Back from the dead - Part 6 - Harvey x Reader

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The drive to (Y/n)'s apartment had been made in more or less complete silence. (Y/n) occasionally turning to smile at Harvey, before returning to stare out of the car window. Watching intently, as the lights of the city passed by. She hadn't seen Gotham in so long. And despite its less then glowing reputation, she had missed it. She had missed the craziness. The weird collection of people that just like her, called the dark city home. But most of all, she had missed the precinct. She had missed getting up every morning and preparing herself for the mountain of paperwork that always sat on her desk. She had missed going to her favourite coffee shop. Missed Harvey's smile when she would hand him his beverage. Missed how Jim would never look up from his paperwork but would caress her hand with his thumb when she passed him his coffee. A tear coming to her eye, as her thoughts once again drifted to the man that she had had to leave. The man that she swore that she would never leave.

"We're here, sweetheart.............."


"We're here." Harvey repeated, as (Y/n) finally noticed that he had just pulled up outside her old apartment building.

"Oh, yeah........" (Y/n) chuckled in reply, as she unbuckled her seatbelt. Taking a deep breath before looking at her friend.

"I........I really appreciate you driving me, Harv. Sorry I wasn't a little more talkative on the way here. It's just that this is as much for me to take in, as it is for you. At some points over the last few years, I didn't think that I was ever going to see see you again. Some days I didn't think that I would get to see the next morning, never mind anything else. So, to be here; to see Sarah, you.......Jim......... To be back at my old apartment........ It's all a little crazy. And I don't know what I would do if you weren't here." The detective explained, as she reached out and took Harvey's hand. Harvey moving so that he could pull her into his arms. The older man still having the strangest feeling that at any moment he would wake up, and this would all be some kind of dream.

Despite the fact that he and (Y/n) had already spent some time talking in the captain's office, (Y/n) hadn't really told him what she had been doing for the past three years. Though she had alluded to the fact that it was dangerous. That she had had to be someone that she hadn't wanted to be. Yet this was the first time that she had said that she had feared for her life. That they really could have lost her.

"Do ya want me to come up with you?" Harvey enquired. His heart pitter pattering as he felt (Y/n) nod against his shoulder. The male detective more than happy to be there for her in any way that she wanted.

"Come on then. Let's start your life again............."


"Do you want me to do it?" Harvey asked, as he watched (Y/n) just look at the keys in her hand, as the pair of them stood outside the door of her home.

" I can do this. Its just an apartment, isn't it. I mean, if I can suddenly turn up back at the precinct like it was nothing, then I can do this.........right?" (Y/n) replied, as she selected the right key and slipped it into the lock. A soft click being heard, before the door slowly opened. The female detective reaching around into the darkness to find the light switch. Both she and Harvey squinting as the blackness was replaced by an overly bright glare. The two eventually able to see the room that lay beyond. Its white sheet covered furniture, appearing strangely creepy. Especially when coupled with the heavy odour of dust and stale air.

"Stay!" (Y/n) suddenly exclaimed, as she and Harvey continued to stand in the doorway.


"Stay. Will you stay..........? I don't know if I can take being one my own tonight. The last time that I was here, was the night before I knew I had to leave this all behind. Was the last time that I was with Jim. I don't think that I will be able to stay if I have to be alone." (Y/n) explained, as she turned to look at her friend. Harvey nodding softly, as he saw the pleading look in her eyes.

"I tell you what. Why don't you go inside and uncover the furniture, and I'll go and get us something for dinner. Once I get back, you can tell me more about what you've been doing. And I'll stay the night on the sofa. I mean, it's not like it'll be the first time is it." Harvey chuckled, remembering back to the days when he and Jim would find themselves at (Y/n)'s apartment working on a case. The two male detectives often waking up to find themselves sprawled out over the furniture with a pillow behind their heads and a blanket to keep them warm. The older man kissing (Y/n) on the forehead before turning to make his way back down the corridor.



"Can you get me a hair dye..............?"

"Hair dye.............?" Harvey countered, giving (Y/n) a slightly confused look.

"Yeah. I'd like to look like me when we get to the precinct tomorrow, and this hair just isn't me." (Y/n) explained, as she twirled a piece of the long pink hair around her finger.

"You have a point there, sweetheart. Sure thing....." The detective agreed with a chuckle, before turning and starting back towards the elevator.

"Oh, and Harv............."


"Thank you................." 

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