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Suddenly my room door opened exposing my mom with snacks.

"Urgh you spoilt kiddos, look what type of condition you all of made of this room?!" She said entering into room.

"Aww aunty you are looking so beautiful today." Jimin said buttering my mom.

"Yaah stop buttering me Jiminshii by the way look I have prepared some cookies for you all. Enjoy!" Mom said with sweet smile placing the cookies on the table

We all sat up on the couch with the cookies; watching Netflix. "Ok enjoy!" She said leaving from the room.

"Isn't Taehyung's mom is really sweet, I liked her." Jungkook said picking a cookie.

"Yess after all she is my mom." I said proudly taking a bite of cookie. "By the way guys this cookies are really delicious!" Jimin spoke while his mouth was full with cookies.

"By the way I was asking what happened to y/n then?? Have you taken the revenge??" Jimin asked gulping the cookies.

I cleared my throat and looked at jimin then jungkook. "I wanna talk something important with you guys!" I said seriously.

"Oh you got something to talk serious. I thought you will end up your life while doing silly jokes!" Jungkook mocked and laughed at his own joke. He felt the environment awkward and saw that Jimin and Taehyung was glaring intensely at him. "Uh...well I was just continue." He said with nervous smile.

"Ok so I wanna talk that I'm in love!" I said. "What???!!" Jungkook and Jimin spoke in unison.

"WITH WHOM???" They both asked shockingly.

"With y/n!" I replied.

"WHAT Y/N???" They asked more shockingly, I hummed while biting a cookie.

"How come it is possible? She is the one who slapped you in your birthday party?? Don't you remember?" Jimin questioned.

"And also what about Jennie??" Jungkook asked.

"Calm down and relax now listen, I had the same reaction when I got to know I'm in love with y/n but guys feelings are feelings we can't control it. And about Jennie so we were not actually in the serious relationship I have told you before also. So now please rather than asking questions give me ideas to propose her as I'm not gonna waste my more time I want to propose her tomorrow." I explained.

"Ok bruh we are happy that our hyung is in love." Jimin said patting my shoulders.

"But have you taken the breakup from Jennie??" Jungkook asked.

I nodded "yeah I have texted her about breakup." I replied as they both nodded. Then they gave me tons of ideas but I didn't actually liked it but finally after thinking so much we find out the best idea of proposing her.

[ Y/N POV ]

[ Time skips ]


I came back home with 2-3 grocery shopping plastic bags. I entered into my home and keep those bags on the sofa and let out a big sigh because I was feeling so tiring. I took out the vegetables and washed them to prepare a kimchi.

I was cutting the slices of radish wearing a apron but suddenly my door bell rang.
"Who would have come this time?" I mumbled while walking towards the main door. I opened the door and my eyes were widened to see my mom: I hugged her tightly because I missed her so much, she patted my back. "Honey, I missed you!" She said sweetly. "I missed you too mom but why you were not picking up my Calls and seeing my texts?" I whined while broking the hug.

"I'm sorry honey but I didn't get a time to even see my mobile." She replied while caressing my hair strands back. "Oh god now let me come in!" She said while moving me aside to enter into the house and sat on the couch. I poured her a glass of water.

"Y/n I wanted to tell you something important." She said as I nodded.

She put the glass on the table and holded my hands gently. "Y/n we are shifting to daegu tomorrow." She spoke. "What???but why!?" I shrieked shockingly.

"Honey, calm down and listen your mother carefully. Y/n your grandma is really sick that she can't even stand properly, it seems like she only left few days more to live also she has no one to take care of her except me. she wanted to live her last days with me and her grand child. It's her last wish" she explained.

"But Mom we can bring her here instead." I suggested.

"Do you think this idea wouldn't come to my mind? Honey your grandma were born in daegu, got married in daegu, raised her kids in daegu and now also wants to die peacefully at her born place. I know it must be sounding silly to you but it's your grandma last wish. I love her the same as you do to me....y/n she sacrificed alot only to fullfill my needs and give me a comfortable life." She said last sentence lowering her head as she was trying to holding her tears.

My heart breaks seeing her sad. I can feel how sad she is! "Mom we'll shift to daegu tomorrow." I said with sweet smile. I was somewhere happy because I'm leaving this cruel place, I will not get bullied and get hurt by those jerks. I can live better there and can make new friends there.

"Honey thank you for agreeing. I already planned everything, payed a rent also and also gave the interview for the job in daegu. We just have leave from here by tomorrow , also you can go your High school for the half day because I have already talked with your master Mr Choi. He wanted to greet you and also you can meet with your friends, ok?" Mom said politely. I nodded with smile, hiding the fact that I have no friends.

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