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[ 1 hour later ]

Meeting was end. We took a lift to Taehyung's floor my office is also there nearby his corner office so we share a same lift. There was a awkward silence but Taehyung broked it.

"It's better if you be more attentive in your job otherwise i have to fire you as I will not bear any silly small mistakes of yours." He scold. "I'm sorry it will not happen again." I apologized and bowed him. We reached to our floor so we came out from the lift.

"Make a cup of hot coffee." He ordered and left to his office. I let out a big sigh and prepared a hot coffee for him. I knocked his office door. "Come in." He shortly said as I entered inside the office with his coffee. His back was facing me as he was looking Twilight outside the big windows. I quietly kept the cup of coffee on his table. There was a silence in the air but Taehyung broked it.

"You can go home now as it's already 8:00PM." He said while turning to me coldly. He hold his coffee mug and took the sip. "It's good." He complimented while i bowed him.

"I should leave now." I said politely as he gazed at me. "It's late I will drop you." He said as I smiled awkwardly.

"Uh...well thanks but Jin will pick me up." I said as he nod slightly.

"Well you can leave then." He said coldly as I smiled awkwardly and left from there as fast as I can because I can't able to hold that awkward conversations with him anymore.

I was trying to call Jin outside the building; waiting for him but he was not picking up my calls so instead I text him. I let out a big sigh and waiting for him to come. It was chilly weather, cold air was hitting my skin. I felt chills so to warm me I rubbed my shoulders with my arms. "He didn't even bother to call me. What's wrong with him?" I mumbled. After a while, I called him again but he was still ignoring it now it was getting on my nerves. I decided that i will not move from here until he comes to pick me up.

Drops of water start falling on me from the sky and then bursted on me. It was raining heavily but i didn't moved from there. I was getting wet and waiting for him like crazy everyone was rushing and taking umbrellas while i was standing like the statue then I saw the black car it was similar to jin, vision was blur because of rain that's why I couldn't able to analyse whether he is Jin or not but he was Jin only. I beamed but soon my smile disappeared when I saw one woman sitting beside him in passanger seat. His car crossed me and I was just standing there and looking at his car going far away from me. I quickly took the cab and said the driver to follow that car.

[ 5 minutes later ]

Finally his car stopped. I came out from the cab and payed the driver. I was looking at them from far near the trees, getting wet from rain. I saw he was opening the car door for that women and shared the umbrella with her and then he pecked her lips. It completely broked me into pieces I never expected this from him I only had him after my mom passed away but he also betrayed me. He is a cheater. I was deep down praying to God to prove me wrong but unluckily i was right. I called him once more knowing that it's my last call to him. He cutted my call infront of me. I Scoffed while tears were flowing from my eyes. I wanted to die right there but after giving him a right slap.

I walked to him and grabbed his shoulder tightly then slapped him hard on his right cheek. "So this is why you were busy. You cheater!!" I exclaimed. He looked at him. "Y-y/n you...what are you doing here?" He stuttered. I scoffed.

"Seeing you cheating on me." I replied, trying hard to act that I'm okay while I was controlling my tears.

"Y/n's nothing bet-" I cutted him off. "Jin stop now how much will you lie to me. Aren't you tired of lieing?" I shrieked.

"Yeah she's right we should tell her about our relationship baby." Girl said holding his arms. I clenched my fist, controlling myself. "You scumbag!!" I insulted.

"Y/n enough I'm tired of you let's just breakup and let me live my life peacefully." He stated as I scoffed. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Jin why did you cheat me if you wanted to show me this day then why you showed me fake dreams. WHY!!!!" I blurted out while tears were running from my eyes.

"If you're done then let us go. Let's go baby." Girl said holding his arms taking him away from me. I was standing there in dark silent paths, watching them going far. Drops of water dripping over my forehead to chin while i was weeping. I fell down on my knees and started crying my lungs out taking all my pain out through my tears. "Why does everyone leaves me alone in between....I'm sick of my life. I wanna die!!! I don't want to live in this cruel world anymore." I said in broked voice because I was crying.

"I-i will end everything..." I said while standing up in heavy rain. I stood up on the edge of the river bridge. I kept one step forward and moved forward but before I jumps down someone pulled me hard backwards. I fall on the muscular body. I opened my weak eyes to see who it is? He was Taehyung. "What were you doing? Are you crazy?." He yelled while i  smiled painfully. "I'm not crazy I want to die let me just die!!!" I screamed while tears started falling from my eyes. He hugged me tightly by his chest. I can hear his fast heartbeat seems like he was really scared. I cried alot on his shoulder while he was caressing my back. Soon, I lost my consciousness.

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