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I wake up what a surprise from Harry falling of my bed

"that's not normal" I said he just laughed "yeah I know" he stayed up and sat down on the bed again

"hey have I told you my dad tony wants to officially adopt me?"

"That's great I'm happy for you" he said

I stayed up from my bed and got in the bathroom I had I changed into normal clothes and looked at the mirror and for a short moment I thought about doing it again and this voice came back but an inner voice it was flash voice inside my head that told me how worthless I am and I should go die they voice got louder

You stupid boy
You're useless
Your worthless
Go jump of the roof

I covered my ears "no" I say to myself breaking into tears and falling to the ground

You're so weak

He was right I am weak I'm Spider-Man I shouldn't cry I should help people and not here sitting on the floor in the bathroom. I should punish my self for that I looked around but couldn't see any blades of course dad locked them away he's not stupid Harry knocked on the door but I just cried I couldn't anweser it I couldn't even stay up

When I came out of the bathroom Harry was sitting next to the door with his head in his head

"are you okay? I asked

he looked up at me it seemed like he cried he stayed up and hugged me " I thought- I thought you did something- you scared me-" he said

"I'm sorry I let you feel this way"

how could I do this to Harry? How could I make him feel sad I hate myself for that

"Peter no that's not..." he made a pause "I'm just glad you still here" he said

"So wanna go for breakfast and meet my family?" I asked trying to change the topic and it worked

"yeah I love to meet you family" he said

We went to the kitchen Bucky and dad were there

"hey kid" he said putting food. On the table

"hey" I said and sat down next to Bucky and Harry sat down next to me he introduced himself to them

"nice to meet Peters family" he said

"nice to meet one of Peters friends" Bucky said

I felt happy my favourite people were in one room.

Dad made pancakes we ate and dad asked Harry what he want to do when he's done with college he said he wants to be his own boss in his own Lab like his father was. We had similar plans after college of not exactly the same But similar

"You make delicious pancakes mr stark" Harry said as he finished his plate

"thanks and please you can call me Tony you're friends with Peter" dad said

We helped to do the dishes and then we went to my room again

"Peter?  Can I beat up flash?" Harry asked when we were laying on my bed

"be carefull please I don't want to lose you too"

"he won't kill me Peter"

"but what if he does what if he does the same thing to you he did to me? I don't want that anyone to happen" I said facing him

"is that a no?" He asked

I thought about it I mean Harry is strong right? Harry would win not flash he will not doing the same thing to him he did to me I won't let that happend

"okay you can beat him up" I sighed

"thanks"  he said

"what did you ask me? You would do it anyway am I right?" I asked  when we watched Star Wars what the feels like thousand times

"Of course I beat him up no matter what he hurt you no one is hurting you,my best friend" he said

"please don't die"

"I won't I promise I won't leave you" Harry said and kissed my forehead

He said we best friends he sees me as his best friend I couldn't be happier

Harry felt asleep and he said I should wake him up at 7pm so when it was 7pm I stole his blanket and went on top of him and tickled him until he woke up

"peter what you doing" he laughed

"waking you up" I said and tickled him more and then he throw me next to him and went on top of me and tickled me I laughed 

"payback" he said I couldn't stop laughing  then he went off me   And stayed up

"time to go" he said and sounded a bit sad

"can't you stay here? Just one more night?" I asked 

"sorry Peter but I can't but I will see you soon okay?"

"Wait I go with you to the train station"

"ask you dad first" he said so I texted him and he texted back that I could but I should write him when Harry was gone so he could pick me up

"My dad allowed it" I said

On the way to the train station we just talked about nerd stuff to be honest it was mostly about Star Wars  and when we arrived at the train station reality hit me he would go to college beat up flash and then flash would know I told him and kill him i started panicked but didn't show it on the outside  I don't want Harry to worry about me I don't want anyone to worry about me. 

"It's time to say goodbye" Harry said when the train arrived  I hugged him he hugged back I looked up at him

"be carefull" I said when he went in the train I  stayed there until  the train left the platform 

"please don't die"  I whispered quietly

Depressed Peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now