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"You are not coming?" Nayeon asked the girl in the car. Sara looked up from her phone to see they were in the building.

"Nah, I'll stay."

"Alright then, we won't be gone longer than an hour or two. Hope you don't get bored." Nayeon smiled sweetly before walking as pulling a frowning Jimin with her.

"What are we going to do for that long?" Jimin asked her walking beside as they now reached to the elevator.

Nayeon just shrugged as she pulled him inside quickly and closed the door, pressing the floor number. She saw Sara following them and decided to give her a little treatment. Jimin reached to stop the closing door, but Nayeon pulled him back.

"Yeonnie, what are you doing? She wants to get in." Jimin asked the girl who laughed at the closed doors.

"Let her climb the stairs, she has legs for a reason." She giggled, picturing the exhausted face of the girl after she climbs four floors up from the parking lot. Jimin just sighed at her antics knowing very well if he said something then it'll turn against him, and they both will start fighting. He doesn't want that.

They reached the floor and was about to head out of the elevator when Nayeon stopped and turned off the key to the elevator, shutting it down. Jimin opened his mouth to protest and tell her to spot acting like a child, but Nayeon was already dragging him away from there with a wide grin on her face.

"Come on, Jimmy. Let's go get your little kitty cat." And at the mention of the other, Jimin forgot about the girl who is still in the parking lot cursing and trashing around on seeing the shutdown elevator. Sara screamed Nayeon's name as she headed to the stairs to climb with no choice left.

As they entered the floor and walked to the studio, which is within the eyesight, Tae came out of the door surprising both friends. Well mostly Jimin because Nayeon already know. He smiled upon seeing them and walked to them.

"Tae?" Jimin asked, seemingly not expecting his best friend to walk out of Yoongi's studio. Tae was about to answer when another voice called them. Jimin looked over Tae's shoulder to see Jungkook and Hobi walking to them. "Jungkook?" Jimin trailed.

"Hi hyung!" Jungkook cheered upon seeing the short male and he turned to Nayeon with a big bunny smile, "Hey Noona."

"Hi twin!" She smiled at the boy with her own bunny smile.

"What are you all doing here?" Jimin asked them.

"I was here for Hobi hyung and Taehyungie hyung decided to drop by because he's in the area." Jungkook answered him and Jimin nodded, smiling at the coincidence that they were all met here.

"Is Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung here too?" Jimin asked.

"Joon was out and Jin hyung is with Yoongi hyung, they are talking about some project." Hobi informed and he walked beside Nayeon to whisper something in her ear. She nodded before whispering back something.

"We are going out to have dinner, do you guys want to join?" Jimin asked excitedly, happy for the coincidence that all his friends were here.

"That's great but I'm sorry Chim, I can't." Tae pouted, feeling sad he couldn't go with his best friend and Jimin smiled, saying it's okay and turned to others exceptionally, waiting for a response.

"We are going out for groceries, we literally have nothing at home. Maybe some other time Jimin." Hobi smiled as Jimin nodded.

"Alright, we should get going." Jimin said before waving at them and walking to the door of Yoongi's studio. He was about to knock on the door, but it suddenly busted open and there stood a frantic Jin muttering curses under his breath and a worried looking Yoongi.

"Hyung, What's wrong?" Jimin asked as he looked at the distress on Jin's face, and Jin looked at the younger, immediately hugging him.

"J-Jimin, I-I. It's J-Joon and s-something's wron-" he stuttered, voice cracking as the tears formed reaching the edge of his eyes, ready to fall. Jimin frowned not understanding a single word he is saying, and he pulled out of the hug, now looking up at the elder.

"What? What happened to Namjoon hyung?" Jimin asked, trying to get the piece of sentence out of the elder properly.

"N-no, no, he is in the backyard, I have to go!" Jin stumbled back and started walking towards the elevator, talking long strides to move fast. Jimin looked at him and Yoongi rushed behind his best friend, groaning silently.

"Let's go" Jimin called as he ran behind the two males. His friends following behind them, a worried expression plastered on their faces.

"He is a good actor." Jungkook chuckled as they trailed behind them. Nayeon and Taehyung scoffed at the compliment.

"He is terrible." Hobi muttered, now Taehyung and Nayeon agreed with the statement with an 'absolutely' rolling off their tongues.

They got into the elevator, turning on the key and Jimin tried asking but got no answers as Jin and Yoongi anxiously tapped their feet waiting to reach the floor. So, they just waited to see what was happening.

Nayeon silently slapped her head at this ridiculous tension created by Jin's overly done acting which is not what they planned. They just thought of making Jimin follow them to where everything was set for his birthday but no, Jin has to make it look more dramatic than it actually is.

As they reached down, Namjoon was standing there at the gate of company's backyard, all in one piece. Jimin frowned not understanding what's gotten Jin so frantic when Namjoon looked totally fine.

"Now off we go!" Jin called and everyone shouted a 'Surprise!', startling Jimin. He turned around to see what's that they are actually pointing at, and his breath got taken away at the sight.

Silk curtains tied from the top of the tent all four sides and small yellow lights tied together as balls hanging along the white curtains. A white table set on the green grass with delicious looking food and a cake, with few wine bottles as complimentary. He can smell the roses through the burning sent candles. It's all beautiful.
(A/N: the picture above)

A smile appeared on his face with tears forming in his eyes at the efforts his friends put to make his day special. He looked back at them to see them all looking at him just as happy as he is. He felt special and loved. He is loved by these people who he cares about and can't imagine his life without.

"Guys, t-this is-" he couldn't finish his words because of the sobs which he didn't realize, he was sobbing until Yoongi walked forward to him and held his hand, smiling at him. He gently squeezed his little hand, smiling even wider when he saw the younger lips curved upwards a little.

"Happy birthday, love." He kissed Jimin's forehead, cupping his cheeks. He wiped the tears as he gave another kiss to the younger, making him blush and smile even more.

"Hey, don't take away all the credits. We all have equal efforts in this surprise." Jin shouted from the back, making his friends roll their eyes at him. Yoongi glared at his best friend for ruining their lovely moment.

"Yeah, credits to your terrible acting." Nayeon scoffed, earning a glare from the elder.

"What acting?" Namjoon asked and Hobi shook his head, telling his best friend to keep quiet.

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to know." Nayeon said and squeaked as she ran behind Hobi to escape the slap she was about to receive on her head.

"Woah, woah, hyung. We shouldn't hit girls." Hobi stopped Jin before he could reach the girl behind him, and Jin scoffed.

"Girl? Does she look like a girl to you? That's a little devil, a spawn of Satan." Jin whined as Nayeon stuck out her tongue at him and ducked again behind Hobi, having fun teasing the elder brother.

Jin groaned as he marched back to Namjoon and complained about his best friend taking the side of the little devil with bunny teeth. They laughed as he whined to his boyfriend and Namjoon sighed, having to deal with his childish friends and boyfriend.


Thank you for reading and sorry for the mistakes ❤️

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