato nodded and took a few other men to gather their tribe. Once they were gathered everyone started asking questions from, "Did you see the dragon?" to "Why was the fire nation here?" and "Why was the dragon protecting us?"

Hakoda held his hand up as a signal for them to quiet down before he spoke.

"First, the fire nation was here looking for a water bender, and as you all know the only water bender our tribe has is my daughter Luna. The commander of the ship, Yon Rha came into my home earlier and tried to take my wife Kya who told him she was the water bender when Luna froze him in a block of ice as you can see," he said motioning to the fire nation soldier that's frozen in a block of ice near him.

The people in their tribe were impressed their chief's 8-year-old daughter just defeated the commander of a fire nation ship.

"Second, the dragon you saw earlier is my daughter's. A few years ago she came across a cave and she found a dragon egg that hatched in the sunlight and moonlight with the powers of fire and water. Her name is Harmony and she has bonded with my daughter. She is no threat to any of you and will protect my daughter and in turn you all from the fire nation." Hakoda explained.

"Now if my men would please follow me we need to have a meeting. Everyone else our gathering is over and if you have any more questions come ask me." Hakoda said walking off with his men and dragging the icicle of Yon Rha with them.


Hakoda was in the middle of discussing with the other men on what to do with Yon Rha when Luna came running into the hut sniffling. She ran straight to her father's side and hugged him.

"What's wrong little moon? Are you hurt?" he asked concerned. The fire nation could've burned for all he knew.

She shook her head 'no' into his side. Hakoda kneeled down so they could be somewhat the same height and she brought her arms around his neck instead and buried her head in his shoulder.

"It was so scary. He was gonna fire bend against mommy. He was gonna kill her." Luna said crying into his shoulder.

Of course, Hakoda had known that Kya told Yon Rha she was the water bender but he didn't know this part yet. The other men in the hut watched Hakoda's expression darken and they immediately knew that Yon Rha wouldn't live to see tomorrow.

"Hey, it's okay. Mommy's safe now. You saved her. Okay?" Hakoda said trying to calm his daughter petting her hair in a soothing manner.

After a few minutes, she fell asleep on his shoulder from exhaustion.

"Here let me take her. I'll bring her back to Kya and when I come back we can take care of Yon Rha." Bato said lifting Luna up and taking her in his arms.

"Thanks, Bato," he said.

Harmony shrunk down to the size of a house dog and walked over to Hakoda, she nudged him gently against his leg to get his attention.

"Yes?" he questioned petting her scales a little.

Harmony nodded her head to Yon Rha's icicle and blew a little fire at it before tilting her head in question at him as if asking, "Can I turn him to ashes?"

Hakoda thought about it for a second before nodding and saying, "Yeah that sounds like a plan."

The other men in the room that just found out about Harmony and watched the interaction with astonishment. It was like Hakoda could understand the dragon (which btw he can).

"So what are we gonna do with him? Oh hey, Harmony" Bato asked walking back into the room and petting her scales.

"Well, Harmony here offered to turn him to ashes and I'm all for it," Hakoda informed him.

"Okay well, by all means, go ahead," Bato said making sure himself and the other men were standing near the other side of the room.

They watched in awe as Harmony melted the ice with fire and once all the ice melted she blew hot blue and white fire at him which immediately turned him to ashes.

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