Personal assistant - Part 6 - Butch x Reader

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Tabitha made her way into the office. Her brows furrowing as she saw that (Y/n) was not at her desk. (Y/n) wasn't at her desk? (Y/n) was always at her desk when Tabitha came in. The personal assistant was a creature of habit. She was always in the office before anyone else was, just in case Butch needed anything. Her usual first job, was to make the boss, coffee, before sorting through the post; Butch going through it and then calling (Y/n) back into his office, so that she could take notes for his replies. The former enforcer finding herself chuckling at the predictability of the pair. So, to come in and find that the personal assistant was nowhere to be seen, was a little unusual. Tabitha taking a seat on (Y/n)'s desk, her mind going back to the day before; wondering if the absence of the personal assistant had something to do with what she had said.

The younger Galavan hadn't meant to upset (Y/n) when she asked if she was still mooning over Butch. She hadn't meant anything when she had noted that she had seen a look in (Y/n)'s eyes that she recognised, every time that she would look at the big guy. That there was nothing wrong with liking the teddy bear Butch, that was hidden under his often brutish, tough exterior. Nor when she had said that perhaps (Y/n) should say something to her boss, because Butch might want the same thing. Tabitha getting up and making her way over to the crime bosses private office, wondering how he was getting on without his right-hand woman.

"Morning Butch, where................" Tabitha began, as she pushed her way into the room. Her eyes growing wide as she saw the state of the office. Everything that had been on Butch's desk, was now scattered all over the floor. The former enforcer making her way inside and quickly looking around for any signs of a fight. Any signs that Butch might have been attacked when she and the others hadn't been there. For with the best will in the world, Tabitha knew that (Y/n) might be able to do everything around the office, but if it came to being confronted by one of Butch's rivals, then she would most definitely fall short. The younger Galavan sure that the assistant had never picked up a weapon, never mind knew how to use one.

Suddenly, Tabitha looked up as she heard a noise. A noise that sounded.......well, sounded like a squeal. The former member of the Sirens quickly following the noise. The squeal turning into the sound of a woman, moaning and groaning. The worst case scenario playing out in Tabitha's mind; that Butch and (Y/n) had been attacked while they worked late; that the assistant had been bound and thrown into Butch's bedroom, while he had been taken somewhere; or worse, when the door was opened, she would find the crime boss, dead. Tabitha bringing up her booted foot and kicking in the door to the bedroom. Her eyes widening, as she saw the scene in front of her.


(Y/n) hummed, as Butch combed his fingers through her hair. After the office, the big man had carried her to his bedroom. Butch ordering her to take off all her clothes, as he sat on the edge of the bed and watched. His eyes widening, as each piece of clothing fell to the floor. She hadn't realised until that evening, that being naked while calling her boss, 'sir', was such a turn on. The word before that, a simple way of showing respect for the man that employed her. But now, oh now it was so much more. The personal assistant, feeling her whole body flush, as she just stood before Butch; the big man rubbing his hand firmly over his crotch, as he stared at her, speechless. (Y/n) finding herself dropping to her knees and slowly crawling over to him. Stopping as she got to a spot just in front of him, reaching up her hands and placing them on his knees before slowly, ever so slowly pushing his legs apart.

"Please sir.................?" She asked. Butch nodding his head, and feeling a lump grow in his throat, as her hands creeped up his thighs, until her fingers reached his zipper. (Y/n) licking her lips, as she looked up at him.

"Please................" She said again. Butch just nodding once more, before watching as his assistant pulled on the button that fastened his pants, and then drew down the zip. His head rolling back, as he felt her take him into her hand, and then into her mouth. The crime boss placing his hand into her hair; bringing her to him, until he felt himself touch the back of her throat.

"Butch..........what are you doing..........?" (Y/n) giggled, as he suddenly disappeared under the covers. A squeal leaving her lips, as he pulled one of her legs up over his shoulder. The squeal turning into moans and groans, as his tongue lapped at her, as his fingers pushed inside her. The moment, that was promising to become so much more, brought to a halt as the door to the room was kicked open. Butch sitting bolt upright, with the sheets still over his head, and (Y/n) reaching for the nearest pillow in hopes of covering herself. Her eyes growing wide as she saw Tabitha in the doorway. The ex-enforcers confused look, turning into a broad smile, as the former right-hand man of Fish Mooney pulled the covers from his head.

"Well, good morning................" 

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