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I was sitting beside Taehyung in plane and was watching outside the window. our flight is about to take off in 5 minutes. Suddenly I felt Taehyung came closer to me. His close proximity made my heart beating fast. I glanced at him as he was looking at me. I tightly closed my eyes and pressed my lips. But after a while i felt he put the seatbelt around my waist and got back to his place.

I opened my eyes and looked at him.
"What did you think?" He said teasing me. I instantly shook my head.

"No..I didn't meant that. I didn't thought of kiss-" I spoke but soon put my hands on my mouth. "Oh god what am I talking about." I thought in embarassment.

"Kiss? But as far as i know i didn't mentioned anything like that." He said mocking me. My cheeks were red of embarrassment. I can see he was chuckling on me.

[ 6 hours later ]

We reached to Singapore. We arrived to hotel in Taehyung's personal car. It was really luxury and beautiful hotel. We walked in to front office department. Taehyung was talking to manager while i was looking around as it was really eye catching and beautiful interior. I can see lots of foreigners talking and walking. Then I noticed that Taehyung was doing argument with reservation manager.

"Sir we're really sorry. We will try to arrange something by tomorrow." Manager apologized.

"But I have booked 2 rooms, didn't I?" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Right but you only able to book 1 room because the other room was already booked instantly before you. It was just a 1 minute difference. We have also sent you the email but you probably didn't checked." Manager explained politely.

Taehyung checked his emails and sighed in frustration. He runs his fingers through his hair.

"Yaah what shall we do now? Where will I stay now?" I asked Taehyung worriedly.

He looked at me. "You can stay in my room. I won't mind, rest up to you." He spoke coldly and left from there with his luggage. I sighed and followed him; draging my luggage as I have no choice left.



I was sitting on the sofa chair near big window, seeing the beautiful evening city view outside. Taehyung was outside as he have some work. I called jin as I was missing him. He didn't even bother to call me today. After a few trials, He finally picked up the call.

[ On call ]

Me - "yaah, why you didn't called me today also you were not picking up calls and seeing my texts? What's wrong with you?" I whined.

Jin - "sweetheart I'm sorry. I'm really busy these days because of office work." He replied.

Me - "No matter what but you have to make time for your sweetheart!" I ordered like a child.

Jin - "sure honey. I love you." He said, making me smiled.

Me - "aww I love you too my baby." I replied with smile as I heard some giggling noises from the call. It feels like someone was with him.

Me - "honey where are-" I spoke but he cutted me off.

Jin - "ok y/n bye. I have to work now." He spoke and cutted the call.

[ Call ended ]

"Who could it be? It seems like it was girl voice. But he said he's really busy then how come that noise. By any chance is he cheating on me? No way! what nonsense I'm thinking. I trust him the most, I know he will not." I thought.

Then I felt that someone was watching me from behind. So i turned back. It was Taehyung. He was standing far near the door keeping his hands in his pant pocket, he was staring at me with an unreadable expression.

"Mr Kim, when do you come?" I spoke getting up from the sofa chair.

"When you were saying "aww I love you too my baby" On the phone call." He said coldly. I was bit embarrassed.

"Anyways today our dinner will be with Mr Choi so get ready." He informed sourly. He left from there.

"What's with him?" I thought and got ready for the dinner. I kept my hair opened and did light makeup. I sprayed the perfume around my neck.

I sat at the backseat of the car while Taehyung sat on the passanger seat

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I sat at the backseat of the car while Taehyung sat on the passanger seat.

"Stay polite there as it's the big deal." Taehyung instructed as I nodded.

"By the way what's his name?" I asked.

"Choi soo-bin." He replied that made me shocked. My eyes were popped out by hearing his name.

"Choi soo-bin??" I spoke shockingly as he hummed.

"Do you know him?" He questioned.

"Well not sure...but I know someone with same name as him." I replied.

Few minutes later, we reached to the 5 star restaurant. I walked inside with Taehyung. I saw a handsome man waving his hands to Taehyung. We walked to him but I my stopped as he was Choi soobin. He was my best friend. We were in the same University.

"Aren't you coming?" Taehyung asked, turning to me. I nodded and walked with him towards our dinner table.

"Hello Mr Kim, nice to see you." Soobin said handshaking with Taehyung. He then turned towards me. I bowed him but he hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Nice to see you my bunny." He spoke as I beamed. Suddenly I felt someone was glaring me from behind. He was Taehyung. I quickly broked the hug then we all took the seats.

"Do you two know each other?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah. We went to the same University in daegu also she was my best friend." Soo-bin stated as I smiled. Taehyung nodded while cutting the slice of steak with knife.

Then they start talking some important chit-chats while I was getting bored because I had no work there except listening them and eating dinner. Finally after an hour, we headed out of the restaurant with soo-bin. He hugged Taehyung then he hugged me but more tightly.

"If you both are done. So miss y/n shall we go?" He said coldly as I broked the hug and nodded instantly. I can feel Taehyung was looking bit angry. He moved from there as I followed him but as soon i kept the step soo-bin held my wrist. I turned to him.

"We have met back after so many years. Won't you give me your contact number?" He asked sweetly.

"Oh right." I replied. We both exchanged our contact numbers.

"Ok now I should go. See you later." I said as he spoke. "By the way are you single?" He asked subtly. As soon as I spoke I heard cold voice.

"Are you coming or else I'm leaving." He demanded loudly as he was standing bit far, glaring me while his hands were in pant pocket like always. It's his strong body language.
"Bye." I said to soo-bin and hurriedly left from there.

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