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I went into the stark tower tony walking next to me I can do this I will get better I repeat to myself and then I go to college again. Tony saw the picture of me and him on my nightstand in college and he told me that he's sorry for leaving me behind I think he thinks that it is he's fault what I did   Which is clearly isn't  I decided  I would kill myself  because of lot of reasons it's not his fault  I wish he know that.

"You need anything?" Tony asked when I packed my things out in my room that I had since I know him

"No I'm fine for now thank you"  I forced a smile at him 

"alright kid I be in the kitchen when you need anything else just tell me"

"I will" I said and finished packing out he closed the door.

I layed on my bed with my phone in my hand I scrolled through the old messages from  the group chat mj Ned and me had and then I got a message from harry

Hey you okay? I know it's a dumb question

The last scentence made me actually laugh I anweserd

Hey yeah I'm fine! Tbh I'm still shocked that Tony is alive

And I'm really am like how is he alive ? I thought he was dead for 2 years and then aunt may died and then he pops up and says surprise I'm alive okay maybe not like that but still  I can't believe it still feels like a dream

Yeah but he's alive for real your dad is alive

I typed:
Yeah you're right
Someone is knocking on my door talk to you later

I opened the door it was Tony he was staying in front of me he was real I thought he isn't dead. Harry was right my dad was still alive he was staying right in front of me

"dinner is ready" he said and toke a look in my room

"I be there in five minutes" I said and closed the door I didn't feel like eating but I had to I knew that. So I went to dinner anyway

As I arrived there I could see Bucky,sam,Clint,Bruce and tony the only avengers that were left and alive happy was there too

"you alright kid?" Tony asked

"yeah I'm fine" I said and sat down next to him "so...when can I go to college again?" I asked

I really wanted to go there I wanted to be Harry's roommate again I wanted mj and Ned near me I missed them

"Pete we talked about it" 

"but dad-" 

"no buts you health comes first then college!"

I didn't argue with that he just wanted me to get better

Just now I noticed Bucky and the others starring at me  and Tony

"what?" I asked and then I realized i just called tony dad  fuck

"ehm" was all I could say

"you just called me dad" he made pause "this is the best day ever"  he was was crying but like the happy crying

"what?" I looked at him confused

"you can call me dad" he said and I nodded

i Was a bit overwhelmed by this situation to be honest but I think Tony just said I could call him dad and I think I do that now The rest of the avengers  and happy starred at us with open mouths. I think they were shocked

I toke a bit of my sandwich without thinking about it and for a moment I forgot everything it seemed like the old times when everyone was still alive.

Depressed Peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now