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"Ladies and gentlemen, BA airlines welcomes you to Incheon. The local time is 6:00 pm. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle clear until we are parked at the gate." Flight attendant announced to the passengers as they were landing on the runway of Incheon airport.

Passengers began to disembark, one by one. Flight attendant posted up by the doors was thanking on the passenger's way out.

"Thank you" he thanked the lady back with a bright smile. She nodded in acknowledgement.

He waited patiently at the baggage reclaim area for his luggage and picked it up the belt, when it arrived. He couldn't wait to return to home. He is so excited to be back after a very long time.

With a wide smile on his face, he dragged his luggage outside the terminals. There he saw her, with a name board in her hands, "welcome back Jimmy Chimmy". He walked to her and both hugged.

"You are so extra, you know that right?" Jimin rolled his eyes at the board that has his most ugl-handsom-est picture. Nayeon giggled, hitting his arm lightly.

"It's about time you realised. I'm born with the word extra tagged behind. Extra gorgeous, extra beautiful, extra talented-"

"Yeah, yeah. Extra intelligent. I know" he teased.

"Hey, keep my weight out of that subject." She glared at him.

"Easy there, Yeonnie. It's been a while and I missed teasing you" he laughed at the glaring girl.

"Now who is being extra? It's only been two days since I came back to home before you. Just say that you missed me" she crossed her arms as she gave him a teasing smile.

"Don't fret little girl. Let's go, I'm hungry" he threw his arm around the girls neck and pulled her with him.They both got into the car and drove off.

Jimin rolled down his window, poking his head out, he breathed the fresh air of the city. A feeling enveloped him as the breeze rustled his soft orange locks. Like it's welcoming him.

The blue sea is shining under a blushing sky in pink and orange hues, while sun blowing it's goodbye kisses for the day. The smell of street food which he always enjoyed till his tummy full. The similar roads which haven't changed a bit, the similar places which are his favourite hangout spots. All those memories are still safe in his memory lanes.

Everything is the same, even after almost two years and he is glad for the things being in the same way. This place has given him a lot of memories and it will forever be very special for him.

This is his home.

After a thirty minutes drive from airport to Seoul, they stopped at a restaurant to have dinner. Nayeon parked her car and both walked into the restaurant, sitting in a place one of the waitress showed. They ordered the food and waited patiently, talking their time out.

"So, how long are you planning on staying?" Nayeon asked him after the waitress placed their food on the table and walked away. Jimin just shrugged, dragging his bowl of noodles towards him.

"I didn't thought you would come. When I asked you two days ago, you said you don't want to come here. What changed so suddenly?" Nayeon questioned, taking a bite of her food.

"Just felt like it. I can't believe I decided to come here either. It's like a ghost or something summoned me or possessed me and made me do it. Thank Sara, I managed to get a ticket in the buisness class." He said.

"She got you a ticket? Wow, that's a wonder. What came over here?" Nayeon sarcastically said, dramatically gasping at the information.

"I told her it's important and I'll be back in a week. She wanted to come with me but her father didn't allow."

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