A different kind of Christmas - Part 1 - Oswald x Reader

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Gotham was usually the most gloomy of places. A city that was dark and dangerous. Crime and criminals seemingly waiting around every corner. Yet even this often vile metropolis could on occasions be something more. On occasions there could be light in the darkest recesses of Gotham. And this was one of those times. (Y/n) looking up at the huge Christmas tree that stood majestically in front of the City Hall. The snow that covered the dirty streets, brightening the scene. Its diamond like sparkle giving the place quite the most magical of airs. (Y/n) sure that if she were to time it just right, she might even catch some playful sprite or mischievous yuletide imp fliting between the deep green branches of the tree. Playing with the bright decorations that that hung here and there.

Suddenly she felt something hard, something cold hit the back of her head. The boxes she held, that were wrapped in all manner of colourful paper, nearly tumbling from her arms as she turned around. Her eyes rolling, as she spied the grinning man that had thrown the frosty projectile.

"Harvey Bullock! How old are you..................?" (Y/n) enquired, a little harsher than she meant to, as Harvey made his way over to her. Shaking her head, as the Irishman just chuckled.

"Captain sent me to find you and bring you into the precinct. No harm in having a little fun while I do it............................."

"Bring me in? I try and have a few days away from that damn place, and I still get dragged back in. Why can't you and Jim just deal with whatever it is? I mean, despite all examples to the contrary, you and Gordon are good enough to sort out most things.............well.............Jim is anyway." (Y/n) retorted. It the female detective's turn to chuckle, as Harvey huffed under his breath at the comment.

"Well, seeing that I have to give up on one of my days off, you can help me with my packages. And just for the snowball, all you're gonna get is a lump of coal this year for Christmas, Harvey Bullock." (Y/n) added, as she pushed the pile of boxes into Harvey's arms, before making her way to the waiting car. Harvey not far behind, doing his best to see which one of the gifts had his name on it.


"Oswald! You are taking me into the precinct, for Oswald? I have been waiting for this vacation, for six months, six months! And now you are taking me into work, just because Oswald Cobblepot walked into the precinct...............?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief, as Harvey explained why she was needed back at work.

"Harvey.............can't Jim just deal with him? Oswald is always claiming that Jim's his friend....................."

"Oswald wants you..................."

"What...........? What do you mean that he wants me...................?"

"Exactly what I said. Our new mayor came waddling into the precinct looking for you. Demanded to see the captain and after a short meeting between the two, I was sent to find you. Got told it was important." Harvey continued. Shaking his head as (Y/n) crossed her arms and started to do a very good impression of a sulking teenager.

"Fine! But whatever it is, better be worth it................."


"Will you leave them alone." (Y/n) said, slapping Harvey's hand away from the pile of gifts on the back seat of the car. The pair having finally arrived at the precinct.

"I told you. You aren't getting anything but coal. But..........if you are very good and take me home after whatever this is, I might change my mind. Now, lets get this over with.............." The female detective added, giving Harvey a smile, before heading into the old building.


"(Y/n)........I..........." The captain began, as the female detective made her way into the room.

"Captain, Oswald...........Okay, lets get this over with. I had just finished my Christmas shopping and was about to go home and soak for the rest of the day in a bubble bath. So, whatever is going on, better be worth my time." (Y/n) quickly interjected, as she took a seat. Her brows furrowing as the new mayor of Gotham began to chuckle.

"Ah, detective (Y/l/n). You are quite the most refreshing of people. Always to the point................."

"Cut the crap................Mister Mayor. Just tell me why I'm here and then I can leave again..............." (Y/n) interrupted. Her brows quirking, as Oswald just smiled and looked to the captain.

(Y/n) had known Oswald for quite some time, from the moment that he had first started working for Fish Mooney to be precise, and she had to admit that she had found him quite interesting. A strange kind of acquaintance developing between the two. It obvious to the detective that despite his demeanour and manner, there was much more to Oswald Cobblepot than he was revealing. And now, here he was, proving her suppositions right. The once simple umbrella boy for Fish, now the mayor of the city.

"The mayor has requested your presence at the Christmas function that he is holding at the City Hall tomorrow evening. He believes that his person might be in danger and would like some protection from the GCPD..............." The captain began. Stopping when (Y/n) let out an amused snort.

"Look, I don't mean to be rude or anything to our new mayor, but............."

"But...........you are going to be................?" Oswald smiled, as he turned to look at her.

"Of course, I am, Oswald.........Firstly, I would say that you have enough overpriced, braindead thugs watching over you as it is. So, I seriously doubt that you need me, a simple, very underpaid police detective protecting you at your little get together for all the overprivileged of this city. And secondly............"

"Secondly...............?" The mayor enquired. His smile growing a little broader, as he leant back in his chair.

"Secondly...........I don't think that I have enough bullets in my gun to take out all the people in this city that would like to do you some harm. Now..........Mister Mayor...............If you will excuse me I have things to do............" The female detective continued, before she got to her feet and made her way to the door of the office. Her hand stilling on the doorknob as she heard Oswald speak.

"That might be true, detective. But.........you see.............I insist.........." The words came. (Y/n) turning to see Oswald slowly getting to his feet and make his way over to the door. The mayor placing his hand over hers and pulling on the handle. The apologetic look on the captain's face telling (Y/n) that she had no choice in the matter. The female detective huffing a "fine", before leaving the office and a still smiling Oswald. 

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