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[ Taehyung pov ]


I moved outside my office as it was already so late. I saw y/n was sitting at her place and learning the language. I smiled at her hardwork as she really did a hard work today and done her job perfectly. She was feeling sleepy. I can see her red and sleepy eyes. She was looking exhausting. I was about to walk towards her but her mobile rang. I stopped there.

"Hello, Miss cha y/n speaking." She said in tiry voice.

"Oh Jin. Honey I'm missing you so much." She said sweetly. As those words left her mouth I felt ache in my heart because the truth is that I still have feelings for her. After a long talk, she finally cutted the call and looked at me.

"Oh Mr Kim." She said while standing up.

"Have you learnt the languages?" I asked keeping my hands in my pant pocket.

"Not yet but i will soon complete it tonight as it's not that hard for me. I have also lived in Japan for 2 years in my childhood." She responded with smile. I can see her exhausting face.

"By the way I'm giving you 2 days more to learn it as I don't have any current visit to Japan and China." I informed as she beamed and bowed me.

"Thankyou so may I leave now?" She asked as I nodded.


Y/n called Jin to pick her up but Jin said he can't able to came as he was outside the city because of some office work. Y/n pouted and ended the call. She looked outside the window it was raining heavily. So it will be also hard for her to find the cab in this condition.

"Is Something's wrong? Taehyung asked.

"Actually Jin said that he is outside the city so he can't come. No worry I will book a cab." Y/n replied with awkward smile.

"It's hard to find a cab in heavy rain also it's unsafe as it's already a midnight. Well....I will drop you instead." Taehyung spoke as y/n looked at him with blank face as she didn't expected it but she had no choice left except accepting his offer.

Y/n was sitting at the passanger seat while Taehyung was driving the car.
"Taehyung is looking really changed but why he is pretending like he don't know me before? Whatever it's good though." She thought but soon shrugged it off and looked outside the side window of the car.


y/n was now fitted in her job perfectly and was doing good which also impressed Taehyung. There was a dinner party organized in Kim's family. Y/n was also invited as she was Jin's girlfriend. They both attend the loyal party as Jin's side family was also present there.

They had a elegant family dinner.
"I think now y/n and Jin should get married soon. What you guys think?" Jin mom's said as y/n blushed.

"Yeah I'm ready." Y/n spoke with smile.

"Marriage is really big moment of our life. Let's not decide it in haste. I think we still need some time." Jin explained with smile as y/n nodded sadly as she really wanna get married soon with jin.

"Yaah Taehyung you should also find yourself a sweet and pretty girlfriend like y/n." Taehyung mom said as Taehyung didn't replied and was eating his meal coldly.


[ Y/N POV ]


I was laying down on my bed, looking at ceiling. I called jin as I want to talk with him but he didn't picked it up. I called again but he still didn't picked my call. I let out a big sigh as my phone rang. I quickly looked at the caller id as I thought it was from Jin but it was Taehyung. I sighed and picked the call.

[ On call ]

"We are leaving for Singapore on tomorrow's morning for 1 week. So pack your things. I will send the cab for you to pick you up, be ready at 4:30AM." He informed.

"But why we're going Singapore?" I asked.

"For picnic! Ofcourse we are going Singapore as it's buisness trip. I have some important meetings there." He retort.

"But 4:30AM? Isn't it too early? We can leave at 8:00 AM instead, it's good idea what you think?" I proudly said.

"Silently get ready at given time as i have already booked the flight tickets." He responded and cutted the call before I speak anything.

[ Call ended ]


I freshen up myself and got ready. I wore casual t shirt with mom jeans with black coat as it was cold outside. I locked up my flat and moved outside with my luggage. I was standing outside and glanced at my wrist watch. It was 4:29AM. I inhaled the cold air while rubbing my palms together as it was really relaxed and chilly weather. Soon my cab arrived and I left from there. I texted Jin on my way to airport. "Jin I'm leaving for Singapore with taehyung for 1 week. It is a buisness trip. I will miss you so much." I texted with slight smile.

After few minutes, I arrived to Seoul airport. I walked in, looking for Taehyung. Then suddenly my vision fell on tall figure standing far. He was Taehyung. His handsome back was facing me. He was wearing a brown fur coat with casuals. His eyes was glued on his mobile. I quietly walked to him with my luggage. I stood beside him.

"Oh you're here." He spoke keeping his mobile in his coat pocket. I nodded.

"We have important meeting with the one of the most richest buisness man there in Singapore. Well his name is cho-" He spoke as soon as he tell me the name, Our flight name was announced. So we hurried from there with our luggages.


How was it? Gys I will put little bit more plots then I'm thinking to wrap this story as it's going bit longer than I thought. Well please vote it and give support.💖❤️

Love u 💗 enjoy..🥃

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