28. Talking With Roku

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~With the Gaang~

As they travelled further in the Fire Nation an island appeared. It had a temple and a volcano that seemed to be active on it.

"There it is. The island where Roku's dragon took me." Aang said with a smile, seeing that their destination was finally in view.

Appa finally landed and laid down to catch his breath and rest while Luna laid out some food for him to eat.

"You did so good Appa. I know you're tired, rest now." she told him as she petted his fur.

"You did it buddy. Nice flying." Aang complimented the sky bison as he too petted his fur. After Appa had finished his food that was laid out, he rolled onto his side and snored seeing that he was tired.

"Poor baby, is so tired." Luna said in her baby voice as she gave Appa some more love and attention, letting him know that his flying was much appreciated.

"No, actually I'm feeling refreshed and ready to fight some firebenders." Sokka replied thinking that his sister was talking to him since he was stretching and didn't see her clearly talking to Appa.

"I was talking to Appa." she replied with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, I was talking to Momo." Sokka tried to play it off, but Momo who had been hanging from the branch of a tree just looked at him, hearing his name.

The Gaang, plus Momo, and Harmony (who was shrunken) all made their way up to the temple. They stopped just outside the temple trying to think of a plan to head inside without being attacked.

"The Fire Nation must have abandoned it when Avatar Roku died." Sokka said as he observed the quiet grounds of the temple.

"Maybe, but make sure to keep your guard up. We don't know who or what might be waiting for us in there." Luna said knowing that there were Fire Sages inside.

"We have to move now. It's almost sundown." Aang said before running inside the temple with Luna and Sokka close behind him.

When they finally got into the temple they were trying to be as quiet as they could.

"Wait, I think I heard something." Sokka said as he turned around to see if there was anything there and to his surprise, there was.

"We are the Fire Sages, guardians of the temple of the Avatar." one of the Sages said and Luna could tell by his tone that he did not want them there.

"Great. I am the Avatar." Aang said in a happier tone. He was hoping that if they found out he was the Avatar then they would help them out.

However, he thought wrong.

"We know." the same Sage said before the Sages punched fire towards them.

Aang acted quick and used his airbending to extinguish and deflect their fireballs before it hit any of them.

"I'll hold them off. Run!" Aang yelled. Luna and Sokka ran while Aang did a spinning cobra kick and used his airbending to knock all the Fire Sages down before running after Luna and Sokka.

"If the Avatar contact Roku, there's no telling how powerful the boy will become. Split up and find him." the same Sage ordered. Then all the Sages split off to look at different parts of the temple.

Luna and Sokka were running when Aang slid out of one of the hallways in front of them.

"Follow me!" Aang said as he kept running.

"Do you know where you're going?" Sokka asked hopeful.

"Nope." Aang said crushing his hopes as he turned a corner. Then he ran back towards them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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