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Yoongi was just looking at him, unable to say anything. It came as a surprise for him that Jimin actually heard everything he said. He didn't think this would happen when he confessed, he wasn't prepared for this. But this didn't change the fact that how happy he actually felt. 

Yoongi was unaware that Jimin could hear him, when he spoke his heart. He remembers the it too, as clearly as a day. The way his heart ached seeing younger on the hospital bed and how he confessed to a sleeping Jimin about how much he loved him. Now it turns out he actually heard all of that.

"I can't stop myself too hyung." Yoongi looked at him confused, as he tilted his head at the younger on what he was going on about.

"Huh?" Jimin sighed brushing back his hair.

"I couldn't stop myself from falling for you hyung. I don't know what's happening anymore. All I could think about was you, every time. All. The. Time. At first, I thought I could get rid of these feelings when I went away from you, but I have gone crazier for you, I guess. I don't think I like you anymore, and it's more than that now. I actually love-"

"Woah woah woah! Wait, hold on!" Yoongi stopped the younger before he could finish. 


"Don't just throw that word at me as if it's nothing. Woah, this can't be, tell me this is not a dream. I don't want to be depressed when I wake up in the morning." Yoongi breathed heavily holding his chest as if he was hyperventilating. 

"Haha, very funny." Jimin rolled his eyes. 

"No, please. I can't handle heartbreaks. I need to wake up before this goes any further, it is hard to handle." Yoongi shook his head and Jimin was starting to get worried with the expression on his hyung's face. 

"I'm trying to have a serious conversation here." 

"So am I, Jimin. I'm sorry I sound so confusing now, but it is not easy for me either. It was hard for me to let you go and I didn't know how to move on from you. I was just stuck with you the whole time and everyday was miserable, waiting in doubts whether to hold on or let go." Yoongi looked so vulnerable and Jimin never saw him this way before. 

"It was hard to digest that I have to let you go but to put more to it, you disappeared, and it was even harder to live a life without the person I got used to being with. It's just that, I still can't get used to the fact that you were really here. Sometimes I have to check my phone several times to make sure that you really talked to me or texted me." Yoongi sighed down as he continued.

"It still comes as a surprise for me to see you every day, and I think we might need little time to get used to this, Jimin. We can't do this right now." Jimin expression totally changed as if he was about to cry. 

"Are you saying, we can't be together?" he whispered, the air clogged in his throat making it hard to talk. Yoongi instantly turned to the younger, shaking his head. He took the younger's hands into his, holding onto them with a gentle grip.

"No Jimin, that's not what I mean. I'm saying that a lot has happened in the last two years and we both changed with the way things went. I changed in a way that I shouldn't have but that doesn't mean I don't feel the same way for you anymore. I still do."

And Jimin understood what he meant. Everything was changed in their lives, and they weren't the same kids in the past, who were just carefree about everything. Now they have responsibilities and a life plan for their bright future ahead.

They were apart for two years and things need to be adjusted. They have to wait until the time comes and so they wouldn't regret anything later by taking instant decisions. They need time to fix everything between each other and rebuild the bond they lost.

"I don't want to hurt you, Jimin. I want you happy and I want to take the time for making myself be the man you can trust and rely on. But know that it won't change anything between us, and I'll always be here for you. Let's just take this nice and slow, alright?" Yoongi said, cupping younger's cheek and soothing with his thumb.

Jimin nodded, leaning into the elder's warmth in his touch. Yoongi smiled widely and hugged the younger who hugged him back, giggling.

"I'm happy to be here with you, hyung."

"I'm happy you are here with me too, Jimin." Yoongi grinned at the younger. 

This moment is perfect for both of them. Even if it takes time for them to get into a proper relationship, they understand that they have to wait for each other. A strong relation that builds with a step of understanding and they were already began in building it. 

They parted, looking at each other deep in the eyes, searching for their untold words to initiate their relation. The intensity of the elder's stare was making the younger weak. 

He couldn't back away or turn his head when Yoongi moved closer and closer to his face. Thier eyes were locked on each other, doing the silent talks that they couldn't at the moment.

Their noses were an inch apart from touching and Yoongi brought both his hands to Younger's face, cupping his soft cheeks as he stared down at his glossy lips.

Jimin can feel the blood rushing inside his body and his heart playing drums in his ears as his breathing raised at the closeness. Just a movement is all it takes for their lips to touch, and he can feel Yoongi's warm breath on his lips.

"Can I?" Yoongi breathed on the younger's lips, looking back into his eyes, asking for the permission to do exactly Jimin knows what. 

Jimin gazed at the elder's soft lips and up into his eyes, nodding in agreement. It didn't take longer as he closed his eyes to feel the warmth and the moment paused for him when he felt Yoongi's soft lips pressed against his, kissing him.  

The delight of having youngers lips against his, it was pure bliss to Yoongi. It was perfect and he smiled into the kiss when Jimin responded with the same amount of love he was pouring into their first kiss. It was ecstatic for both of them.

"Thank you." Yoongi mumbled, caressing youngers bottom lip that glistened even more after the sweet treat they shared. Jimin smiled shyly, cheeks turning into tint of bright red. Yoongi laughed as Jimin turned away to hide his face.  

"What happened, your highness? Don't tell me you are shy now." Yoongi reached to grab Jimin's chin and turn his face.

"Shut up." Jimin mumbled, swatting his hand away, causing Yoongi to laugh harder.

"Aww, you are blushing." Yoongi cooed at the younger and Jimin scoffed, rolling his eyes. 

"I'm not."

"Jiminie is shyyyy~ Jiminie got shyy~shyy~ shyyyiiiieeeeee~" Yoongi started teasing him and Jimin turned away from him, crossing his arms, pouting with his cheeks still bright red. 

"I'm not talking to you." and they started teasing and complaining at each other, bickering back and forth over everything. 



And here's another chapter. Hope you like it and thanks for reading 💜
Sorry for the mistakes 😁

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