News - Part 1 - ? x Reader

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For Eddiesbee

This couldn't be true. But given what she was looking at on the item, it had to be. Though what her next step was to be, she wasn't quite sure, she had never been in this situation before. In truth, she never thought that she would be in this situation; her life revolved around work............well, it had done until she met him.

Him...........that was perhaps that is what she should do next, she should go and see him; though how he was going to take the news, she didn't know. He had been through so much recently. The funerals hadn't been that long ago, and now he had the boy to think about; so, this was the last thing that he would need. But he had to know, it was only right that she told him; after all, it would affect his life as much as hers.

Suddenly the phone rang again. She had ignored the last four calls, but if she continued to do so, she knew that the caller would come to her apartment and kick in the door. That he would imagine the worst and guns would be drawn, as he and several other police officers came barging in. So............slowly she got to her feet, picking up the phone and taking a deep breath before answering.

"Hi Harv............of course I knew it was you. Who else would be calling me?.................. Yeah I know that you've called four times, I didn't answer because I am doing something............yes, all day. No, I don't need you and Jim............... What? No, I don't need any uniformed officers. I've just got some information that I have to chase up................Harvey, will you stop sounding like a worried mother..................No, you don't need to put Jim..............Hi, I'm fine. The old mother hen just has to stop worrying about me...........Yes, I know, but you both have to remember that I am a big girl, and I have been an officer for long enough to know how to look after myself. Look, I have just received some important intel, and I have to chase it up, talk to the person involved. There's no danger, it's perfectly routine...............where am I going?................ I'm........I'm just..........Jim, I have to go; the sooner that I talk to this person, the sooner I will be able to figure things out. And the sooner I will be able to let you and mother hen in on all of this..............Yes, I will be careful...........yes.........yes............Ok, Jim, got to go................" The phone finally being put down. A heavy relieved sigh leaving her lips.

She hated lying to Jim and Harv. From the moment that she had put on the uniform and walked into the precinct that first day, the boys had been good to her, taken care of her. And then when she had become a detective, they had both taken her under their wings. They had helped her negotiate the craziness of the underworld of Gotham; and for all that, she cared about them. But as she had said, she had received some intel, and she had to talk to the person involved; she had to speak to him first and then she would be able to confess all to Jim and the mother hen.

Carefully, she pushed the item into her pocket, before she picked up the keys to her car. It was getting dark now; it had taken her this long to summon up the courage to leave her apartment, but now that she had, she wasn't going to stop until he knew too. And hopefully, by the time that she got there, that poor boy would be in bed. The female detective believing that sooner or later he too would have to know about this, given the relationship that the two shared; but, as with Harvey and Jim, that would have to wait.


The lights of the city passed by in a blur. In a way, it was like a dream; in part, not feeling real, but then again, feeling all to real. It seeming as though life had just grabbed her by the shoulders and shaken her into reality. A reality that was going to shake his world too.

He was a good man; a brave, kind, strong and goodhearted man. When she had first met him, thanks to a small incident that she had been sent to investigate, and despite the age gap, she had instantly been drawn to him. To others he could be seen as a little stiff, a little formal, but that came with the job. Yet when you got past that, when it was just him alone, he had a way of enjoying himself. A way of smiling, laughing, that made her heart beat quicker. When she would go around, just to make sure that the place was secure of course, she would sit with him in the kitchen and he would tell her some things about his past; about his life before Gotham, and she had been fascinated. She became caught up in his stories, caught up in him; and when he had finally kissed her, she had realised that all of this was not just one sided, that he felt something for her too; and from there.........from there it had progressed until they were meeting up whenever they could. Until she was spending her nights at the house with him, leaving early so that she wouldn't be discovered. So that none of this got him in trouble.

Slowly, she pulled up out the front of the home; she knew where she was to go, having no desire to ring the main doorbell and disturb the boy. No, she would make her way to the door that led right to the kitchen, and hope that he was there.

The air was cold as she made her way to the door; her breath hanging in plumes around her, as she balled her hand up into a fist and knocked on the door. Her heart jumping up into her throat, as she saw him appear. That all to familiar smile creeping across his lips, as he saw her and made his way to the door.

"(Y/n) everything alright...........?"

"Um, I........Alfred.............I need to talk to you.........."  

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