10. Escaping Zuko's Ship

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"So what's your plan? I know you definitely wouldn't have let Aang get captured unless you had a plan to get him back." Sokka said with complete certainty in his voice.

"Yeah well, I knew they wouldn't leave the village until they took him, and plus we can just track them down with Appa and Harmony. It's not like they could get too far they're only on a ship."

"Hey everyone it's safe now. You can come out." Luna said walking into her practice room where everyone was sitting panicking trying to calm down.

"They're all gone?" Kya asked her daughter.

"Yep," Sokka said.

"Where's Aang?" one of the little girls asked tugging on Luna's coat.

"Aang is out getting something. But don't worry he's fine." Luna said squatting down so she could be at eye level with her.

"Okay," she said accepting the answer and then going off to join the other kids.


Once everyone returned to the village Luna started packing some supplies for her and Sokka to take with them.

"What are you doing?" Sokka asked when he saw her packing things.

"We have to go save Aang and he needs to master the four elements with our help," Luna explained to her brother.

"Wha- you mean Aang's the Avatar?" he asked dumbstruck.

"Yep. Here go put this on Appa's saddle and come back to say goodbye to everyone," she told him handing him their supplies and sleeping bags.

"Mom? Gran Gran?" Luna started walking into their living room where both women were preparing dinner.

"Yes, sweetie" Kya asked smiling at her daughter.

"Sokka and I have to go," she said bluntly.

"What do you mean?" Kya asked concerned while Gran Gran waited to hear what she had to say.

"I lied earlier when Lea asked where Aang was. The Fire Nation here was here looking for the Avatar and being the selfless person that he is Aang admitted to them that he was the Avatar and they took him while I could've prevented them from taking him I knew he wanted to save the village from being destroyed by the Fire Nation so now Sokka and I have to go save him and then we have to go with him to master all 4 elements." Luna explained to them.

"I already packed mine and Sokka's bags so I just wanted to say goodbye before we leave," Luna said.

"What but you can't travel the world by yourselves you are just children-" Kya started saying panicked.

"Kya we knew this would be coming. Luna was always meant for great things and from the moment she told us that her and Sokka's fates were intertwined with Aangs it was inevitable for them to help him become the amazing Avatar he was meant to be." Gran Gran interrupted her daughter-in-law.

"You're right. I'm just going to miss you guys so much." Kya said tearing up and bringing Luna into a hug.

"Hey, I'm done putting our things on Appa," Sokka said walking into their hut only for his mother to trap him in a hug making him wrap his arms around her while comforting his crying mother.

"Bye Gran Gran I'll miss you," Luna said giving her grandmother a sad smile and hugging her.

"I'll miss you too my little moon. Make sure to look over your brother even though you may be younger he is still in need of guidance." Gran Gran said.

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