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"Don't talk. Just follow me, I got this!" Jin dragged the short male to a clothing store in the mall.

It's Friday and the party is on Saturday, which is tomorrow but Yoongi got nothing to wear other than his regular look. His wardrobe is filled with all black t-shirts and jeans, even the formal ones are somehow the black coloured.

Jin, Namjoon and Hobi are invited to the party as well, because they are also the artists from the same company and Yoongi invited, Jungkook too. He didn't want to leave out the younger.

They all decided to wear a coded outfit to the party which is an idea that may or may not be forced on them to agree by a Jin. His ideas are always.. unique?

Namjoon decided to wear blue, Hobi with red, Jungkook with purple and Jin with pink, calling himself a pink prince. Finally with Yoongi, he had nothing but all black in his closet and Jin is not satisfied with those outfits, which is why he was dragged to a mall.

Yoongi just stood there watching his friend, choosing a perfect outfit for him.

Then again, what wouldn't look perfect on him?

After searching for a long time, Yoongi finally selected an outfit that Jin choose. It's not what Jin has in mind but it matched his fancy standards and looked good on Yoongi. So he approved the outfit.

Yoongi went back to his studio and Jin back to his work. The day went like any other day, busy, stressing and also fun with colleagues. All the time, Yoongi seemed to be in a good mood today. Which is one in a light year to see him smiling.

"What got you smiling, Minmin?" Yeon woo asked him when they were walking to the parking lot. Yoongi snapped out of thoughts and looked at Yeon, confused.


"You have been smiling all the day and no offense but it's kinda creepy" Yeon Woo shivered and Yoongi's smile grew more wider as he let out a little giggle that Yeon Woo never seen in all their days of working together. Damn, this is the first time he is seeing Yoongi smile, it's cute and beautiful.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why but I have a very good feeling about something and thinking about the possibilities of what it might be is making me smile" Yoongi shrugged.

Yeon woo just stared at him without even blinking for a second. This all new to him and he is used to Yoongi's sassy and grumpy side, not to this soft side. He always has a counter reply whenever he talked with Yoongi, but now, the older felt new to him and he didn't knew how to talk to this new Yoongi.

They both have a typical bond with each other that only these two understood. Yoongi's sassiness or the insolent behaviour never affected the younger. Yoongi never minded the younger's clinginess or the way Yeon Woo acts with him either. They both have that understanding where they can't have limitations which will be obviously useless with their stupidity.

"Cute" words slipped out of his mouth as he stared at Yoongi's smile.

"What?" Yeon Woo was snapped out of his trance, realising what he just said in his daze. But there is nothing to deny or pretend and they are not someone to be shy around eachother. They are used to eachothers bluntness.

"I said, you look cute when you smile" Yeon cooed, poking Yoongi's cheek. Yoongi swat his hands away as he rolled his eyes.

"Don't do that and I'm not cute" Yoongi glared at the younger but it looked even more cute to him and he chuckled at that.

"Facts, Minmin. You can't deny that" Yeon Woo pinched his cheeks and ran away before Yoongi could punch in his face.

"Bitch" Yoongi murmured and followed the younger. They got into Yoongi's car as they drove out of the company's building.

In a comfortable silence they drove back. Yeon Woo kept glancing at Yoongi from time to time and when Yoongi asked if something's wrong, he just gave him a smile and shaked his head.

After a little while, Yoongi stopped infront of a building, Yeon Woo's apartment. Yeon Woo waved at him and Yoongi nodded as he gave him a sweet smile which the younger melted for, again leaving him speachless.

"Want to come in for some tea?" Yeon Woo asked him hesitantly. Yoongi gave him a look as if he is judging a sudden change in the younger but quickly shook his head in denial.

"Sorry Yeon, but I have to go. I should get enough sleep for tomorrow's event" Yoongi politely said not to hurt the younger. Yeon nodded in understanding as he flashed his dimple smile. Yeon Woo didn't leave, he just stood there staring at the car door like he is thinking something which confused Yoongi. Just when Yoongi was about to say something, Yeon Woo spoke again.

"Minmin" he called Yoongi, still staring at the same place, avoiding to meet Yoongi's eyes.


"Have you ever thought of moving on from.." Yeon Woo dragged his words, finally looking at Yoongi, his dark but shimmering eyes. "You know, from Jimin?" he finished.

"Why is this important now? All of a sudden?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows, trying to read this new emotion in Yeon Woo's eyes.

Yoongi might seem like he doesn't care but he actually does and this emotion he has never seen in the younger's eyes is warning his insticts. He is not dumb to decipher them but he is not sure either because this is the first time he ever felt it in their long time working together. If this is going to be what he is thinking it is, then he have to make something clear for the younger, even if it might hurt him.

Yeon Woo doesn't know what is happening to him. He is in a trance, in a beautiful trance, in which he was dragged by the ever so lovely smile of Yoongi's he saw a while ago. And he himself can't point out what it is doing to him or what this fluttering feeling in his stomach means. He felt that he might throw up if he didn't voice out the question he has in his mind.

"Just curious" Yeon Woo chuckled, scratching his head nervously. He didn't knew why all of a sudden this question mattered to him, but he hoped an yes for an answer.

"Mhm.." Yoongi squinted his eyes at the younger but decided to answer.

"I never did, Yeon, and I never will. I don't even want a second in my life without him. It doesn't matter if he is with me or not, I have his memories which are enough for me to live this life and I'm grateful for that. I don't want to replace him or think about another person to give my heart to because he already took it." Yoongi voice came in a wishper as he continued talking about his lost love.

"And I love him, for life" he completed with a tear forming in his eyes but he has a small smile on his face. It might seem like normal but deep inside, he is falling apart but holding strong to keep himself collected and Yeon Woo saw it.

Yoongi didn't wait longer and left after wishing the younger good night. Yeon Woo watched as the black car taking a turn and disappearing out of his sight.

He felt a sting in his heart and the fluttering died. The sudden urge to break into tears is confusing him, he didn't understand why but he wanted to hold on to Yoongi and beg him, beg him to not leave him. The outburst of these new and confusing emotions made him run into his apartment and break into tears.

He no longer knew what to call this typical relationship they have, anymore. What is Yoongi to him? His friend? His colleague? His hyung? Or someone who is more than what he thought, to him? He can't name it and that pained him even more.


Hello there beautiful people 😍
Thank you for reading and please share your thoughts on Yeon Woo's charector in the comments. I wanna know how you feel about him.

Have a great day or good night lovelies 💜

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