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Taehyung Paid the expenses of hospital and walked out from the hospital with
y/n as she was finally discharged. His Mercedes car was parking outside the hospital, waiting for them.

"Let's go, I will drop you." Taehyung favoured, looking at y/n.

"No need, I can go home by myself!" Y/n flouted out and walked a bit "oh really than can you walk 3KM?" Taehyung questioned from behind, teasing her.

"I will take a cab" y/n replied turning to Taehyung but soon realised that she had no money with her.

"Oh you have money for that now....hmm?" He said mockingly.

"Oh let's go in your car!" She said while walking towards the Taehyung's car. Taehyung smiled victoriously and walked behind her to the car.

"Drop me at ichon dong, yang-sun" y/n ordered to driver. Driver nodded and started the car.Taehyung and y/n were sitting at the backseat, y/n tilted her head on the side window of the car; seeing the nature outside.

Taehyung was looking at the y/n and smiling. "Have you lost your senses? Why you are looking at me?" Y/n asked while keeping her eyes outside the window.

Taehyung moved his head away from her, looking front. He was embarassed as y/n caught him staring. "How come she noticed that I was staring her? Did she have any super power?" He mumbled under his breath like a baby.

[ Few Minutes Later ]

Y/n reached her home. She came out from the car and quickly rushed to her house. Taehyung waved at her but she didn't noticed coz she was tired as hella. Taehyung let out a big sigh and left for his mansion.

[ Y/N POV ]

I quickly brushed my teeth and took a quick hot shower, flushing out all my problems after an warm shower. I changed myself into my comfy outfit.

I did my morning skin care as it my skin was looking so cold and rough

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I did my morning skin care as it my skin was looking so cold and rough. After that, I prepared a breakfast for me. I was really craving to eat something healthy and delicious. So, I decided to make myself a oatmeal smoothie with strawberries and banana pieces with the mug of brew coffee.

 So, I decided to make myself a oatmeal smoothie with strawberries and banana pieces with the mug of brew coffee

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After an delicious breakfast, I walked to my room and threw myself on my goofy bed. I hugged my sweet pillow but then quickly threw it and snatched my mobile. I opened the texts that i have sent to my mom but they are still unseen, i sulked and opened my call logs just to see my contacts as I was getting bored. I saw Lisa's contact.

I smiled bitterly that recording was playing in my head, my heart again started aching. I immediately blocked her contact and deleted it from my mobile. Then i opened my gallery and deleted all the pics I had with her. Tears were escaping from my eyes but she betrayed me and broked my heart. She don't deserved to be my bestfriend even friend also

I kept my mobile far from me and snuggled my creamy white pillow and curved like a snail. Soon, I drifted into the deep sleep.

[ Taehyung Pov ]



I was leaning at my couch making a plan to propose y/n while solving the cube. Suddenly my room door opened revealing my best friends Jimin and Jungkook.

"Hey bruh wassup !!" Jimin said while sitting on the couch with me. Whereas Jungkook sat on my bed; leaning freely.

"Wow, your king size bed is really comfortable!" Jungkook said laying on the bed like it's his own bed.

I chuckled while focusing on solving the cube. jimin kept his hands on my shoulder and snatched my cube away from me and threw towards jungkook, he catched that.

"Woah now see how I'm gonna solve it!!" Jungkook spoke and started solving it.

"Yaah you bastards , give me my cube back!!" I shreiked in fake anger tone.

"Bruh chill and tell me have you completed you revenge from her?? I guess...She must be dead by now!" Jimin said with smirk

As he spoke those words I felt like to kill him right there. It's the first time I thought to kill him as he was my soulmate. I clenched my jaw in anger.

" you wanna die?" I replied in annoyance.

"What?? Did I speak something wrong??" He asked in confusion.

"Not wrong.....really fucking wrong!!" I yelled.

He flinched "ugh your deep voice!!" He said rubbing his ears.

"Yaah Taehyung-ah....why you are shouting like a crazy, let me focus!!" Jungkook said in annoyance; looking at the Taehyung.

"Focus?? You jerk that's mine!!" Taehyung responded throwing a pillow on jungkook face. "Aish" he whispered removing the pillow from his face.
"You are a good definition of the irritating child!" He said under his breath while playing the cube again but that was enough to hear it.

"Child? Oh look, who is saying?? the person who still dance on Doraemon songs in bathroom secretly!" I replied teasing him.

"You!!!" Jungkook said threwing the cube on the bed and jumped on me
"Yaah leave your so heavy!!" I yelled as Jungkook sat on me. We both were fighting like small 5 years old kiddos. It was fun but at that time we were really angry on eachother; we both fell on the floor but still didn't leave eachother hair.
Jimin was sitting on the couch and was enjoying the scene.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" He cheered.

"Yaah you betrayal support me!!!" I yelled at him while grabbing jungkook hair, he grabbed back mine.

"Taehyung! Taehyung!" He cheered me as I smiled but jungkook was angry. "Jiminshii !!!!" He yelled.

"Yaah yaah punch each other.lets see who is stronger!?" He said excitedly.

We both understood that he was taking fun of us so, we secretly winked at eachother and stood up in unison; we were intensely glaring at jimin. He gulped subtly. "Why you both are glaring like you are gonna kill me here!?" He said pouting.

"Wasn't you taking so much fun...hmm?? I said. " I was...I was--" he stuttered as we cutts him off and jumped on him.
Now we three of us were having fun and fighting with eachother, we messed up the whole room and layed together on the floor, laughing hard. This is our friendship speciality fight to fun!


Hey how it is? Fun nah

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Please be continued 🍃☕

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