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He sucked my neck leaving purple marks. I was moaning as it was bit painful. He slide down to my nipples and start sucking it like a baby, I moaned. He slowly slowly kissed me everywhere then slide down to my panties. He took out my panties then took out his underwear. I can see his big and hard dick.

"Baby, are you ready?" He said with smirk. I nodded with flirty smile. Then I felt a hard dick getting into my hole. I groaned. He started thrusting his dick deeper, I screamed during the process as it was painful pleasure. He clasped my hands blocking my body movements and thrusting his hard dick deeper and deeper into me. I was breathing heavily while screaming loud my lungs. It was pleasure.

"Baby, fuck me more!" I seductively said while he smirked and thrusted his dick deeper as ocean into me. I screamed loud in pleasure. He crashed his lips on mine passionately while thrusting his dick deeper and deeper into me. I was fully under his control. Tears of pleasure welled up in my eyes as it was paining as hella but giving so much pleasure. I was carresing his naked back while he was fucking me deeper and deeper.


||At morning||

I opened my eyes, I tried to got up but my body was wrapped up with muscular arms. I looked beside and saw jin was sleeping snuggling me. I remembered the whole night as he fucked me whole night. I smiled a bit and removed his arms from me. I wore my clothes and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall to see the timing. It was 8:59AM.

"What the fuck, I'm late Taehyung is about to reach office in 1 minute although he told me to reach office by 8:30AM...OH GOD SAVE ME!!!" I blabbered and instantly freshen up myself. I wore my outfit as his secretary and did light makeup. I prepared the instant breakfast for me and Jin. I patted Jin to wake him up.

"Yaah Jin wake up!!!!" I shrieked as he opened his eyes. I pulled his arms to wake him up.

"Y/n please let me sleep." He requested while laying down on the couch but before he layed down I pulled his arm again and threw his clothes on him.

"Yaah you lazy wear your clothes and have your breakfast. You have to drop me at office." I ordered while he pouted and wore his clothes and we had our breakfast.

"Let's go!" He said while taking his car keys.

"Yaah will you go like this?" I sneered.

"What? Everything is fine." He replied with confused look. I smacked his head.
"Aah!" he winced like baby.

"First wash your face. Look how sleepy you are looking!" I complained as he sighed. "Sometimes you are no different from my mother!" He whined with pout and walked to wash basin to wash his face.

( My secretary outfit )💜

( My secretary outfit )💜

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~|At Kim's company|~


I walked to my office infront of Taehyung's office as Miss young was guiding me. She is the experienced co worker of Taehyung. So she was assigned to guide me. I was 45 minutes late. I sat on my place while miss young kept piled of documents on my table.

"Here is the documents of Kim's company. Analysised it properly as it contains the every information about our relationships and records with every company. It will help you to know about the company properly also you should learn all the names written here as it's important for you to knew the names with which Mr Kim will talk." She informed as I nodded with polite smile.

"Here is the foreign languages books. It's English, Japanese and Chinese. You should learn this languages properly as it's necessary for you as Mr Kim PA. It will help you to communicate on foreign visits." She informed keeping 3 thick books on the table.

"I know English so I don't need English book." I said with smile while passing her a English book.

"So it's good you only have to learn 2 languages." She replied with brief smile.

"Only two languages? Is it that easy to learn!!" I argued mentally while faking the smile on my face.

"Most importantly prepare a schedule of today for the Mr Kim." She said as I nodded with smile. My head was spinning inside like I have to do millions of work in one day.

"If you want help then call me here's my number." She said with smile. We exchanged our contact numbers then she left from there. I let out a big sigh and start working. I attended hundred of phone calls and prepared the important meetings and the schedule.

Phone call rang, i quickly picked it up.

[ On call ]

"Hello, Miss cha y/n speaking." I said

"It's Taehyung. I want breakfast. Bring it to my office." He coldly speak.

"Sure." I replied politely.

[ Call ended ]

I walked to breakfast bar and made a cup of coffee and hot oatmeal with fruits and seeds. I was prepared with meal and about to moved to an Taehyung's office suddenly Miss young showed up.

"Miss y/n, is this meal is for Mr Kim? She asked as I nodded.

"It's better if you prepare another. He preferred green tea and slices of Banana and apple with strawberries." She informed. I nodded with smile and started preparing another. "Ugh his tantrums!" I thought while preparing a meal.

I opened his office door and entered inside with his breakfast. He was on the phone call so I quietly kept his meal on his table. He glared at me and cutted the call. I stare at him back with all my courage.

"Miss y/n. You were 45 minutes late today , aren't you?" He questioned in deep cold tone while glaring into my soul. I subtly gulped and nodded.

"I'm sorry it will not happen again." I apologized while moving my gaze down.

"Didn't I told you before I will not bear any single mistake?" He exclaimed. I looked at him with my blank face as I don't have anything to say except sorry.
Tears were welled up in my eyes.

"Anyway it's your last chance. If it happens again then without seeing your face I will fire you!" He sternly said as I bowed him.

"What's the schedule?" He asked.

"You have meeting with park's company at 2pm and the conference also. you have to visit Mr James. That's all for today." I stated with smile. He nodded.

"Have you learnt the foreign languages?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I will learn it soon." I replied with smile.

"Learn all two languages by today. That's it." He ordered. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"By today?" I asked in disbelief. He nodded.

"Any problem with that?" He said with cocked eyebrows while taking the sip of the tea. I forcefully smiled. " No. I will learn it." I spoke as he smiled. I bowed him and left from there.

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