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A sudden realisation hit Taehyung's head making him feel devasted and guilty. He caressed back his hair anxiously while tears escaping from his wet eyes.

"Y/n I am sorry please wake-up" he said patting her shoulders. He felt that she is getting cold ice that made him anxious. He immediately carry y/n in bridal style after making a call to his driver.

He placed y/n in his Mercedes car and sit beside her keeping her head on his lap.

"Move fast to the hospital" he ordered.

[ Taehyung pov ]

( Time skips )

||Asan medical center||

I was waiting outside in the hallway anxiously suddenly doctor came out from the ward "177". I stood up apprehensively. "Patient is fine now but will take some to time to recover. I have prescribed some medicines please purchase them." he informed.

"Yeah I will" I replied while bowing him and immediately rushed to the y/n's ward.

I saw she was laying on the hospital cot wearing a oxygen mask, fell asleep. I sat beside the cot on the stool and gently holding her weak hands.

"Y/n I am so sorry for everything I have done to you. I'm really sorry y/n. You know I hated my father the most in my whole life because he always beat my mom but what? I did the same as him. I hated but also becoming like him! I'm really sorry please forgive me" I said while tears were shedding from my eyes.

"I agree that I was blind with my ego, attitude and pride. I had always hurted you just like my dad did with my mom, i bully you, make fun of yours and many other things. But now I will make sure that it will not happen again...forgive me." I spoke those last words throwing my head on our clasp hands while crying.

"Please..f-forgive me....y/n" I stuttered.

[ Y/n pov ]

( Time skips )


I weakly opened my eyes and found myself in ward, it was a blur vision but soon got cleared. I can feel oxygen mask on my face. I memorized everything that happened with me. My eyes were teary thinking that he done this to me?? But I hold back my tears but soon my numb hands felt a warm long hands clasping my palm. I moved my head to see who it is?

My eyes saw a handsome face was sleeping keeping his head on the bed cot and holding my palm. He was Taehyung.

I scoffed a bit because it's hard to react in oxygen mask. what he is doing here??after making my condition like this! I thought. I shrugged off and moved my face away towards the window seeing the view of the twilight sky. I was missing my mom so much, I want her to be here by my side but she was with her mom.

"You are awake" he hoarsed in deep tone. I ignored him and kept my eyes stuck at the view outside of the window.

[ Taehyung pov ]

I feel ache in my heart seeing her ignoring me but shrugged it off because I deserved it. I let out a big sigh and stood up to fill a glass of water from water filter. I filled the glass from the filter and made my way towards y/n. I kept the glass on the side table and recieved my hand towards y/n. So, she can sat up on the bed and drink water.

She ignored and tried to got up on her own. " Aahhhh" she whispered. I immediately held her back from one hand and palm with other; helping her to sat up.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded as removing her hand from mine then I quickly removed my hand from her back as she was uncomfortable of my hold.

I gently removed her oxygen mask and held her a glass of water. She took the few sips of water then gave the glass back to me; I kept the glass on the side table and again helped her to lay down on the bed, wearing her a oxygen mask.

I again sat back on the stool "If you need anything than inform me okay?" I stated with polite smile. She didn't pay attention to my words and was keep looking at the nightfall outside the window.

"What's special there?" I said under my breath with pout.


Woohoo my exams are over now I will upload time to time

Please be continued as I will make it so interesting 💜🤧

Well... Enjoy ❤️💖

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