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( Y/n pov )

I reached the destination. I quickly payed to cab driver, and looked to the place; there was no one except tall trees around and one old big building

I subtly swallowed and headed inside the building. I was looking around, observing the building all of a sudden my mobile popped up. It was text from unknown number.

[ Massages ]

Person - Come to the terrace and yeah do as I say wanna you know, what I'm gonna do with your friend!? 😏

Me - okk but please keep her safe!!🙏🏻

( Massages closed )

I instantly made my way to terrace panickly. I finally reached there and opened the door of the terrace as I opened the I saw a tall and lean figure back was facing me. His hands was in his pockets; he was TAEHYUNG!!

I saw Lisa standing near the corner. Her hands were folded at chest. She walked towards me. She is looking fine?? Haessh atleast she is fine, thank God.

"Welcome here y/n and I'm so sorry..ok bye!" She said with smirk and then leaved me from there closing the terrace door. I was baffled. what's going on??why she said sorry to me.... And why the fuck she closed the door leaving me here alone with the jerk!?? I was puzzled with my questions.

"So Miss cha y/n is here" he sneered turning towards me while his hands were still in his pocket.

"Why the hell!! You are here?? And why did you kidnapped my friend!???" I shouted in anger.

"Keep your fucking VOICE low!!" He exclaimed; intensely looking into my eyes. I flinched and gulped, moved my gaze down on the floor as I don't have much courage to look back at his scary glare.

"You know your friend Lisa was so helpful to me.... I appreciate" he smirked while moving forward towards me. He's coming closer and closer to me but I kept stepping backwards to maintain some distance between us until my back hit the door wall behind me. His close proximity made me swallowed subtly. Our gaze met, he was glaring into my soul that made me scared as hella. I clenched my fist into ball out of nervousness.

"What I-I have done to y-you??.... please l-let me go...T-Taehyung!." I spoke stuttering.

"I still remember that hard slap you gifted me on my birthday.." he scoffed. I moved my gaze down regretting that why i slapped him? Coz I sensed that something horrible gonna happen with me!!

Out of a blue he grabbed my hair that made me groaned.

"P-please leave it" I said groaning.

He dragged me with him until he we reached little further from terrace door. He then pushed me hard on the floor.

"You you think after that shameful slap you gave me, I will let you live peacefully!!!!???" He said sternly.

"Please I-I am s-so sorry" I begged him while tears were already started Falling
from my eyes.

He then kicked me hard on my stomach that made me layed on the ground.

"Aaahh" I winced with pain keeping my hands on my stomach tightly.

He again kicked me on my shoulders hard that I layed flat on the ground. I groaned loudly keeping my both hands on my stomach, squinted my eyes in pain moving my legs towards my stomach in unbearable pain.

"You deserve this!!!" He exclaimed taking his belt out to beat me up to death.

"P-please Ta-Taeh---"

He hit the belt hard on my neck making me scream loud my lungs and cutting me off in between. He just continued to beat me till I die.....I was crying, screaming and begging but he didn't seem to listened that and just beating me like I'm his dog. Tears were tired of flowing, My throat was exhausted by screaming, my body was drained by beating and my soul was dying inside with pain.

"You know what you are a pain in my ass!!" He said brutally, grabbing my hair making me stand up forcefully. He pinned me towards the wall and grasped my throat roughly. His face was furious and I can feel how mad he was!!

( Author Pov )

"Please d-don't I will d-die" y/n said while crying and begging him for her life.

"That's what I want" smirk plastered on his face.



Y/n lose her all energy, Taehyung finally leaved her throat as his grip moved from the y/n throat. She fell down on the floor as she was not concious and black clouds start taking over the sky. Drops of rainfall start falling and converted into heavy rainfall. Her blood got mixed and started floating with the rainwater. Clouds was thundering.

Taehyung was paused. Tears were forming in his eyes seeing y/n laying on the group like a dead; blood flowing from the body suddenly his bloody belt fell down on the surface. He fell down on the ground on his knees.

"Yeah...y-you have taken your revenge T-Taehyung be happy" he said stuttering trying to make himself satisfy but unable to do it. Tears roll down his cheek. He is realising everything he had done with y/n. He was feeling devasted.


I hope u gyzz are liking my story🙃❤️

Plzz support 💀☠️🙏🏻🤧

Anyway love youuu.... enjoy ❤️💖

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