Sweet talk - Part 2 - Harvey x Reader

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Harvey made his way down the sidewalk. Stopping as he got to the front of (Y/n) luxurious apartment building in the best part of town. The Irishman still unable to believe that (Y/n) would insist on working for the GCPD when she was smart enough to do so much better. When she didn't even have to work. The detective fumbling with the large bouquet of flowers that had seen better days, as he tried to straighten his tie. In truth, he had been lucky to get the flowers. Just managing to catch a florist as they closed for the day. Harvey grabbing for the biggest bunch that he could find before shoving the money into the owner's hands and racing out of the store. Hoping that the blooms would, in part, make up for whatever he had done.

In all honestly, Harvey wasn't sure what had got (Y/n) quite so hot under the collar. Ok, he probably shouldn't have put the file in her pile. He knew, that just like he and Jim, (Y/n) had more than her fair share of cases. But really, he had only done it as a joke. He knew that she would find it almost straightaway. That she would know where it came from. That she would come marching into the office, throwing the file back at him, before telling him to work on his own damn cases. Then she would turn and walk away. Allowing him to take in the wonderful sway of her hips. Hips that he loved to hold. Hips that he loved to have buck up against his, as he lay over her. As they............

"Detective Bullock." A voice called out, as Harvey made his way into the building. The security guard smiling as he looked between the bunch of flowers and the detective.

"I take it that you're here to see Miss (Y/l/n)?" The guard enquired, as Harvey took off his hat and dropped it onto the counter.

"Yeah. What gave it away?" Harvey replied. Doing his best to not sound as sarcastic as he wanted to be.

"Another social call, huh? I'll let Miss (Y/l/n) know that you're coming up." The guard continued with a chuckle. Picking up the phone to call (Y/n)'s apartment. Harvey reaching over the counter and taking the receiver out of the man's hand and placing it back in the cradle.

"It's a surprise." Harvey explained. Patting the man on the shoulder before picking up his hat, and making his way over to the elevators.

"Oh, okay. Have a good night then, Detective." The guard called out. Harvey shaking his head as the door to the elevator closed.

Okay, so he and (Y/n) had been together for a while. It wasn't that he wanted to keep their thing a secret. If he were to be completely honest, he wanted to shout it from the rooftops, that he, Harvey Bullock of all people, was in a relationship with a beautiful and intelligent woman. A woman that could see past all his glaring faults. A woman that could make his toes curl whenever she got him in bed. It was just that he thought it made sense for people not to know that they were an item. So that the criminals couldn't use one against the other. So that they wouldn't harm (Y/n) to get back at him. And even though most of the time (Y/n) agreed that it was the best idea, recently something seemed to have changed. And Harvey could only presume that that was what all this was about.

Most of the time they got on great. Most of the time, everything was amazing. They worked well together, and as far as Harvey was concerned, they did a lot of other things well together. And there was something fun about sneaking around behind everyone's back. There was a strange thrill about the fact that they could have a relationship under the noses of all those cops, and none seemed to be any the wiser. That they could pull one another into a free room and have heated make out sessions. His hands exploring every inch of her body, until they heard a nose. The pair straightening their clothes before making their way back to the squad room, acting like nothing had ever happened. The only time that they ever really argued, was when he took it upon himself to try and persuade (Y/n) that being a cop in Gotham probably wasn't the best thing to be. That it would be better to leave it to, as he put it, people like Jim and himself. To which (Y/n) would always reply, "What? You mean men?" To which Harvey would then reply "Well........yes". Which would result in him having to dodge a flying object that had been aimed right at his head. It wasn't that he meant it that way. Okay, he was a bit old fashioned in certain respects. So, shoot him. But that said, it wasn't that he didn't think that (Y/n), or any other female officer couldn't do the job as well as any of the guys. It was more that he was afraid of losing her. Afraid of her getting shot. Afraid of her getting taken by some crazed criminal that would torture her. Or something worse. He had tried to tell her that he only said those things because he cared about her. Because this wasn't just some kind of dumb office romance. A quick roll in the hay between shifts. That he wanted what they had together, to last forever. That he.......well that he loved her. Not that he had had the nerve to say that last part yet, but still.

As the door to the elevator opened, Harvey took a deep breath before stepping out onto the floor. The detective slowly making his way down the long corridor to (Y/n)'s apartment. Harvey just hoping that the evening would end up as it normally would when (Y/n) was angry at him. That she would finally let him in after he had stood on her doorstep for a while. Glaring at all the nosey neighbours as they stuck their head out to see what was going on. Harvey taking great delight in flashing his gun and badge, and watching the doors quickly slam. He would apologise for whatever it was that he had done this time. Telling her that he was just an idiot and that he would probably annoy her again, even though he didn't mean to. Then, (Y/n) would grab him by the collar and kiss him. The two ending up making love on the sofa. On the floor in front of the fire. On the countertop. Or anywhere else they could find if they thought the bedroom was just too far away. But this time, given what she had said to Jim, he had a feeling that it was going to take a little more than a few sweet words and the puppy dog look that he kept just for her.

Finally, he was stood in front of the oh so familiar door. The detective once again trying to straighten his tie. Pushing his hat under his chin, so that he could comb his fingers through his hair. The old brown hat placed back on his head, before he raised his hand to knock. The whole world seeming to go eerily quiet for a moment, before a voice rang out.


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