26. Iroh and Sokka Saved

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~With Luna~

After Luna had woken up from resting, she decided to take Appa out and wanted to test something out. They landed somewhere in the middle of the dead forest with a container of water with her.

"This should work right? I mean if I can heal a person using water, then why would't it work on plants?" Luna asked Appa knowing that the flying bison wouldn't be able to answer but still needed to ask it out loud.

"Okay let's start off nice and easy." she sighed as she walked to one tree and sat down in front of it.

She used her water bending to pull some water out of her container and then used it to cover her hands before placing them on the dead tree and before she knew it the water glowed and the tree started to come alive again.

What was once burned to a crisp, was now regaining it's water and natural color.

"Oh my god, it worked! Appa it worked!" she shouted hugging Appa as the tree grew to a large size. It was an interesting sight, the one large and healthy tree surrounded by burned remains.

After she had used up all of the water she brought with her to heal as many trees as she could Appa started flying back to the village.

But as they flew Zuko saw the large flying bison in the sky alerting him that the Avatar and his Saphire was near.

"Appa, I think I see a person over there. Fly that way." she said seeing one moving thing on a trail.

~With Zuko~

Zuko had sent his soldiers back to the ship to wait for his return so that he could track his uncle faster and more stealthy.

He was going to turn to track the Avatar after seeing the flying bison in the sky but he shook his head and went back to following the trail that the earth benders animals left.

It had been a few minutes after he had seen the flying bison when he heard a noise behind him making him turn around.

"What the-?" he started saying when he saw what was behind him.

The Avatar's bison had landed on the trail right behind him. But because of the height of the large creature he couldn't see if there was anyone on the back of it.

"Hi, I saw you on the trail and I was wondering if you were lost or something?" Luna said as she climbed down the side of Appa's saddle.

"I-" Zuko tried forming words but she had rendered him speechless.

"Sorry, I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Luna, you're Zuko right?" she questioned as she offered her hand for a handshake.

"Y-yes, that's right. I'm Zuko, it's nice to meet you Saph- I mean Luna." he said as he gave her a nervous smile as he accepted her hand but instead of shaking it like she expected him to he brought it up to give it a gentle kiss making her blush and turn away in hopes to hide the pink tint on her cheeks.

"So, why are you on this trail without your soldiers and Uncle?" she asked him curious as to why he was alone.

"Oh, I was actually searching for my Uncle. He's been kidnapped by some Earth Kingdom soldiers." Zuko explained.

"Iroh's been kidnapped? That's terrible. Do you need some help?" Luna asked worried.

"Why would you want to help me? I attacked your village and have done nothing but chase the Avatar down." he questioned feeling skeptical of what she was offering.

"Yeah, but I mean it seems you have more pressing matters and your uncle has been very nice to me in the passing moments that I've met him. It would be very wrong of me to judge you and your uncle just because you're from the fire nation. You guys seem nice and my dragon doesn't seem to think you two are any threat to me and I always trust her judgment." Luna explained to him with a kind smile.

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