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"I know where he is, just a minute." Hobi sighed walking into a room, knowing exactly where the younger is.

After everything happened and all these years passed by, Jungkook didn't stop blaming himself for loosing his friend, and love with his foolishness.

He always thought it was his fault that Jimin left them and Tae broke up with him. He didn't understood his friend, and didn't give his everything to hold on to his relationship with Tae. He felt worthless.

Even though Hobi could argue with younger's irrational thoughts and there's absolutely nothing he could do when everything was bound to happen that way, he choose to be quite and just console him.

That's what he did for last two years, he held younger in his arms when he needed him. He helped him through the stage of misery. He made him smile again and move on from his past.

Jungkook was glad for that and for he has his Hobi hyung in his life. He brought him out of his bubble but now seeing Jimin here, suddenly, brought back the painful past and unpleasant memories. He felt too heavy with the guilt and he didn't have the dare to face Jimin.

And Hobi knew what he was feeling now. He can feel that guilt in the younger's heart for he has seen him suffer because of it for two tough long years and he knew younger was crying somewhere in the corner right now.

similar to his thoughts, he saw the younger sitting behind the kitchen counter, silently crying to himself. He has his knees held towards his chest, his fists cleched tight to suppress his sniffles.

"Kook" he knelt infront of him and younger lifted his head on hearing his name being called. His big doe eyes were glistening with tears that stained his pink tinted cheeks. His heart ached at the sight and he hugged the crying boy, giving the comfort he needed.

"It's ok Kook, it's okay. I'm here, I got you. You are okay." He wishpered, brushing down younger hair as he held the boy in his embrace. Hobi's voice soothed the younger a little and his tears stopped after a little.

"Hyung, I-" Jungkook voice trailed off finding it hard to talk between hiccups leaving his quivering lips. Hobi wiped his teary eyes and wet cheeks, cupping his face after. He knows what Jungkook has to say.

"I know Kook. But you have me, I'll be here with you alright? Let's go." He offered his hand which younger took with a small nod. Hobi stood up pulling Jungkook up with him. He smiled at the younger holding tight onto him, assuring he will be there for him.

Jungkook smiled too, just a little hint of it visible on his face as he followed behind his hyung quietly with his head hung low. He bumped into Hobi's back when he stopped in his tracks and looked up to see his friends are looking at him, worry on their faces.

"Jungkook" he heard his name and looked in the direction to see Jimin looking at him with a smile on his face. Jungkook gulped the nervousness bubbling up and took few tiny steps towards him when Hobi gave a tiny pat of encouragement on his back.

To his surprise, he was pulled into a hug half way through. Jimin was hugging him and Jungkook was shocked, he hesitated for a second to hug him back, but he did give in eventually. His emotions got the best of him and he burried into Jimin's embrace, crying even harder.

"I'm s-sorry hyung, I-I'm so sorry." He struggled to say the words through his sobs, fists holding tight onto Jimin's jacket. Jimin was patting his back, trying to calm down the younger.

"It's ok, Jungkook. It's all ok." Jimin tried, he tried to tell Jungkook that everything is over and he is over the past now but Jungkook shook his head, moving back.

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