12. Touring the Southern Air Temple

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"Come on we have a whole temple to see," Aang told them running over to them but before he could get too close to see the Fire Navy helmet Sokka and Luna ran to meet him halfway.

"Luna, Sokka, I have someone I want you to meet," Aang exclaimed standing in front of a statue.

"Who's that?" Sokka asked.

"This is Monk Gyatso. The greatest Airbender in the world. He taught me everything I know." Aang explained with a smile then he turned back to the statue and bowed as a sign of respect to his old teacher and friend.


"But the true secret is in the gooey center." Monk Gyatso said using his airbending to rise the center of the cake.

"Hmm." Aang said unenthusiastically letting Gyatso know he heard him as he sat on the edge of the building looking bored out of his mind

"My ancient cake making technique isn't the only thing on your mind, is it Aang?" Monk Gyatso said knowingly as he put the cake in his hand next to the other three he made.

"This whole Avatar thing - maybe the monks made a mistake," Aang said hopefully.

"The only mistake they made was telling you before you turned 16. But we can't concern ourselves with what was. We must act on what is." Monk Gyatso said wisely as he gestured out towards the whole Southern Air Temple population where you could see Air Bisons and Monks all around the lively filled land.

"But, Gyatso, how do I know if I'm ready for this?" Aang wondered.

"Your questions will be answered when you're old enough to enter the air temple sanctuary. Inside, you will meet someone who will guide you on your journey." Gyatso said to him effectively perking up the young airbender's attitude.

"Who is it?" Aang asked as he used his airbending to lift him up to change his sitting position to face Gyatso with a smile.

"When you are ready, he will reveal himself to you." The older Airbender said.

"Hmm" Aang sighed disappointed with the answer he was given.

"Now are you going to help me with these cakes, or not?" Gyatso asked.

Aang's eyes softened when he looked at Gyatso because he knew that the old monk was trying to cheer him up from his bad mood.

"All right." Aang agreed with a smile.

Then he got up to stand next to Gyatso in front of a cake with purple frosting in the center and they started to move in sync.

"1...2...3" Gyatso counted off and on the count of 3  each launched a ball of air at the cakes sending them flying all the way up in the air until it finally came down and each of the 4 cakes landed on 4 old monks that were meditating.

A few lemurs came towards each of the cake covered monks to eat the cake.

"Hahaha" Aang and Gyatso laughed as they watched the scene.

"Your aim has improved greatly, my young pupil." Gyatso praised patting Aang's head affectionately as he bowed to his teacher.

~End of Flashback~

"You must miss him a lot," Luna said giving him a sad smile as she came to stand beside him and grabbed his hand in her's lightly making him smile at her.

"Let's go inside, there's someone I'm ready to meet now," Aang said giving her a little smile as he squeezed her hand gently.

Aang and Luna walked hand in hand up the stairs while Sokka walked beside them, not bothering to give Aang a look for holding hands with his sister since he knew he could use the support while touring the old Air Temple.

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