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It's already late and Yoongi is collecting his things to go back home. All the staff and his friends celebrated his success with a feast and few drinks at a restaurant. Jinyoung offered him a ride but he himself is dizzy from all the drinking. So, Yoongi decided to take a cab.

He got into the cab and gave the driver his address. The driver seemed to recognise him but he hesitated to talk because Yoongi is sleeping, leaning on the window. When they reached the destination, the driver waked him up and pulled out a pen from his pocket. He hesitantly took out a paper and handed it to Yoongi. Yoongi looked at him with a raised brow.

"You are Suga, right? I really liked your songs and the recent song 'VIII' is my all time favourite. Can I have your autograph please?" He politely asked with a nervous smile.

Yoongi stared at the paper that was held towards him to take. There is a rush of adrenaline in his body. He can feel his rapidly beating heart and a swarm of butterflies in his stomach. His palms are getting sweaty by the moment passing and he took the paper and pen with trembling hands.

He signed the paper and wrote a small message of gratitude to his fan and handed him back the paper with a smile on his face. He thanked the driver and got out of the car. The smile is still there on his lips as he walked into his apartment where he lived with Jin and Namjoon.

Today is the best day of his life, where his first song became a success and he signed his first autograph that he will never ever forget in his life.

He opened his apartment door to a dark living room and when he turned on the lights, there was a confetti blasted on his face with a loud yelling.


He looked at his friends, standing infront of him, holding a cake and a wine bottle. Jin came running to hug his best friend and the others also hugged him while praising him on his success. He is really getting tired of these hugs. Everyone's been hugging him from the morning after the news came out and he felt like a teddy bear in a little girl's hands, squished and squeezed.

Why is everyone so extra and not ordinary?

"Let's party. Yeah!" Jungkook dragged, Yoongi to the middle of simply decorated living room and popped open the wine bottle. He poured a glass for everyone and handed them to his friends.

They drank their wine, talking about Yoongi's song and how their lives have been, lately. They laughed at Jin's complaints about how Namjoon always breaks something in the house and teased Jungkook and Hobi for being all Lovey dovey.

It's been a long while since they all gathered together and they were happy to see their friends again. Though they missed being together, they have to give eachother their personal space to deal with their lives. Because, in the last two years, they had to experience a lot of hardships and everything was too painful for them.

Now that they are back together again, it felt like a family reunion. They missed their friends and are more than happy to see eachother again.

"Ah, this feels nice" Hobi smiled widely as he stretched his body and fell back onto Jungkook's lap. His mood soon changed from excited puppy to kicked puppy as he blankly stared at nothing and silently watched his friends talk.

"He's out already" Namjoon laughed at his best friends who is all red and yawning.

"He always stays quite after getting drunk and stares at nothing. I wonder what goes in his mind when he is drunk." Jin wondered, looking at now peacefully sleeping Hobi, on Jungkook's lap.

"Probably about doing all the things to Jungkook" Namjoon shrugged with a hint of smirk on his face. Oh, he loves teasing his best friends.

"We are not a thing" Jungkook defended himself which will obviously not convince his friends. They have seen the two being touchy and flirty with eachother for past few months.

"Yeah sure, don't lie kook because the picture infront of us says different story from your conclusion" Jin pointed at the sleeping male, hugging Jungkook's waist and snuggled close to him while sleeping on his lap.

Jungkook only whined at his hyungs for making things embarrassing for him.

All the while his friends are laughing and having conversations, Yoongi stayed silent. He was happy but somewhere at the corner of his mind, he felt empty, like there is a part of him is missing. He felt alone and out of the place. He didn't understand why he is feeling like this but deep down, his heart knows the reason and his brain won't let that reason reach his mind.

If there was a time when he was left alone, all to himself, he didn't feel lonely at all but now sitting  with his friends, watching Namjoon and Jin openly expressing their love to eachother, also watching Hobi and Jungkook being cute together, making him feel alone.

His mind randomly flashed an image of the person he loved and still love the most. The person he dreamed his life with. The person he wanted to do anything for and give his everything too. He missed him. A lot.

Yoongi placed his wine glass on the table which he didn't care to take a sip and silently walked into his bedroom and closed the door. His friends watched him with sadness and concern. He's been like this all time, ignoring his friends and talking less to them. He wouldn't talk to anyone but Jin, unless there is a need to.

"He's still not over him?" Jungkook asked after he saw Yoongi shutting his room door.

"No, he isn't and he is becoming more harder to handle. I'm worried what he'll do to himself" Jin sighed, still looking at the closed door of Yoongi's room.

"He'll be fine" Namjoon assured his worried boyfriend.

"I hope he will" Jin smiled sadly.

"Sprite! Hamburgers!" Hobi suddenly yelled as he sat up in the couch, eyes still closed.

His friends were startled by the male and Jungkook hushed him as he made him sleep again, patting his back and brushing his hair.

"It's okay, it's okay" he soothingly said to the squirming Hobi. He looked up at his friend's questioning looks and heaved a sigh.

"He has nightmares about Sprite and hamburgers, sometimes." Jungkook said.

"He's still having those dreams?" Namjoon chuckled at the memory of Hobi complaining on his nightmares about Sprite and hamburgers.

"What dreams?" Jin asked them.

"He loved hamburgers and Sprite when we were kids. He'd eat nothing but those and his grandmother once told him that if he don't stop eating those, they will get angry and eat him  instead. From then on he started getting those dreams of Sprite and hamburgers chasing after him to eat him. I can't believe he's still having those dreams even after he is all growed up" Namjoon said. Jin and Jungkook laughed at the story.

"Our Hobi has a long way to grow up" Jin laughed and the youngers did too.

"Jungkook, stay here tonight. It's already midnight and Hobi couldn't drive. You can sleep in the guest room" Namjoon said as he got up from his seat, Jin standing up next to Namjoon. Jungkook nodded.

"Good night" Jungkook wished as the couple walked into their bedroom and closed the door after wishing Jungkook a good night as well. He picked up Hobi and walked into the guest room. Sleeping shortly.

After few minutes, Yoongi came out and took the wine bottle that was brought to celebrate and went inside his room to drink his night away, to knock out. It's getting harder for him to get some sleep with a certain someone playing his mind.

And alcohol's been his only remedy for that.

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