16. City of Omashu

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~With the Gaang~

"The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!" Aang announced with his arms wide, presenting the city of Omashu to the two siblings.

"I used to always come here to visit my friend Bumi." he told them with a smile on his face.

Luna was really excited. She knew that they would be meeting Bumi in Omashu and he was also one of her favorite characters. The crazy old king that was actually smart, plus he was one of the strongest earth benders in the show.

"Wow! It looks amazing." Luna said with wide eyes.

"That's one big city." Sokka commented.

"Well, come on slowpokes. The real fun is inside the city." he said, jumping off the little mountain top they were standing on and using his air bending to land softly on lower ground.

"Wait, Aang. You can't just go around with your arrow pointing at you showing that you're the Avatar." Sokka told him.

"Yeah, you need a disguise." Luna said.

"Where am I gonna get a disguise?" he asked, confused.

"Oh, I think I have an idea." Sokka said turning to look at Appa while Luna just giggled knowing how this was gonna go.

"OH, this is so itchy." Aang complained scratching his head where a big clump of Appa's fur was tied. He also kept moving his mouth because Appa's fur was itching him there too from where they made the fake mustache.

"How do you live in this stuff?" he asked his furry friend but the only response he got was Appa snorting at him.

"Great, now you look just like my grandfather." Sokka complimented, looking very pleased with his work.

"Technically he is 115 years old." Luna pointed out.

"Now, let's get to skipping, young whippersnappers! The big city awaits!" Aang said in an old man voice as he used his air bending to pick up his staff from the floor so that he could pretend to use it as a walking stick as he turned to walk towards the city.

The three of them plus Momo who sat on Aang's shoulder and Harmony who sat in Luna's hair hiding all walked up the narrow road that led up to the city.

"You guys are gonna love Omashu. The people here are the friendliest in the world." Aang told them with a smile. Only for it to leave his face when they all heard the yelling at the city entrance.

"Cabbages?! What kind of slum do you think this is?!" one city guard yelled before crushing the cabbage in his hand and knocking the cabbage out of the merchant's hand.

Then he used his earth bending to launch the cabbage filled cart off the ground and into the air which sent it plummeting down off the narrow road.

"No! My cabbages!" the merchant cried watching his cabbages fall.

"Well, that was rude." Luna commented as the three of them watched the cabbages fall.

"Just keep smiling." Aang told them as they walked towards the guarded entrance of the city.

"State your business." a guard commanded as he moved forward and moved his right arm in an upward motion that brought a boulder up from the ground and he held it up in the air above Aang using his earth bending.

But Aang moved forward with fast speed using his air bending to move quick successfully distracting the guard and making him lose focus causing the boulder to drop to the ground where Aang once was standing.

"My business is my business, young man, I've got half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddle our backside." Aang yelled in his old man voice while pointing at the shocked guard.

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