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Y/n was looking outside the window while I was staring her Automatically a smile curved on my lips. She was looking really beautiful even in this condition also. My gaze was filled with love and care towards her. My heartbeat was getting faster and caring for her every second. Why I'm feeling love towards her?? No, it's just because you are feeling guilty Taehyung!! How can you fell in love with someone in just one day?? Even thinking about it. It's sounds stupid!! I was fighting mentally with my mind and heart. I was puzzled because my mind was saying something else where my heart was saying something else.

"Excuse me sir. Please move aside I have to give injection to an patient." Nurse said with politely. I moved aside giving her way to come near to y/n.

Nurse filled her injection. I can see y/n was looking scared of injection. I moved towards her by the different side of bed to comfort her.

"You can hold me while the process." I favoured her with a sweet smile.

She rolled her eyes over me ignoring my favour. Then nurse gently injected y/n on her forearms. She closed her eyes tightly, and held my hands firmly; pricking my skin with her round pink nails causing me moan but i beared it as all my pain went away seeing her cute scared expression. I chuckled at her cuteness.

"I have given her intravenous injection. She will fall asleep for a bit." Nurse stated; disposing a used injection in infectious waste bin aside medical table.

"Yeah but may you please tell me, when she will get discharged?" I asked.

"Sir, she will get discharged by tomorrow as now she only have a light fever which will go away by tonight." she replied with polite smile.

"Oh ok thanks!" I bowed then she greeted back and headed out from the ward.

I looked at y/n. She was already fell asleep. I can't stop myself from staring her as she was looking so cute while sleeping. I was looking at her with my warm gaze, naturally smile appeared on my face but out of a blue I felt butterflies in my stomach, my cheeks were flushed and I was feeling warm nervousness inside.

What's happening with me?? Do I have any disease?..... I thought and immediately poured myself a glass of water and drank it in one go.

"Aish what's's the first time i'm feeling like this!!!" I mumbled under my breath, keeping a glass on the table.

"I think I should get a check-up of myself. What if I have any disease??" I said to myself.

I quickly went to the nurse. "I'm not feeling well, can you take a check up of mine?" I asked her. She nodded "yeah come with me." As she said I followed the direction where she was going. We reached to the check-up room.

"May I come in?" Nursed said knocking the door.

We headed inside the room a doctor was sitting on the chair; checking piles of files. He kept his files aside and looked at us.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Well Mr Kim is not feeling well can you please take a check up of him?" Nurse replied. He hummed and asked me to sit on the chair beside him.

"What are the symptoms??" He asked while taking a pen and diary.

"I'm feeling butterflies in stomach, sudden increasing of heartbeat, nervousness and blushing for no reason." I spoke.

I noticed that he smiled and kept his pen again in the pen holder. I moved my head to see nurse. She was giggling. I made a confused look.

"Is this what you were feeling?" He asked politely. I nodded in confusion.

"What you meant by is this?? It's serious! I never felt this way before." I stated.

laughter escaped from his mouth. He put the hand on my shoulder, turning his chair towards me.

"Well, do you really don't know?Of what these symptoms are of ?" He responded smiling sweetly.

"How would I know? If I would know then why I will be taking checkups and all?" I replied solemnly.

He sighed "Aish you are so aromantic" he said under his breath, but was enough to hear it.

"Aromantic??? What you meant by aromantic? I'm here for the checkup not to hear that I'm romantic or not." I sternly spoke.

"Calm down and tell me, Don't you watch Kdramas or movies?" He asked formally.

"Well not interested in dramas and about I only watch action or adventurous Hollywood movies." I replied.

"Oh that I can see!" he whispered.

"But what these dramas and movies had to do with my disease??" I asked coldly.

"Well you don't have any disease instead you have fallen in love, that's why you are feeling like this...that's all." he explained courteously.

I made confused look and was surprised by his answer. Love?? How can I fell in love!? Without even realising!! Is he is doing joke or what??!

"But with whom I'm in love with??" I asked in confusion.

"Ofcourse with the person, you feel that way around." He responded softly.

"Y/n..." I said under my breath with a suprised look. But how can it be possible?? How come someone fell in love within a day?? Totally shit!!

"But I'm feeling that way around her today only, so how can you say that I'm in love?? Also how come someone fell in love with someone within a day?? It's impossible!" I demonstrate.

"Kiddo, Nothing is impossible in this world. Maybe you have fallen for her a long time ago but some different thoughts that you may have set up for her caged your love for her but as you know no one can defeat love in this world. However, One day it will gonna came out and now see you started realising different feelings for her. This is how love works." He explained calmly.

I realised that he had a point on what he was saying. I have always built myself with a feeling that y/n is a girl I bully or nothing. I have set up different roles to everyone and was blind with my ego!!but now that I realised my mistake, I'm sorry for her but along with sorry I also started feeling different for her that I have never felt for anyone in my whole depressing rich fucking life.

"Now don't think too much that your mind will end up exploding here" he said teasing me, I snapped into reality as I was lost in my thoughts.

I stood up,"thanks!"I said bowing him and headed out of the room with nurse towards y/n ward.

"Congratulations sir! I hope you will propose your loved ones soon!" She giggled while walking along with me on the hallway. I nodded with the polite smile while keeping my posture straight towards my way.

Fell in love...yeahhhh but keep the story continued as there is still not ending more twists and fun is left.💖😂✌🏻

( This part was my longest "1214" words )

Okkii enjoy and plzz support..

Love youuuu🤧💗

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