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"May you guys introduce yourself and tell your story on your own?" I said as they nodded.

"Hello, my name is yeongjun from 12-A class. I broke up with Jennie 1 day ago. we both come into the relationship almost 1 month ago, she proposed me over a text and I accepted because I already had a crush on her even when I knew that she is already committed with Taehyung. She told me that she will breakup with him after Taehyung's mother gift her a diamond jewellery set on their 1st anniversary." Yeongjun explained.

"Good, next!" I spoke while looking at jennie embarrassed face.

"Hello, I'm Han seo Jun from 12-D class. Me and Jennie were in relationship from last 3 weeks. Jennie did the same thing as she did with yeongjun. We were in good relationship and I'm waiting that when will she break up with Taehyung after their 1 St anniversary but before that I got to know that she is dating someone else also and he was my friend yeongjun. She said both of us to keep it as a secret by giving us the emotional excuse. After knowing that, I immediately broke up with her. it really hurts me knowing that she was playing with us. So for revenge I told Taehyung everything with yeongjun and also send our pictures with her to him as a proof. Thankyou!" Seo Jun explained and bowed to everyone.

I walked a bit closer to Jennie "So now you can leave! by the way I have no guilt whereas I'm not sad also after knowing that you are cheating on me because I have no feelings for you! I don't give you a get lost with your shameless face! And yeah forget about the diamond jewellery set!" I exclaimed looking at her intensely. Tears fell down from her eyes as her black secrets were out now. She ran away from there. I scoffed while dust off my shoulders.


I was sitting at my place, waiting for y/n. I was really bored of waiting as I can't wait for the moment to propose her today. My chin was rest on my hands while my hands were twirling the pen. Suddenly Mr choi enters into the class with y/n. We stood up to greet them but I was really confused to see y/n entering into the class with Mr Choi but i shrugged it off and was looking at y/n, looking at her automatically brings the smile on my face.


Y/n came to the school because her mom wants y/n to meet her friends but she was unaware of that y/n has no friends. Y/n couldn't say no to her mom because she didn't want to tell her that she has no one to meet.

"Good morning students. Today our honorable classmate and your all friend cha y/n is leaving the school. She is here to meet you all before leaving. Hope you all behave good and waved her." Mr Choi stated with smile as well as y/n bowed with smile.

After listening Mr Choi Taehyung eyes were popped out in shock, his heart skips the beat. it was really heart breaking for him. He clenched his fist controlling his emotions. "How can you leave me like this?" No it can't happen!... He stood up with his angry face. He moved towards y/n, grabbed her hand and dragged her with him to Library room as it was quite place to talk. Y/n was groaning because his tight grip was hurting her wrist.

He finally pulled her in Library room and closed the library room.

"What the fuck? You are doing?!" Y/n shouted.

Taehyung turned his face towards her and walked closer to him. "You're not not going anywhere...THAT'S IT !!" He exclaimed. "What? Who the fuck you are to tell me where I should go or where not?? Am I your toy? Well Not anymore...!!!" Y/n retort.

"Y/N I'm really sorry please don't leave me!" Taehyung said subtly while holding y/n shoulders softly. Y/n pushed him away from her. "you and your acting is awesome! Why you are acting so nice since that accident...huh?? Are up to something, if you are then please I beg you to spare me and leave me alone!!" Y/m flouted out.

"Y/n I'm not acting please believe me I will never bully you or make fun of yours now onwards please don't leave me..!" He requested while his eyes were already wet.

"Why you are caring for me all of a sudden??" Y/n frowned.

"Y-y/n I love you!" Taehyung confessed.

Y/n scoffed "CUT YOUR CRAP AND LET ME GO!!!" She yelled and moved forward to leave from there but Taehyung held her wrist and turned her towards him, she was struggling to escape her wrist from his grip; he pinned y/n towards wall grabbing her shoulders. "I really love you y/n please forgive me.. please!" He said while single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Taehyung leave me.. it's hurting!" Y/n winced then Taehyung immediately leaves her as it was hurting her.

"Y/n please forgive me...I REALLY LOVE YOU!!" He spoke holding y/n hands.

Y/n escaped her hands and pushed him hard. "You know what? I think I should leave from here as there is no use to came here. It's better I leave from here as soon as possible atleast I will get free from fake jerks like YOU !!!" Y/n yelled and left from there, leaving Taehyung dumbfounded.

He was standing alone in dark and quite place, got rejected by his loved ones. He fell on the ground on his knees, weeping.

"I lost her..." He whispered while tears were escaping from his wet eyes. "I love you y/n....I really love you!" He screamed, vibrating the whole dark room with his deep voice. He messed his hair while crying hard. He cried loud covering his face with hands.

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