The one that got away - Part 6 - Ed x Reader

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"What are you doing............?" An angry voice came. Ed ignoring Edward as he took a seat on one of the stools.

"WELL!?" Edward continued. Ed jumping slightly, as his alter ego slammed his fist on the desk in front of him.

"I am getting on with my work." Ed replied, as he reached for one of the case files.

"Getting on with your work? Getting on with your work?! So, you are just going to sit there and let (Y/n) get away again? You are just going to let her slip through your fingers again...............?"

"She didn't wasn't to talk to me. And you heard what she said, she had other appointments...................."

"She was lying. She doesn't have any more appointments." Edward interrupted, his words causing Ed to turn around and look at his alter ego.

"What..........? How do you..................?"

"The twitch at the corner of her left eye. Have you forgotten............? Any time that she wouldn't tell the truth, she would get that little twitch. It's how we knew that she was angry at us, even when she said she wasn't. How we knew she was even in pain, even when she denied it. She had no other meetings today. So, why are you still sitting there.............?" Edward explained as he stared at Ed; Ed dropping his head as he thought back.

Of course, how could he forget. Once or twice, he had teased her about it, Ed laughing as she had denied it and the little tick in the muscle had become more pronounced. He had, as Edward had said, noticed it when he had done something wrong, and (Y/n) had promised that she was fine about it. When he had asked about her father after her mother had left, and (Y/n) had replied that he was fine. Whenever she was hurt by someone or something and didn't want him to worry. So, how could he forget. But even if it was true and (Y/n) didn't have any more meetings, that didn't mean that she wanted to talk to him. Captain Essen had given them a chance to speak in her office, but (Y/n) had quickly rejected the notion, simply commenting that they may be able to catch up at some other point during her stay. So, what did Edward expect him to do.

"Well, what do you want me to do? She didn't want to talk, and I don't know where she is................"

"She is at the Imperial..........didn't you hear her tell Bullock that? Now, you either go and talk to her, or I will...........I am not going to lose her again because you are a pathetic............"

"NO! You leave her alone. I..............I'll go and talk to her. I just........I just have things to do. I will go later................"

"You think that anyone will notice that you aren't here? That anyone will care. Are you worried that the likes of Dougherty will miss their punching bag if you leave? You go and see her now, or as I told you, I will do it." Edward quickly interrupted, knowing that if it was left, Ed would come up with reason after reason; excuse after excuse as to why he couldn't go and see her, and Edward would not allow that to happen.

Edward had been angry at Ed ever since he had come into being, for having allowed her to leave Gotham without them. He knew that she had been the best thing to ever happen to them. The only one that had truly cared; the only one that understood them; the only one that they had ever wanted to be with, and he was sure that she would still understand them now. That she might even still be able to love them.

"Fine..............." Ed sighed, as he got up from his stool and remove his white coat.

"But if she doesn't want to know, promise me that you will just leave this........." Ed continued, as he pulled his jacket around his shoulders.

"Promise..............." Edward replied, as Ed opened the door and made his way down the hallway. Ed not seeing the smile that kissed Edward's lips, as they made their way out of the precinct.


(Y/n) looked out of the window of her room. The dark grey sky had opened, and heavy rain drummed against the large panes. She had never really minded the rain. It gave the old city a sort of sparkle if caught in the right light, or under the rays of the moon. It made the dark, dangerous metropolis appear as something more than it was. Something magical; and the rain had certainly given her some magical memories, the best being the first kiss that she had shared with Ed, the first kiss that she had shared with anyone, other than the kisses she would give her parents.

It had been a day like any other, she and Ed watching through the window of her living room, as the spring rain had fallen from the sky. Her parents had had to go away for the day, leaving the pair to study. Leaving them to their joking and the mischief that they would get up to; (Y/n) deciding that it looked too beautiful outside to be just watching it. That it would be much more fun to be out in it. (Y/n) jumping to her feet and grabbing Ed by the hand, pulling him towards the door and pushing him outside. Laughing at his protests, as he had got wetter and wetter. Laughing as he had watched her just spin around and around with her arms open, welcoming the rain to soak her. (Y/n) suddenly finding herself pulled into his arms. Ed's lips crashing into hers; the young woman wondering for a moment what had come over him, but then realising that she didn't care what it was, that all she wanted to do was kiss him back. The two standing in the rain, just kissing; just holding one another close.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, (Y/n) taking one last look at the rain soaked world beyond her window, before making her way to the door and opening it. The breath catching in her throat as she saw her rather nervous looking visitor. One word leaving her lips, as he finally looked up at her. His dark hair and clothes sticking to his face and form thanks to the rain..........


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