New position - Ed x Reader

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Ed made his way into Oswald's office. His brows furrowing as he saw the wide smile on the mayor's lips. Oswald wasn't supposed to have a meeting that day, yet it was obvious that there was someone in the high back chair opposite the once umbrella boy of Fish Mooney, that Ed couldn't see. The Mayor's Chief of Staff wondering what kind of visitor could bring such a smile to Oswald's lips.

"Ahhh, Edward........" Oswald said formally, as he got to his feet; finally acknowledging that the tall, slender man her entered his office.

"I believe that you two might know one another........" The mayor continued, pointing at the chair. Ed's brows furrowing until a figure rose elegantly from the chair and turned to look at him.

He hadn't seen the woman since his freedom had been bought from Arkham by Oswald. The former forensic science technician aware that at some point she had been experimented on by Strange and his assistant Peabody, in Indian Hills; but what they had actually done to her, that was a different matter. For despite their conversations, he had never been able to discover what Hugo's treatments, had caused to happen to her. Though he did have his suspicions.

When Ed had first been taken to Arkham; the shouts and screams of the other inmates filling his ears, he had caught sight of her before he had been dragged away by the guard. This exquisite creature, in the middle of all that dark madness, standing out like a shining beacon. Ed not able to take his mind from the vision, as he had been shoved into his cell; it being days before he had been able to see her again. Days and him coming to believe that he had been seeing things, before she had all of a sudden just been sat there, smiling at him as he had joined all the rest of the crazies in the large room.

"(Y/n)........" That was the first thing that she had said, as he moved to stand in front of her. Her hand held out for him to take. Ed feeling as though he had found someone that could truly understand him, as they had begun to talk. The beauty before him, never struggling to solve the riddles that he gave her; able to challenge him with not only her own puzzles; but also, with everything else that she had said. Ed unable to stop himself from being drawn to her the more time that they sat together and talked. The disgraced technician so taken with her, that despite the guards that were watching the pair, he had been able to pull her into one of the shadowy recesses of the asylum; his lips attacking hers, in a flurry of passionate kisses, which he was happy to find that she returned with equal hunger. Yet it was not until he had awoken one night, to discover her sat on his bed, that he had truly been able to do anything about the desire that he felt for her. Ed not caring how she had come to be in his locked cell, as he watched her remove her Arkham uniform, before crawling into bed with him. (Y/n) helping him remove his own clothes, so that they were led naked under the thin sheets. Her hands wandering his body, as his had moved over hers. Neither of them caring that they might be heard; sure, that their sounds passion would be drowned out by all the other noises that filled Arkham at night. It the first time of many that they would spend together, until Ed had been certified sane and seen off at the gates of the asylum by the warden, himself. The Chief of Staff believing that he would never see (Y/n) again, despite how many times he had tried to speak to Oswald about her. Though given that she was now stood in the same room as him, it was obvious that some way or another, she had been able to escape Arkham. Though whether that was thanks to Oswald or not...........

"Indeed, we do, Mister Mayor. Quite well, actually......." (Y/n) said, as she moved from the chair and made her way over to Ed. Holding out her hand for him to take, just as she had that first day they had met.

"Hello, Edward. How nice to see you again." She said, as the pair shook hands. Ed not sure what to think. Yet as she smiled at him, he couldn't help but feel the same feelings that he had had when they were in Arkham. The same lust cloud his mind, as she smiled at him.

"Miss (Y/l/n) here has made my day rather more interesting than I thought it might be, Edward. Her sudden appearance in my office, and her information, indicating that perhaps I am not as safe as I thought I might be. So, and after speaking with her for some time, I believe that she would make a most valuable inclusion to my staff; and I am therefore assigning her to the position of the head of my personal protection. Therefore, she will need to be advised on her role and of all my meetings and public appearances. I trust that you can take care of that......?" Oswald explained, as Ed and (Y/n) continued to look at one another.

"Oh, I am sure that Edward here will be able to show me everything I need to know about my new position. As I'm also sure that we will work closely together to ensure that your safety is taken care of. And, if you will excuse us, Mister Mayor, I believe that there is no better time to start than now. That way, I will be up to speed by the morning; even if that means he and I have to spend all night at it." (Y/n) said, as she turned to look at Oswald; giving the mayor one of her dazzling smiles, before she took Ed by the arm and pulled him from the office. Ed promising himself that he would ask her how she had managed to get into Oswald's office, when he got the chance. But for now, he and (Y/n) had positions to talk about.        

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