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[ Y/N POV ]

After greeting Mr Choi, I left his office and made my way to the entrance of high school. I glanced one last time at school revived every thing that happened with me from the first day Is now finally ended. I scoffed "I'm free now....." Tears were welled up in my eyes as memories were reflecting in my mind but i shrugged it off, a soft fingers hold my hands. I looked beside me to see. It was my mom standing near by my side with sweet smile. "Honey, let's go. I have done packing, we just have to leave is waiting outside, come!" She spoke sweetly, I nodded with smile and was walking out with her suddenly I heard familiar voice from behind.

I didn't look behind as that was voice is of Lisa. My mom caress my back "honey, look your friend, you guys can talk. I'm waiting for you in car, okay!" She said tenderly and left to her car.

"Y/n...I Heard you are leaving Seoul!" She said panting as she ran so fast to me.

I looked at her with cold face without giving her a response. "Y/n, why didn't you informed me..huh? Aren't we best friends ?" She whined, laughter escaped from my mouth. "Best friends? I think we were.....but not are! Or did you get your payment from Taehyung. You must get rid of your Timepass, don't you?" I said.

She made confused look but then soon realised that of what I'm talking about? "Y/n, you knew that....look y/n I'm really sorry at that time I was really in need of money, please try to-" she is blabbering anxiously "I don't need any explanation Lisa, let's end it. I'm happy with the memories we shared. I don't know that it was time pass or what? But thankyou for being my friend." I sincerely spoke cutting her off and bowed to her then left from there; holding my tears back.

I sat at the backseat of car, wiping my tears away while looking down. Car moved but I didn't even glanced outside the side window of car as I don't want to look there. It was my last moment there.

              ~ [ 6 YEARS LATER ] ~

[ Y/N POV ]


I came back home from the club. It was fun. "I'm home." I greeted while taking out my red heels. I walked to my room but i heard my mom. "Yaah, y/n why do you always spent your days doing clubbing and parties? Get a life for yourself. You are 24 and still JOBLESS! How long I will earn money? Also These days I'm start living sick. Please get financial independent!" She yelled.

"Mom please stop taunting me everyday, I'm fed up of your tantrums atleast don't force me. It's not like I'm not giving interviews or applying. I'm doing my best!" I whined.

"Honey, I'm just saying this for your sake. So, you can live a good life." She replied softly but I ignored her and left to my room.

I threw myself on my bed and relaxing myself because having a argument with my mom is like my daily routine. I felt bad after arguing with her but she is getting so obsessed with job these days and taunt me every single time that made me feel frustrated. I shifted to Seoul 1 year ago. I have made lot of friends and also have a boyfriend. His name is KIM SEOKJIN, we started dating each other 7 months ago; he is really a gentleman. He worked in well known company posco. He is really caring and sweet to me, that's why I like him.

Suddenly my mobile rang, I picked up the call as it was from my sweet boyfriend.

[ On call ]

Jin - "how are you, my sweetheart?" He spoke affectionately.

Y/n - "I'm good now after hearing your sweet voice." I replied giggling.

Jin - "Me too, well I have good news for you!" He said.

Y/n - "good news?" I asked.

Jin - "yes sweetheart, soon you are getting a good job. You only have to give interview tomorrow in Kim's company I have already talked about you with the CEO of the company." He stated.

Y/n - "what?? Kim's company?? It's really fucking big and rich company. How would they even took a interview of girl like me?" I asked surprisingly while getting up.

Jin - "The ceo of the company is my cousin by the way I have already talked about you with him. We have good relationships with each other since childhood. Don't worry and just give a interview tomorrow I'll send you rest information on the text." He explained that made me furrowed my eyebrows shockingly.

Y/n - "oh my god... You are the cousin of Kim company's CEO. Woah!! Thank you so much Jin by the way what's his name?" I asked curiously.

Jin - "His name is KIM TAEYHUNG." He spoke as I frowned shockingly. My heart skips a beat. I felt chills down my spine.

Y/n - "T-Taeyhung." I mumbled in shock.
I heard this name again after almost 6 years later.

Jin - "what's wrong? Did you said anything?" He asked.

Y/n - "Sorry I'll not give any type of interview in this company that's it!" I exclaimed.

Jin - "but y/n I have already talked about it with him now you can't change your mind at last moment also you are in the need of job, don't you?" He replied.

I ended the call without responding him as I was really in shock.

[ Call ended ]

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