Play with fire - Part 15 - Ed x Reader

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For Emma53535

(Y/n) walked into the apartment, as Ed pushed the door closed, behind them. She had to say that it was a little surprising, a one hand, it was very.......well, very Ed; and then on the other, it wasn't......But she liked it. She liked all the large windows and the skylight, that was letting the rays of the moon fill the expanse. She liked the old sofa, that certainly looked like it had seen better days. And then there was the bed that dominated the space; its black metal frame and simple squared blanket that covered the top of the mattress, making her think of Victor's grandmothers house, when she was growing up. (Y/n) turning and smiling at Ed, as he made his way over to her; the female detective glad that he was there to take her mind off those memories; it not that she hated Victor's grandmother, no, she had adored the old woman; it was just that she despised Victor, and the last thing that she needed was to think about a bed in conjunction with that bald headed bastard. The last thing that she needed, was to remember that the last man that she had been intimate with, was the man that had left her for dead.

It might sound strange that it had been that long since she had known the touch of a man; but given everything that she had been though, the last thing that she had time to think about, was allowing herself to be that vulnerable, that open with someone else. She had been in the hospital for so long after Victor had shot her; doing all she could to not only heal the physical wounds, but also the mental scares. And then after she had finally been able to leave the hospital, she had had to hide herself away; not just because she still had more healing to do, but also to make sure that Victor had not realised that he had left her alive, and would come looking for her; that, and to give her time to change as much about herself as she could, while her plans for revenge formulated in her mind. And then had come the police academy; (Y/n) working hard to ensure that she became a detective with the Gotham PD. To build up a good, solid reputation. A reputation that would ensure that she would be given her own cases by an unsuspecting Bullock, Gordon and Essen. But now, with Ed, she truly did feel like it was time to allow herself a little intimacy. To allow herself to remember what it was like to be touched. And even though Ed looked a little nervous, as she placed her hands on his chest, she could feel he wanted it too. A small part of her hoping that she might see this other side of him; the side that had wanted to take over in the cinema and put his arm around her. To kiss her, as they sat in the back row.

"(Y/n), are you...........?" Ed began. Nervously pushing his glasses back up his nose, as her fingers slowly began to unbutton his shirt.

"Am I sure that I want this? Yes, Ed, I want it. I want you. I wouldn't be here if I didn't want this. And I don't think I would be here, if you didn't want this too. There doesn't have to be any more than tonight, if you don't want there to be. Any more than just two lonely people spending some time together, so that they can forget about the world for a little while. But, if you do............" (Y/n) popping the final button, and pushing apart the white shirt, that covered his lithe form, so that her fingers could finally touch the skin beneath.

"I would be more than happy to make this something more. Something that we can really share." The female detective added, as she placed her hand around the back of his neck, and slowly pulled his head down, so that she could place a kiss to his lips. Ed nodding slowly, before his hands made their way to her blouse.


(Y/n) dug her nails into the muscles of Ed's back, as he slowly pushed himself inside her. A soft moan leaving her lips, as his head moved to the crook of her neck, and his lips gently kissed the skin. She had to say that she found him beautiful; his pale skin taking on an ethereal glow, as the moonlight hit it. Her breath was already heavy, from him just touching her; from him groping at her breasts and sucking her hardened nipples between his lips. She was already breathless from seeing how dear, sweet Ed's body, reacted to the sight of her. From how he had moved his lips all the way down from her neck, until he was looking up at her from between her legs. One of his smiles pulling at his lips, before she had begun to feast on her. His tongue and his fingers, making her grip at the sheet beneath her, as they found their way inside her. The detective not able to believe that the riddling forensic science technician, had all this in him; but God, was she glad that he did. Her legs wrapping around his waist, as his thrusts became firmer, quicker. (Y/n) able to hear him mutter to himself, as he continued to move, and the sound of flesh against flesh filled the apartment. But she couldn't care if the voice in his head was talking to him; all she cared about was that he didn't stop. That this only ended when she had fallen over into that exquisite abyss; only ended when he had followed her, headfirst, over the precipice. Until they clung to one another for dear life, their bodies covered in sweat, and they smelt of nothing but sex. Her heavy eyes opening as she felt his hand grip at her throat. A roguish grin creeping across his lips, as an equally wicked sparkle appeared in his eye, and his grip tightened a little. The female detective placing her hand over his; not wanting to move it, but to encourage him to not let go. (Y/n) having a feeling that this was no longer the Ed that she knew, but the voice in his head that had taken over. Yet whatever the case, as long as it was the beautiful man above her, that was inside her; as long as it was one of the versions of Ed that was making her feel this good, she couldn't care. An exquisite shudder making her way down her spine, as he leant down and whispered into her ear.

"You're mine, now..................."  

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