Personal assistant - Part 1 - Butch x Reader

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"Mister Gilzean..................." A voice came. Butch looking up to see his personal assistant, (Y/n), make her way into the room.

"Today's correspondence.........." The P.A continued, as she placed a large handful of letters on the desk in front of the big man. Butch just nodding, before turning his eyes back to the papers that he had already been working on. (Y/n) waiting for a moment, before turning and making her way back to the door.

"(Y/n)..........." Butch called out, as (Y/n) placed her hand on the door handle.

"Yes sir.................?"

"Bring me some coffee. And I need you to work late tonight. I have some things that I need to go through for tomorrow.............." The big man continued. (Y/n) nodding, despite the fact that her boss had not lifted his eyes to look at her.

"Of course, Sir. Will there be anything else............?"

"No. Just the coffee....................." Butch replied. The room going silent once more, as the former right-hand man of Fish Mooney, went back to dealing with whatever he was dealing with. (Y/n) nodding once more, before making her way out of the office.


"Still mooning over Butch I see..............." A chuckle came, (Y/n) turning from the coffee pot, to see a smiling Tabitha coming towards her.

"Miss Galavan, I don't................."

"Please don't bother trying to protest, (Y/n). I know that look in a woman's eyes; and I see it every time that you look at dear old Butch............" The former enforcer explained, leaning up against the wall; her arms crossed loosely over her chest as she smiled at the personal assistant.

"Not that I can blame you. Under that brutish, tough exterior, lies the heart of a real teddy bear. And there is nothing wrong with wanting a teddy bear........." Tabitha continued, before finally pushing herself away from the wall.

"You should tell him, you know...................."

"Miss Galavan, please, I............................"

"You're protesting again, (Y/n). It really doesn't suit you. You always pretend to be so prim and proper. Nothing but cool, calm efficiency and work, work, work. But I know that under that neatly pressed shirt and pants, is a woman that just wants to break free. That wants to give in to her desires. The desire to have big, bad Butch bend you over that desk and show you a good time..............As I said, you should really tell him; you never know, he might want the same thing as you.............." The younger sister of Theo added, before slowly beginning to walk away; leaving (Y/n) to look at the cooling cup of coffee in her hand.

(Y/n) didn't realise that she had made it that obvious; no one else had ever said anything, and most certainly not, Mister Gilzean; so, perhaps it was just Tabitha. The woman able to see things in her, to read her better than anyone else could. It was true to say that (Y/n) did have a strange sort of admiration for her boss. The big man had been through a lot. He had been devastated by the loss of Fish; and he had been brainwashed by Vicror Zsasz. He had been shot in the head by Barbara Kean, ending up in a coma. And then, to add insult to injury, two orderlies from the hospital he had been in, had taken his body to Slaughter Swamp and dumped him in the polluted waters; the chemical from Indian Hill, turning him into the creature that was Solomon Grundy. But despite all that, he had come through it. He had come through it, and was now in charge of the whole damn, dirty city.

But despite how well Miss Galavan had been able to read her, there was no way that (Y/n) could ever tell her boss that she felt more for him than admiration. Could never, as Tabitha had put it, tell Butch that she wanted the big man to bend her over his desk and show her a good time; even though she really would like to. (Y/n) liked her job, even though it was not exactly the most reputable position, working for a criminal kingpin; but this was Gotham, so most people seemed to be involved with crime in one way or another. That, and she liked it. So, if she did let it slip that she was attracted to his boss; that some of her nights she would find herself naked on her bed, imagining the big man looming over her. Of his lips kissing her skin, as his body pressed up against hers, (Y/n) feared that she might just find herself on the unemployment line...........or worse. This was a purely business relationship after all; the personal assistant feeling that her boss could never have feelings for her, when he and Tabitha were so close. So, she would go about business as always; she would hope that Miss Galavan would forget all about this, she would hope that she didn't say anything. And she would hope that even if the former enforcer had been able to see her desires, her boss couldn't. (Y/n) emptying out the now cold coffee, before making a fresh pot.   

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