27. The Blockade

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It had been a few minutes after Aang told Luna and Sokka about the island and needing to talk to Avatar Roku by the deadline today but Luna needed to act quickly.

She knew that Aang would try to leave by himself without her or her brother so that he could try to protect them but first she needed to heal what she could from the burnt forest.

"Yip yip." she said as she got onto Appa's back, knowing that Aang could never leave Appa.

"Come on Appa just a little west and there should be a river. There! I see it!" Luna shouted as she saw the river. Luckily it was still near the dead forest so she wouldn't have to move the water too far.

"Okay, let's do this in quarters. I'll do that fourth first then move closer each time." she said thinking out loud.

She used her bending to pick up a large amount of water then had Appa fly over to the furthest part of the burnt forest, she took a deep breath and lowered the water gently onto the land while focusing on healing it.

All the water she was controlling glowed like it always does when she healed people and the dark burned color started to fade and light green started becoming more prominent.

She wasn't going to regrow the entire forest but just enough so that it would grow back faster than if it was burned.

Luna continued that process until the entire forest now had a light green color to it and no more charcoal. Then her and Appa went back to the village where sure enough, there was Aang who was packing up his sleeping back and other supplies that he might need.

"Luna, maybe you can help. He thinks it's a good idea to go straight into the the one nation that has been hunting him down for a century. THATS 100 YEARS!" Sokka screamed as he made wide gestures to the the bald Avatar.

"Aang you can't-" she started saying as she jumped of of Appa but as soon as her feet hit the ground she swayed a little making Aang and Sokka run forward to stable her.

"Are you okay?" Aang asked softly as he looked her over for any injuries.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I guess I just tired myself out a little too much healing the forest." Luna explained as they led her to sit down and brought her some water and food and Aang laid a blanket around her shoulders.

"Thanks." she said softly as she gulped down almost all the water,

"You said that you would only heal a PART of the forest. We agreed that the entire forest was too much. What would Dad say if I told him that I let you overdo it with your bending again?" Sokka said looking and sounding like a very stressed over protective brother.

"Well first of all, like I told you last time, you didn't LET me do anything. I think we've established that I could take you in a fight, with or without my bending. And like I told Dad last time, the only way that my bending will get stronger is if I push myself past my limits." Luna explained as she rolled her eyes and leaned her head on Aangs shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her.

"That's true I can't tell you how many times the monks trained us till we were too tired to air bend anymore." Aang added nodding his head in agreement.

"Now, onto you." Luna said turning to Aang who looked like a kid caught stealing cookies out of a cookie jar.

"You are not going anywhere near the Fire Nation WITHOUT us backing you." Luna said with finality in her voice.

"But-" he started to protest.

"No you heard her. Besides there is no point in fighting it. If we don't leave now then we won't make it before the solstice is over. The village leader already had people put the supplies they gave us onto Appa's saddle and Appa already had his dinner. So let's get going." Sokka said as he picked up his and Luna's sleeping bags.

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