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[ Time skips ]

||8:30 PM||

( Y/N POV )

I woke up from my deep sleep. I feel heavy head but soon felt better. I sat up on the bed as I was bored laying on the bed. I looked besides me to see Taehyung but he was not there. I scoffed I think he left also why he would be here with me?? Wasting his precious time!! I thought.

I shrugged off my thoughts and moved my gaze on the side table beside me. I took my mobile from there and started scrolling after a while I realised that today I didn't call my mom. So tap her name on call logs and called her.

"The person you are calling is busy, call later" call ended. I pouted in disappointment as I really wanna talk with her so instead I texted her.

I closed my mobile again keeping it at the table and leaning towards the bed headboard, seeing outside the window

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I closed my mobile again keeping it at the table and leaning towards the bed headboard, seeing outside the window. My stomach growled I sighed as I was hungry whole day suddenly the door opened revealing Taehyung holding a meal.

"What?? he is still there i think my guess was wrong anyway I'm really hungry I want to jump on the meal!" I spoke under my breath glaring at the meal.

"Oh well you are awake, have a meal you must be hungry." he spoke tenderly placing the meal on the bed table and arranging the meal over there with a sweet smile.

I smiled at him a bit but soon looked away as he looked back at me. I just liked that how he was taking care of mine. I hold my chopsticks and glanced at my dinner. I instantly keep my chopsticks back while sulking as I hate RICE PORRIDGE so much!

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"No, I'm not hungry.. I don't want to eat rice porridge!" I whined with sulked face.

"So do you want to eat pizza hmm??" He replied with sweet smile. I instantly nodded in excitement.

"FORGET ABOUT IT AND COMPLETE YOUR DINNER NOW!!" He scold. I flinched and looked at him angrily with a cute pout "yaahh I don't wa-" I cutt off by seeing him intensely looking into my soul. I gulped subtly.

"Haha isn't weather is good now??I think we should take a walk outside a bit..what you think?" I diverted the topic.

"It's raining outside." he replied coldly.

"Huh? No it's not raining!" I spoke and turned my face towards the window and saw a water droplets sliding down a glass window. "Fuck.. this rain also had to happen now!!"

"Miss y/n if you are done with your sweet excuses then please have your meal." He spoke smiling sweetly.

I looked at him "yeah sure" I replied with embarrassed smile and hold my chopsticks to eat the fucking rice porridge. Ugh I will die rather than eating this disgusting meal!! Oh lord why am I sick??? Save Mee please!!! I thought holding chopsticks in air and making weird expressions.

"For how long you are going to keep your chopsticks in air??" He taunted as I smiled bitterly and took a fucking bite of the rice porridge than I somehow complete the bowl keeping a stone in my heart as I don't want to die there of starvation.

After a while, I cleaned up myself and Taehyung cleared the table and kept it on it's place.

There was a awkward silence in the air. Only I could heard is clock ticking. Few minutes later Taehyung sat beside me on the stool. I cleared my throat a little and kept myself busy looking outside of the window.

"Y/n I'm sorry....really sorry for everything!" Taehyung said broking the awkward silence.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I was surprised because hearing sorry from him or even more suprised is that he said sorry to me!! But I ignored his words and was looking at the wet window. Why he is acting so good all of a sudden? I know he is just pretending here maybe he realised his mistake but what!?? I can't forgive him just by hearing his useless sorry!! What he had done to me is can't be forgiven never ever!!!!!!!!

"Y/n I'm really sorry please forgive me. I promised that I will never do that again please forgive me..... please!" he beg my pardon.

His sorry and sudden politeness is making me mad even more how can he act so polite suddenly?? How can he even have a courage to saying a sorry after ending me up in the hospital? How shameless he is!!!

"Do you think I will forgive you?? Do I look fool to you? Who will get melt by a word sorry after suffering so much because of you and your shitty friends and your girlfriend! Huh?" I flouted out.

"Y/n I'm sorry but please I'm kindly requesting you to not to drag my friends in between our conflicts." He spoke.

I scoffed "Oh it's affecting you that I'm dragging your LOVELY FRIENDS in between than why did you dragged sorry *KIDNAPPED* my sweet innocent friend in between!! Huh??? Why answer me!!???" I spoke last sentence shouting on him and tears were already welled up in my eyes but I somehow hold them back to make myself look stronger there.

"Kidnapped?? Well I didn't kidnapped her besides Lisa was included with me to trap you." I spoke.

"Included?? Do you think I will believe on what you are saying? She is my best friend I have ever made So watch before talking anything shitty about her!!" I exclaimed.

"Bestfriend? I think you are really innocent to call her your bff but in reality she was even ready to kill you for the money." He informed. I furrowed my eyebrows and slapped him hard on the spot.

" your shitty words before speaking them specifically about my best friend. She is thousand times better than you!!" I said furiously.

He scoffed and took out his mobile.
"Here is the proof" he said placing his mobile near my ears. I was shocked to listen the voice it was of Lisa and Taehyung. I put my hands on my mouth shockingly.


Hey guyss please be continued 🍃☕

I hope you enjoy 🍂💜💀

Enjoy and like it plzz💗🙏🏻

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