11. Meeting Captain Zhao

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"I can't wait to show you it, Luna. The Southern Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the whole world. After you of course." Aang told her with a big smile as they prepared Appa for the flight ahead.

"Thanks, Aang," she said blushing at the fact that he just called her one of the most beautiful places in the whole world.

"But Aang you have to remember what I told you about what the Fire Nation did 100 years ago. The place you know might not be the same." Luna said solemnly.

"I know. But despite what we find there it will always be my home. I grew up there. It's where I met Appa and we became lifelong friends. Isn't that right buddy?" Aang said trying to see the bright side as he hugged Appa.

Appa groaned in response and licked Aang affectionately causing him to let out a whine as he tried getting Appa's spit off himself while Luna giggled at him and Appa.

"Sokka come on, wake up I wanna show you guys the Southern Air Temple," Aang said walking up to the sleeping Sokka who was still in his sleeping blanket near their dying-out fire.

"Mmh Sleep now, Air Temple later." Sokka denied groaning and turning over in his sleeping bag.

Aang frowned before a big grin broke out on his face and he grabbed a stick when he got an idea.

"Ahh, Sokka wake up! There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!" Aang shouted with fake scaredness in his voice.

And just like that Sokka's eyes opened and he started screaming and jumping around.

"Ahh ahh! Get it off! Get it off!" Sokka shouted before he fell to the ground causing Luna and Aang to laugh.

"Great! You're awake, let's go." Aang said with a smile as he gazed at Luna who was still giggling at the fact that Sokka fell on the ground.

~With Zuko~

Zuko was in his bedroom, sitting in silence thinking about the girl he had seen earlier. He didn't want to forget the moment he met her so he started writing a letter to her.

Of course, he wasn't ever going to send it. This letter was more like a journal to make sure he doesn't forget.

~Letter Begins~

Dear Saphire,

I don't know your actual name so I've just been calling you Saphire because your eyes are so blue and beautiful just like Saphire gemstones.

I have no idea who you are but when my eyes locked with yours it was like nothing I have ever felt before. I felt everyone and everything around me disappear and all I could see was you.

I was about to give the order to shoot down the Air Bender and his Bison but once I saw you could get hurt I couldn't even get the words out of my mouth and just watched as you flew away into the distance.

But that's okay because I know that I will be seeing you again and I will make sure that no harm comes to you from any of my men or myself.

I am sorry that I invaded your village but it was amazing seeing the way you stood your ground ready to take on all of my soldiers if they tried coming into your village.

You looked so fierce and beautiful like a warrior princess who protects her people and everyone she cares about. However, I wasn't able to capture your full beauty until I locked eyes with you.

I pray to the Spirits that you are kept safe while traveling with the Avatar. Especially with how many Fire Nation Soldiers would kill anyone in their way just so they can deliver the Avatar to my Father.

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