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I was jumping on the bed like a child as it was so soft and fluffy. It was fun but not for so long as I felt two paired of eyes was staring me. I glanced at the direction of bathroom entrance. Taehyung was standing there; staring at me. Towel was wrapping up his lower part while he was half naked because he took a hot night shower.

"What were you doing? Are you a little 5 year old girl?" He said sternly. I quietly stepped down on the floor from the bed.

"I am sorry." I apologised while moving my gaze down on the surface. Suddenly my mobile rang. I looked at my mobile and extended my hand towards my mobile but before I could touch it Taehyung snatched it.

"Why is he calling you at this time?" Taehyung asked glaring at me. I gulped down. It was from soo-bin.

"He's my friend...maybe that's why." I replied. Taehyung cutted the call and threw my mobile on bed.

"I don't care if you both are friends or not but we are here to fix a important deal with soo-bin. He is our competitive more than a friend. So my company should not suffer because of your friendship with him." He explained.

"But how can you disconnect my personal calls?" I whined as he glared me. "If you want to talk with him so you can stay outside my room and can peacefully talk with him. I have no problem but not here in my room." He said harshly.

"What's wrong with his temper?" I said under my breath. He kept one step more closer to me we both were at the closest proximity. I stepped backside but got fall on the bed. Taehyung was looking at me with an unreadable expression. I grabbed the bedsheet tightly as I was scared. He hovered over me, making my heart beat racing like an athlete.

"W-what are you do-doing?" I asked as he was looking at me. Drops of water was falling on my cheeks from his wet fluffy hair. He was looking angel. His fluffy and pink lips made me lost. I closed my eyes and pecked his lips. After a while, I opened my eyes to see his reaction. His face was blank that made me embarrassed a bit. Oh god what's wrong with me?? I thought.

"I-i am sorry." I stuttered as he kissed me back. Taehyung start kissing me passionately. I was also enjoying and kissing him back. our tongues were gliding with each other and we were having competition. We were sharing our heavy breathes with each other; he smell good. Then after a long passionate kiss, we broked it. I was breathing heavily while looking at him. He was also panting upon me. He moved aside. I got up from the bed, there was awkward silence between us.

"Let's pretends it never happened." We said in unison.

We both glanced at each other awkwardly. "Ok." We replied in unison. It is getting awkward than awkward now. Back our atmosphere has become silent and awkward.

"Ok I will sleep on the couch while you can sleep on the bed." He said broking the silence while taking his pillow and blanket. I stood up.

"No. You can sleep on the bed instead I will sleep on the couch." I spoke with polite smile expecting him to say no inside my heart as i wanted to sleep on the bed.

"Ok then I will sleep on the bed." He said coldly while keeping his pillow and blanket again on the bed. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What?" I said with awkward smile.

"Here's your pillow and blanket." He spoke handing over me the pillow and blanket. I was blanked. Oh god why I even tried to act nice?? Now what should I do?
I thought. Then a idea popped up in my mind. I layed down on the bed and started pretending to have a sharp stomach pain.

"Aahh its so painful that I can't even move. I feel now that I have to sleep on the bed now." I acted.

"You were fine a while back, now what happened all of a sudden?" He asked.

"Ahh I'm not feeling well now please don't question me." I spoke as he nodded slightly. Then i felt two arms around my waist. He picked me up in the bridal style.

"It doesn't matter if you can't even walk to couch, I will help you to drop there." He spoke carrying me in his arms. My cheeks were flushed. What do I do now? I thought. I gazed at him. Damn he was looking so angelic. No doubt that he is so handsome. "Why you are so handsome." I blurted out my thoughts without even realising it. He glanced at me and smirked.

"I know." He said with proud smile as I realised that what I just said. I put my hands on my mouth while my face was red in shyness. "God your looking like tomato right now." He mocked while a laughter escaped his mouth.

"Yaah stop teasing me it's just bcz I'm feeling hot." I said as he dropped me on the sofa respectively.

"Goodnight." He wished and turned off the room lights and get into his dream world. I was shook to see that how fast he fell asleep while I'm still awake like an poor owl under the blanket on the sofa.
"Yahh this man. Look how peacefully he is sleeping on the bed and here I'm sleeping on this uncomfortable couch." I blabbered but finally after an hour, I fell asleep.



||At morning||

I completed my breakfast with y/n. We were very busy these few days as it was very busy schedule and important meeting were held.

"What's the schedule?" I asked coldly.

"Mr Kim there is no schedule today. So your free." She informed politely as I nodded. I freshen up myself and sit to work on my laptop while y/n was watching Netflix as she was finally free so I didn't disturbed her and let her watch the Netflix peacefully.

[ 3 hours later ]

I finally closed my laptop and took out my glasses after the work. I stretched my body as it was paining a bit because i worked in one position straight to 3 hours. I looked at y/n. She fell asleep while the tv was on so I switched it off.
Few minutes later, y/n woke up as I held her a cup of tea.

"I would like to give you a trip in Singapore in exchange for your hard work." I offered as she beamed that made me smiled too.

"Really? Then let's go but where?" She amused.

"We'll visit the gardens by the bay. It's really beautiful and interesting place. You will have fun and yeah don't worry about an money, I will pay the expenses. Think it as your gift trip." I informed as she smiled and thanked me.

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