13. His New Home

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~With the Gaang~

The lemur was still running trying to make sure that Aang couldn't catch him.

"Hey come back!" Aang called out.

"Come on out, Little Lemur," Aang said walking into a room.

But as he entered the next room he gasped at the sight in front of him.

"Fire benders," he murmured looking at the room full of dead fire benders' skeletons.

Against the wall all alone was the skeleton of what looked to be an Airbender. But as Aang looked closer at the skeleton he could see the Air bender necklace that Gyatso always wore.

"Gyatso" he whispered as tears came to his eyes and his heart felt like it was breaking. His knees went weak and he fell to his knees.

"Aang?!" Luna shouted getting worried. She had forgotten about this part where he chased Momo and found Gyatso surrounded by Fire benders, so she quickly took off after Aang started chasing after the lemur with Sokka chasing after her.

"Aang?" she said softly as she entered a room where she said him sobbing into his hands.

But it seems that she got there a few seconds too late because as she stepped foot in the room his tattoos were already glowing.

Luna knew it was too late and now every Avatar temple had their statues glowing meaning that the Fire Sages probably already sent word to the Fire Lord telling him that the Avatar is alive.

The air started to pick up around Aang like he was going to start a tornado and it destroyed the room around them.

"Sokka stay here I'm gonna try and calm him down," Luna said.

"Be careful," Sokka called out to her.

As she started making her way toward Aang he started floating off the ground getting higher and higher.

~With Zuko~

It was now sundown and Zuko and Zhao were starting their Agni Kai. Zuko knew that he needed to keep a clear and calm mind if he were to win this Agni Kai because last time he wasn't clear- and calm and it ended with him receiving a scar.

They were each on opposite sides with their backs facing each other as they kneeled on the ground. A few of Zhao's soldiers were on his side while Iroh was on Zuko's side.

"Remember your fire-bending basics, Prince Zuko. They are your greatest weapons." Iroh instructed his nephew.

"I refuse to let him win." Zuko declared with his Saphire's safety in his mind as he stood up and turned towards Zhao.

"This will be over quickly." Zhao declared as he faced Zuko.

One of the soldiers rang a gong and they both took a stance toward one another. They each stood shirtless and ready to fight.

"Hiya!" Zuko yelled as he punched at Zhao sending a blast of fire barreling at him but Zhao saw it coming so he sidestepped it before the fire could touch him.

But Zuko didn't stop at just one punch of fire, he sent 4 more blasts of fire at Zhao but the older fire bender dodged every single one of them except for his last blast which he blocked right in front of him.

At this point, Zuko was starting to get annoyed that he hadn't landed a hit on Zhao. He needed to win this fight so he could protect his Saphire from getting hurt or worse.

Zuko did a spinning crescent kick and fire flew towards Zhao but Zhao was bending fire at the palm of his hands and used it as protection so he could push the fire out of the way before it could touch him.

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