Mister Mayor - Theo Galavan x Reader

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A request for GrindelwaldSparrow. Hope you all enjoy.😈 

Theo made his way to his office. Mayor. He was finally mayor of Gotham. But that didn't mean that he didn't still have his enemies. That didn't mean that he wouldn't trust Cobblepot not to come after him if anything were to happen to the ace that Theo had up his sleeve. But surly here, in his own home, he could let down his guard for a few moments. He could sit in his chair behind his desk and think about what horror he could now let descend on Gotham. And how he could finally get his revenge on Bruce Wayne.

Slowly he opened the door to the room. The familiar smell of well-aged scotch filling his sense, as he closed the door behind him. The calm silence, a breath of fresh air, after all the chaos of the day.

"I hope you don't mind, Theo. But I helped myself." A beautiful voice said. Theo's eyes growing wide, as he watched his large chair turn to reveal an exquisite creature dressed all in black, with a glass of scotch in one hand, and a rather big gun in the other. The barrel of which, was pointed right at his head.

"Oops, or should I call you, Mister Mayor. Hmmmmmm, actually, I think I do quite like that. Mister Mayor. It just so easily trips off the tongue. And it does suit you, Theo." The beauteous woman continued seductively, before taking a sip of the fine liquor from her glass.

"(Y/n)! How did you.......how did you get..............."

(Y/n). Why did it have to be (Y/n)? In a city crawling with killers, assassins and criminals of every kind, she was one of the best. One of the most sought after. One of the most expensive. But Theo had to admit, that she was worth every penny.

"Oh please, Theo. Getting through your thugs wasn't exactly a hard thing to do. But now that you are Mayor of Gotham, may I suggest that you use a little of the city's budget, to hire yourself a better security team. I mean, we wouldn't want Penguin to come after you if anything were to happen to dear old Gertrud, would we? I can imagine that that little freak would hold a grudge." (Y/n) interrupted, as she got up from the chair, and slowly made her way around the desk. The barrel of the gun never moving from its target, as she perched herself on the corner of his desk. Theo's eyes growing even wider, as he finally realised that the assassins all black outfit wasn't leaving much to the imagination.

"Why are you here, (Y/n)? Have you come to kill me? Killing the mayor......."

"Theo. If I had wanted to kill you, I would have killed you when that mysterious assassin's shot, missed its mark. Oh no. I am actually here for this and that, and lots of the other. Now, its not that I don't trust you, because let's face it, I don't. But I would like you to slowly, very, very slowly that is, to use your right hand to unbutton that very expensive suit jacket of yours. And then even slower, I would like you to remove it, and drop it to the floor before turning to show me that your handsome self, isn't armed." (Y/n) instructed, as her thumb pulled back the hammer of her gun.

"DO IT!" The order now came. Theo reaching up and unbuttoning his jacket, the whole item of clothing dropping unceremoniously to the floor, before Theo turned, as he had been instructed.

"That's a good boy, Theo. I do so like it when men in positions of power do as they are told. But I do find that the more power a man has in public life, the more he likes to have power wielded over him in private." (Y/n) cooed, as she looked him up and down.

"Now, I want you to lose the shirt. I don't like the idea that you could have something strapped somewhere I can't see it. And don't just rip it off, I want to enjoy watching you." (Y/n) added. A small smile pulling at her lips, as the dangerous new Mayor of Gotham did as he was instructed. The assassin licking her lips, as she watched Theo slowly pop each button, until the material was removed to reveal the flesh beneath.

"Is that it? Are your quite finished? Are you going to tell me what you have come here for, now?" Theo growled. The descendant of the Dumas family taking a step back as the assassin suddenly rose from his desk, her glass of scotch falling to the floor as she and moved to stand right in front of him. The end of the gun now sticking right into his temple.

"Did I say that you were allowed to speak? DID I?! No, I didn't. And no, I haven't finished. I will tell you when I am finished, Mister Mayor. I will tell you when I am satisfied. Because believe me when I say, I won't be leaving here, until I am completely satisfied, Theo. Now, what I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted, was that the next thing that I would like you to do, is drop your pants." (Y/n) growled in return. Her chest now pressed firmly against Theo's, as she slowly reached down her hand and brushed it across his crotch. Theo taking a sharp intake of breath as the assassin's palm began to gently stroke and caress his hardening manhood. A soft moan leaving his lips, as (Y/n) placed a kiss to flesh just below his ear.

"See, I was right. Not only did I know that you would be packing a weapon. And from the feel of it, it is quite and impressive weapon. I also knew that men like you, love to be dominated by a strong woman. That underneath all that bluff and bravado. Underneath all those fancy words, and even fancier suits that you like to present to the world, beats the heart of a submissive man, that wants nothing more than to be told what to do. Wants nothing more than to be used and abused, by someone like me. Isn't that right, my handsome Mister Mayor?" (Y/n) whispered into his ear. Theo unable to stop himself from slowly nodding his head. The feel of her wicked smile against his flesh, sending a shudder down his spin.

"That's a good boy. Now............" (Y/n) said, as she took a step back, before making her way over to the desk. Theo groaning as she removed her body from his. The new Mayor of Gotham desperate to once again feel her warmth against him.

"I want you to remove those pesky pants. And then you can come over here and show me what you can do with that weapon of yours." (Y/n) continued. A soft chuckle leaving her lips, as Theo desperately pulled at his belt. Sure, that he had never wanted to remove his clothes so much in his life.

"Why do you always have to do this, (Y/n)? Why every time that we are together do you feel the need to point a gun at my head?" Theo asked, relieved as he finally managed to take off the rest of his clothes. His naked body positioning itself between her legs, as he lay her back on his desk.

"Oh honey. If I didn't threaten to kill you, it would take all the fun out of everything. And don't pretend that you don't like it. That you don't enjoy it when I sneak in here, and make you behave." (Y/n) moaned, needily, as Theo pulled at the thin material that covered her form. Desperately wanting to feel her naked flesh against his.

"Now, be a good boy, Mister Mayor, and show a bad girl what you can do with that dangerous weapon of yours." The assassin hummed. Her fingers gripping onto the muscles on his back as she felt him push himself inside her. The once quiet air in the room, filling with desperate and needy moans, as Theo did exactly as he was told. (Y/n) sure that she would never grow tired of their little games. Nor that she would ever stop wanting her, Mister Mayor.      

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