8. Bad News

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"Where are we going?" Aang asked as Luna grabbed his hand and started leading him away from her village.

"I have to tell you something and I have to make sure there are no interruptions," she told him.

She stopped walking making Aang stop walking too and look at her with a questioning look since they were in front of a wall of solid ice..

Ignoring his questioning look she let go of his hand missing how he reached for her hand not wanting to let go and in a swift movement of her arms, the wall of ice in front of them turned into water and parted to make a door of flowing water.

Luna walked in and Aang followed her in looking at the room they walked into with amazement. It was a wide open room all made of ice.

There was a sitting area with a couch made of ice and a big bowl of water in front of it.

"Woah, where are we?" he asked with wide eyes.

"This is a place that I go to when I want to practice my water bending," she told him.

"Cool, you have a skylight," he said looking up at the open hole in the ceiling that you could see the moon through.

"Yeah, that's actually how I learned water bending. By watching how the moon push and pulled the tides, then I would come in here and practice that. I made the skylight because I noticed that when I can see the moon my water bending is stronger and easier to control." Luna explained sitting down on the couch and patting next to her for him to join her.

"So what did you need to talk to me about?" Aang questioned curiously.

"Okay so what I'm about to say is going to be shocking but please don't interrupt me." she started off making him nod his head 'okay'.

"To start off I know you're the Avatar and before you try to deny it Avatar Roku came to me in a dream last night and told me about how you're the Avatar and how mine and Sokka's fates are intertwined with yours now," she said.

"But that's not all. The world is currently at war with the Fire Nation - " she said but she got interrupted.

"That's impossible, I have friends, and some of them are even members of the Fire Nation," Aang said shaking his head in denial.

"Aang you were in that iceberg for a long time. Avatar Roku told me everything. You disappeared 100 years ago when you were trying to run away because the air nomads were trying to force you away from the one place you called home." she said grabbing his hand sympathetically.

"It was horrible. Apparently, the Avatar is told who they are on their 16th birthday but the Monks told me when I turned 14 and it changed my whole life at the Temple." he started as tears gathered in his eyes clouding his vision and he turned his head so she wouldn't see him cry.

"My friends wouldn't let me play in any of our usual games because they thought I had some sort of advantage now and it wouldn't be fair. The Monks were trying to send me away to leave the Monk who raised me, Monk Gyatso. So I ran a-aw-away." he said stuttering because a lump formed in his throat.

"Hey, it's okay. Come here," she whispered comfortingly as she scooted closer to him so she wrap her arms around him as he held her tightly burying his head in the crook of her neck.

After calming down a little he pulled away from her a little but still kept their hands intertwined loving the warm feeling it gave him inside.

"The last thing I remember before going into the iceberg was a hellish storm that pushed me and Appa out of the sky and into the sea," he said finishing his story.

"Your Avatar state was probably activated because it sensed that you were in danger and saved you in the only way it could. Which explains how you ended up in the iceberg," she told him stroking the backhand with her thumb to comfort him as best as she could.

"I have to head back to the Southern air temple soon. Haha, I haven't cleaned my room in 100 years. I'm definitely not looking forward to that." he joked trying to lighten the mood but it definitely didn't work because all it did was remind Luna that she had the be the bearer of bad news again.

"Aang..." she started again.

He looked at her questioningly because one she didn't laugh at his joke at all and two the tone she used when she said his name.

"Aang there's something you should know. The Fire Nation's first act of war was on the Air Temples," she told him making him shake his head in denial of what she was insinuating.

"No tha-that's not possible. The only way to get to any of the air temples is with a flying bison, like Appa. There's no way they were able to attack them." he said in denial getting up off the couch and pacing in front of the couch.

"It was theorized that Firelord Sozin used Dragons to get to the Air Temples. He knew that the Avatar would have been reborn as an air bender so the first thing he wanted to do before decreeing war on the world was to get rid of the Avatar," she explained.

"They wiped out all the Air Nomads. No one's seen an air bender in 100 years until you came out of the iceberg." she finished.

"So that means I'm the last air bender?" he whispered in a broken voice. He had stopped pacing but he wasn't facing her so she couldn't see his face but his shoulders were shaking a little so she could tell he was either crying or trying not to cry.

Luna got up from the couch and walked up to him and hugged him tightly from behind.

His eyes and arrows had glowed briefly but when she hugged him he calmed down enough for the glowing to stop. Instead, he was just standing there crying, heartbroken over the fact that he was the last of his people.

He had been crying for a good 10 minutes before his tears finally ran out and he couldn't cry anymore.

He turned around with her arms still around his torso and hugged her so she was close to his body and he leaned his head down to rest it on top of hers.

(I am making him taller than her by like 3 - 4 inches)

"I'm sorry," she whispered into his chest.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault," he whispered back.

"Are you okay?" she asked moving her head so her chin was resting on his chest and she was looking up at him with her beautiful blue eyes with nothing but genuine concern shining through.

But when she heard what question she asked she put her head back down so it was now her forehead resting against his chest and sighed.

"Sorry, that was a stupid question," she said into his chest which came out mumbled but he still understood her.

He chuckled a little which made his chest fumble so she looked up at him again in question.

"No, it's okay. I'm- I'm getting there," he told her.

"Thank you for telling me about my people and for being here to comfort me," he said giving her a small smile as his arms tightened around her a little.

"It's getting late. We should be heading back." Luna said looking at the skylight where she could see the night sky.

He was gonna reply but was interrupted by Luna's stomach grumbling causing her to blush and hide her head back in his chest as he chuckled.

"Yeah let's go. We could get you some food," he said smiling down at her even though she couldn't see him since her head was still buried in his chest,

Luna pulled away from their hug first so she could start walking back towards the doorway in order to water bend the door so they could walk out.

Luna knew Zuko was probably on his way and would probably be at her village by tomorrow and not earlier like in the show since she and Aang didn't set off the booby trap that was on the Fire Nation ship that alerted Zuko where they were.

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