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||Sky flyer, garden by the bay||

We were enjoying sky dining as I booked it for private. We can see the nightfall and the whole city view in the wheel. It was beautiful experience. I can see how amused y/n was. She was enjoying it.

"Woah its so beautiful." She said excitingly as I chuckled and we both were enjoying the view.

" She said excitingly as I chuckled and we both were enjoying the view

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[ Y/N POV ]

After an amazing ride we experience flower dome. It was beautiful. There was every type of plants and flowers. It was really romantic environment. We clicked picture there with flowers. Taehyung was demonstrating those flowers to me and clicking pictures of them. While I was smelling them. Their fragrance was really fabulous.

"Can you click a picture of mine?" I asked politely to Taehyung. He nodded. I flipped my flory black frock for an pose for the picture. He clicked the picture.

"Hey let's click one together." I said as he sighed and nodded. I handed over the camera to an stranger there to take a pic of us. He clicked the picture as we thanked him. We took a walk around different types of flowers and plants.

 We took a walk around different types of flowers and plants

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After an hour there, we moved out. We took a walk in helix bridge. It was really amazing. I was running like child and inhaling the air while Taehyung was walking behind me and clicking pictures.
He took a picture of mine. I was posing and he was clicking. He was like my photographer there. Then we walked together on the bridge. It was so cold. I was shivering as I also didn't wear a coat on my outfit but now I'm regretting.

"Are you feeling cold?" Taehyung asked in deep tone. I slightly nodded.

"Why you're are careless." He whispered but was enough for me to hear it. I pouted. He took off his coat and put it on me. My heart skips a beat after seeing his kindness. "He is changed." I said under my breath. I looked at him. It feels like he was also feeling cold.

"You can take your coat back because I don't want you to get cold because of me." I said politely as he gazed at me.

"No need. I am okay." He said coldly and started walking.

"Hey wait for me!" I shrieked from behind and tried to catch his fast pace.
We were walking peacefully in the bridge while looking at the beautiful bright golden lights covering up tall trees and buildings. Cold breeze was hitting our bare skin; giving me goosebumps. We both have been enjoying since morning. It was really fun. We enjoyed alot and went to a lot of places as it was free day.

 We enjoyed alot and went to a lot of places as it was free day

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[ 2 hours later ]


We reached our hotel. I took a hot shower after Taehyung then I jumped on the bed as I was really tired today but it was fun too. Taehyung was talking something important on the phone call in the balcony while I was laying down on the bed like a dead body and resting myself then felt asleep.

[ Author pov ]

Taehyung came from the balcony and saw y/n was sleeping on the bed peacefully. He chuckled at her cuteness. Taehyung slightly picked her up and placed her on the other side of the bed because she was sleeping around the bed. He then placed his pillow beside her and layed down. He was looking at y/n beauty sleep and smiling. Taehyung caressed her hair strands back and while looking at her he slept. In midnight he grabbed y/n by her waist tightly as he was doing it unconsciously. He snuggled her tightly in his baggy black hoodie under the white blanket.


[ Y/N POV ]

I opened my eyes and felt a muscular arms around my waist. I moved his hands and got up from the bed. Taehyung was sleeping whole night smuggling me. I smiled at him and done my routine. After an hour, he woke up while i prepared the tea for him.

"You are awake." He said in sleepy tone. I nodded with polite smile and handed over him a cup of tea. He drank it and got freshen up. He wore his black suit and sprayed his branded scent all over his body. He took two luggages with him and hand one to me as it was mine. I was bit confused.

"What is this?" I asked in confusion.

"It's been 1 week and our deal with Mr Choi soo bin is also done so we're going back Seoul." He replied. I hummed and took my luggage. I enjoyed here and don't know when this 1 week has passed. I thought it would be difficult to spend time here but I was wrong. I'm also happy because i will be able to meet my Jin.

[ Time skips ]


We reached to Seoul. Taehyung and me came out from the airplane with our luggages, I took a deep breath of seoul air as I missed my hometown so much. Then Taehyung deep voice as ocean hit my ears.

"I have meeting in 15 minutes so we have to hurry to Kim's company." He commanded as I nodded in frustration because I was bit tired. His car arrived and then we both sat at the backseat and moved to work. "Why he's so workaholic. Can't he cancel his meeting for today!" I said under my breath while he was busy on his important phone calls.

||At Kim's company||

Taehyung was explaining his new ideas and strategies in meeting while I was staring him as he was looking so handsome and smart that I can't able to move my gaze from him. Everyone was questioning and paying attention on what he's saying on the other hand I was in my different world. He glanced at me and stopped for a second.

"Miss y/n??" He said but i ignored as I was lost.

"Miss y/n!! Please pay attention." He said in bit loud tone. I snapped back to reality and realized that I was staring him like crazy in this whole time. I moved my gaze down in embarrassment. He sighed and continued him.

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