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||At morning||

I did light makeup with tousled ponytail and sprayed a chanel perfume. I smiled by looking myself at the mirror as i was looking pretty. I soon took my purse with some important files as I have to give interview. I rushed out my flat building and saw Jin was waiting for me in his black car. He is gonna drop me at Kim's company as it's my first day.

( Outfit )✨


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||At Kim's company||

I was sitting in the lobby. I was shaking my legs while sitting as I was nervous for the interview then my vision fall on one tall man coming towards me. I stood up.
"Miss cha y/n?" He asked as I nodded with smile.

"For interview right? Follow me." He said with smile as I smiled back and followed him. We took a lift to the 6th floor. After a while, we reached to his floor and headed out from the lift. He showed me the way to Taehyung's corner office.

"Here it is. You can go inside, all the best." He stated with smile and left from there. I took a deep breath to collect all my courage. I opened the door "May I come in?" I said shortly. A tall and lean figure was sitting on his place wearing a black suit. He was Taehyung. His eyes was glued on his laptop screen and his fingers was moving on his keyboard. I was amazed by seeing his luxury and modern executive corner office with big windows, showing city view outside.

 I was amazed by seeing his luxury and modern executive corner office with big windows, showing city view outside

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I took my seat on the couch with my files. He closed his laptop and looked at me, I subtly gulped as he was looking so cold.
He clasped his hands on his office glass table while looking at me intensely.

"Miss cha y/n?" He asked coldly as I nodded nervously. He chuckled.
Why he is acting like he heard my name for the first time? I wondered.

"Tell me briefly about yourself." He spoke.

"I'm cha y/n. I have completed my studies at daegu hangkook University. I have always topped in my university and was a good student." I introduced myself. He nodded a little.

"Why did you applied for the Pa position?" He questioned.

"Well to be honest I was in the need of this Job as I have some money problems. My boyfriend introduced me to this job." I said.

"So do you have any skills?" He asked coldly.

"Yeah. I'm good at communication skills, have ability for multitask, time management skills and have strong organisational skills." I replied with brief smile.

"Great then can you please show me your resume and portfolio?" He asked as I nodded and passed him my resume and portfolio. He checked it thoughtfully and gave it back to me. He moved his hand to opened his drawer and took out the contract.

"Here's your contract, sign it please." He informed while passing me the contract with pen. I took a look on the contract and signed it without wasting anymore time as I was really in need of this job and wanted to fullfill my mom's last wish.

"Miss y/n, you can start from tomorrow onwards and yeah come to work by 8:30am, half an hour before me, okay?" He spoke in cold tone. I nodded him.

"By the way I don't want you to get distracted by your romantic relationship with my cousin. So be careful of that as I'll not bear any single mistake of yours."
He sternly said. I nodded instantly and left from there.



I was laying down on my bed and was missing my mom.

"Mom look I fulfilled your wish. I have job now, I'm living nice but missing you so much." I mumbled while looking at the ceiling, tears were escaping my eyes. Suddenly my door bell rang. I wiped my tears away and walked out to open the door. I saw it was Jin standing with the chocolate cake.

"Congratulations sweetheart!" He said with enthusiasm. I beamed and felt good as I was feeling lonely.

He came inside and sat on the couch. "Dear come fast, blow the candles!" He said as I smiled and blowed the candles. Then he clapped while I cut the slice of cake and feed him. He feed me back.

"Congrats on your first job my sweetheart!" He said with big smile. I hugged him tightly as I was really happy to see him here with me. I hugged me back

[ 2 hours later ]

We were watching sitting together on the couch and watching Netflix. It was a great moment. I was in his warm embrace. He is digging his place into my heart deeper and deeper everyday.
I looked at him while his eyes was on the television.

"Jin don't you think we should get married soon." I spoke softly as he looked at me and there was awkward silence between us.

"Well....I was just asking randomly. Don't take it seriously." I said with awkward smile while looking towards the television.
Oh god why did i asked it? It's too early. I'm fool, I don't know what he is thinking of me now? I thought as I was embarassed a bit.

"I think you are right, we should get married soon." He spoke abruptly. I looked at him in shock. He gazed at me with an sweet smile as I beamed. I pecked his plumpy lips.

He smiled and smashed his lips on mine. He started kissing me passionately, I was kissing him back. His body pressed on me as our tongues was gliding with eachother. I could taste our shared breath. Our eyes were fully closed in pleasure. He slowly took out my clothes as I took out his.

"Babygirl...lets celebrate tonight." He hornily said as I smirked. He again locked his lips with mine while unzipping my bra. I was massaging his bare muscular back while he was kissing me.


Next chapter is gonna dirty and horny...🤧😜

Are you guys ready?💗👻😈

Hard stans or soft Stans?😏💜

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