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When I became Spider-Man I thought cool I have superpowers now but I didn't thought that I would lose everything. Now my last family member aunt may is dead. My friend doesn't even know me it's like I didn't even existed. And now here I am in college alone without any friends or family.

A boy knocked on the door I looked up

„Hey I'm you new roommate" he said and smiled at me. I forced to smile back
„My name is Harry... Harry Osborn by the way" he sat on the other bed in the room

„My name is Peter...Peter Parker" I said nicely
„So what your studying?" he asked me and looked at me with a smile
„Scince what about you?"
„Cool I study that too"

Perhaps I find new friends maybe he would be my new friend

He packed his things out he had so many photos with his dad I think and with friends.

I looked at my side I just had a photo from me and mr stark on my nightstand and a picture of me and may on the wall. I better not hang the pictures of Ned and mj it hurt to much knowing they don't know that I even exist anymore.

Harry looked at the pictures on my nightstand he seemed to know who it was I mean of course he know who don't know Tony stark

"Is that your dad" he asked pointing of mr stark

Well I didn't expected that question

"No. not really but he was like a father to me so yeah he was"

„So you knew Tony stark?"

„Yes I know Tony stark I had an internship at stark tower"


„Is that your dad?" I pointed of a a Photo of him and an older man in a lab named oscorp

„Yes but he died too"

We have something in common

„Okay" he continued packing out

I wanted to get out of here don't get me wrong not because of him he was nice. But I just wanted some alone time for me

"I go walking" I said and went out of the door

I walked down the campus until I saw a bench in the middle of nowhere and sat down there. Nobody would see if I cry here. So I broke down and just let my feeling out I just cried.

After maybe half an hour of crying I stopped.
I remember I... Spider-Man had a meeting with happy. So I went back to the college room Harry wasn't there he must explore the campus or something. So I put my suit on and swinged to the stark tower were happy was alreading waiting
I could tell him... I thought I could tell him my real me. But I didn't want him to get in danger or getting killed.

„sorry I'm late" I said and sat next to him

„It's okay"

Ever since aunt may died we meet up because none of us had other family or friends left.

"So Spider-Man how is it going?" he asked and toke a sip of his coffe

„Fine I started college I have a nice roommate"

There wasn't any reason to hide that scince he knew my age

"That's good"

„and how is it going with you?"

„All fine no one died this week"

„That's good"

„So do you reval your real identity?" he asked

I could but that just means he would be in danger

"That's would mean danger for you"

"I'm already in danger Peter...This job means danger"

What did he just say?

„You know my name?" I asked suprised

„Yes,Tony had a photo hanging with a boy and I did some research the boys name was Peter Parker and then I remembered everything"

I toke of my mask happy didn't even seemed suprised

„Well you figured out my secret...what now?"

„Why don't you tell me why no one knows you Peter Parker?"

„short version, I messed up the multiverse and it was the only way the whole world would forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man dr strange helped me"

„that explains it" he looked down at his watch
„It's getting late you should get back to college we meet next week at the Same time again"

I said bye to happy and then swinged back to college i changed back to my normal clothes before walking into my room where Harry was sleeping. I tried to be quiet and walked to my bed I layed down I starred  at the ceiling. Happy knows my real identity he remembered everything maybe when I tell Ned and mj they would remember too... but it's to dangerous I sighed I started at the celling for a bit longer until I felt asleep

Depressed Peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now