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Someone knocked on the door

"You friends are here"

"I'm coming" i said and went to the living room

"hey" they both said

"dad can we go outside?" I asked

dad looked at me and said "be home at 7pm"

i nodded

"have fun" dad shouted when we left the house

We went yo a bench in a park we sat down

"so you trust Harry?" Mj asked

"well I mean yeah he doesn't seem dangerous" i said

"dude his father killed you aunt" Ned said

"well Harry is not his father he is nice and i really like him"

"okay so what should we do?" Mj asked

"we could go to the movies" Ned assumed

"yeah they show Star Wars there" i Said and I had money not much but enough for the movies we went there

We were nearly on the cinema when I stopped walking

"peter?" Mj asked but I couldn't say anything I saw flash walking torwards me he had a black eye so Harry did beat him up I thought I swallowed he grapped my neck

"you know what this means! Freak!" He said and before anyone of us could say anything he was gone  shit he's going to kill Harry my dad Ned,mj and Bucky and more

"I- I have to go" I said

"Peter what was this about?" Mj asked

"you know flash he uh it's alright nothing to worry about" I lied they looked at each other and then at me like they don't belive me 

"tell us the truth we can help" Ned said

"I have to go sorry" I said and ran away the yelled my name but I ignore it I texted Harry I asked if he was okay he said he was I go and visit him I can't I can't let flash hurt him

I knocked on the door of Harry's and my room he opened it

"what are you doing here?" He asked and let me in

"I was worried uh flash came to me he's gonna kill everyone I love" I said my whole body was shaking

"calm down  he won't I call you dad okay?" He said 

what should dad do? If he kill flash he will end up in prison leaving me alone again

"no he doesn't know I'm here he thinks I'm with mj and Ned and I was but uh then flash came and I saw you beat him up I was worried you were hurt too" I said

"so you just leave mj and Ned standing behind?" He asked 

fuck I'm such a bad friend I should tell them I just left them

Yeah you did
You left you friends because of a boy you just knew for a few weeks
You don't deserve them
So stupid
You're lying to them
You're a bad friend

I was shaking more how could I lie to them? I knew them for ages and I fucking lie to them I'm such a loser

"peter?" Harry asked I looked up I controlled myself so I wouldn't shake anymore

"I-yeah I leaved them behind and I'm a bad friend I don't derserve them" I said

"no don't say that you were scared you didn't knew what to do and you didn't want them to be in danger you're a good friend" he said

I said nothing 

"I call you dad now" he sighed

I'm going to be in trouble in so much trouble he's gonnna be mad at me for not telling him

Depressed Peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now