9. Meeting the Prince

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~With Prince Zuko~

The next morning when Iroh came out of his room to check on his nephew he heard him from above deck.

"Helmsman! Set a course! That's where the Avatar has been hiding." Zuko shouted pointing to a spot in the distance where you could make out a small village.

"Zuko have you not slept yet?" Iroh questioned even though the answer was obvious.

"I can sleep after I capture the Avatar. Until then rest is unimportant." the young prince dismissed in a hard tone making his uncle shake his head in disappointment that his judgment has become so clouded to where he doesn't even take care of himself

~With Luna~

"Luna, your mother said it's time to wake up," Aang said shaking her gently awake.

"Hmm?" she asked opening her eyes a little and then closing them back up because of the brightness.

She let her eyes adjust to the light first before fully opening them again.

Aang had zoned out because he was lost in admiring her natural beauty.

"God even just waking up she looks so beautiful." he thought to himself.

Luna took a second to take in her bearings but when she did she realized that Zuko would be arriving in her village today.

Honestly, even though she's had 15 years to think about what to do when this time came she's kind of been procrastinating with her choices.

"Aang I thought you were gonna wake up Luna?!" Sokka shouted, before walking into Luna's room.

When he walked in he saw Aang staring at his sister with red-tinted cheeks as she brushed her hair

"Oh no, you don't!" Sokka yelled grabbing Aang and dragging him out of her room.

"Wha-?" Aang said as he got dragged out.

"I saw that." Sokka accused pointing his finger at the younger boy.

"Saw what?" Aang asked innocently.

"Saw what?" Luna asked walking out of her room.

"Nothing." Sokka denied not taking his eyes off of the Airbender.

"Okay, come on then," Luna said shrugging her shoulders.

Then she grabbed Aang going to her mom who was helping make food for the village.

"I'm watching you." Sokka mouthed while doing the 'i'm watching you finger signal'. He promised his dad that there would be no boys and he was gonna keep that promise.

'What's this?" a kid asked picking up something dark from the snow.

"That's soot. It means the Fire Nation is near." Sokka said with a dark expression.

"You! The beam of light from your iceberg showed them where we are!" Sokka accused Aang.

"I-I di-didn't me-mean to," Aang said with an apologetic expression looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"Sokka it wasn't his fault. Plus we don't have time for this." Luna said getting between the two so Sokka wouldn't attack Aang.

Luna put her pinkys in her mouth and whistled alerting Harmony that she needed her.

Harmony flew out of Luna's room where she was sleeping and grew to full size tilting her wing down so Luna could climb on her.

Then Harmony flew a little in the air to get the attention of the village

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