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No one's pov

*At Taehyung's mansion*

Mrs Kim - "pl-please leave me i-i am sorry." She said while crying on the floor with scars on her body.

"Bitch!" Mr kim said while raising his waist belt on her as soon he hit her, a deep voice hit his ears.

"Dad!!!" Taehyung shouted angrily.

He sneered and walk towards Taehyung throwing his belt on the ground.

"You spoilt kid. you will stop me huh?" Mr Kim said while grabbing Taehyung's collar.

"Dad please stop your drama!!" Taehyung yelled.


A hard slap made Taehyung looked at floor a forced smile plastered on his face while his hand on his cheek.

"Dad you know you are the biggest villian of my life" he said looking up to his dad

"You asshole" his dad said while punching hard on his face making him fall on the ground.

"Taehyung-ahh" Mrs Kim said while running towards Taehyung worriedly but Taehyung dad grabbed her hand not letting her go. Taehyung smirked and off to his room.

Author pov

The dark reality of Taehyung life is his family. His father is rich as hell, Mr Kim and Mrs Kim a lovey dovey couple on screen but offscreen in secret. It is all fake Taehyung father sometimes got drunked and beat his wife, he also have lot of affairs with his employes. Taehyung were bearing this traumatic life since his childhood and converted him into bad and heartless boy.

Pov end

Y/n pov

I was laying on the bed curled up in a ball under my blanket. Recalling everything that happened with me today by closing my eyes in the dark room. Single tear rolled down my cheek i skipped my dinner. sleeping hungry in closed, dark room and then fall asleep.

After a while, I feel someone was caressing my hairs " wakeup honey, have your meal" she said softly. She was none other my sweet mom. I opened my eyes and weakly sat up. My mom sat beside me feeding me a spoon of porridge.

"Honey, by chance do you have any problems in your life?" She asked.

I gulped my porridge "euomma I'm all good don't worry." I faked smile on my face, lying her because I don't want her to know my life problems as she already have thousands of problems and mountain like responsibilities on her head.

"Ok my baby" she smiled feeding me a another spoon of porridge. I tried to forget everything happened with me today and enjoyed my meal with her.

Pov end

( Few days later)

Author pov

It was 30 December. Yess, taehyung's birthday date. He got trucks of gifts from his girl fans in highschool and also chocolates, confessions and love letters.
As he doesn't have time to read those letters and all. So, he just threw them and send all his gifts with his bodyguards at home. He gave invitation to his all friends and his so called girlfriend Jennie.

Pov end

( Y/n pov )

I was walking on the ground listening music and humming songs all of a sudden I bumped into a tall and lean figure. I rubbed my head and looked up he was Taehyung. I took out my Airpods from my ears and moved my gazed down.

"Enjoying huh??" He said licking his lips.

I gulped "uh-uh I was j-just" he Cutts me off "By the way today is my birthday why didn't you wish me?" He said sweetly.

"Why he is being all so sweet? He isn't taehyung i know." I was processing with my thoughts in my mind.

He snapped his fingers to make me realised that he is present there.
"What's wrong?" He questioned.
"N-nothing I was just wondering something anyways Happy birthday." I said with awkward smile on my face.

He handed over a birthday invitation to me. "Ahh Taehyung n-no need its okay" I said giving his invitation back to him but he didn't let me.

"You are important guest, please come" he said with smirk on his face. "Taehyung wait" before I completed my sentence he already leaved from there but I was so shocked to see he invited me in his birthday party.

"He is definitely up to something" I uttered and looked at invitation. It was beautiful and luxurious but with a devil name on it "Kim taehyung" i sighed.

Hello , I hope you guys enjoyed it plzz vote and support me 💗 and ignore if there is any grammatical mistakes as in still progressing😅

I'm trying my best love u🤗✨💜

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