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while being secluded in my room, after what happened today, my day has been exhausting.

there came a sudden knock, and I wasn't responding or anything, which the person who knocked, welcomed themselves in.


"Uh, hi dad" I say, trying to pretend im doing fine. "sweetheart, is something bothering you?" daddy asks as he was closing the door behind him, making his way towards my vanity.
"yeah! dad nothing is bothering me" I say, through a forced smile, dad doesn't say anything, his facial expression was unreadable.

"if that's the case, you have another doctor's appointment tomorrow" he says, which I nod.

"are you sure, nothing is bothering you?" dad persists, "daddy im fine" I say, shooing him away, eventually he gave in and left my room.

of course I'm not okay, I just dont want dad to worry about trivial things. I'll be turning 13 soon anyways.


while lily is being taken care of, I noticed my daughter wasn't around. whenever my daughter is not with me, i get this sudden headache that starts to brew. as for lily, i really hope they find her relatives or distant relatives because I just want my life to go back to normal.
ever since, lily's mother had been killed, i needed to heighten security, and knowing that death will come to those I know, i became wary of my daughter. i knew that when I pledge my allegiances with the other side, I'd gain enemies.

i gone to check on my daughter, and as i guessed she was in her room. whenever I asked if she's alright, its almost as if there's this wall that she's putting up. i don't understand the sudden behavioral change, but i'll get to the bottom of it.
after leaving her room, i bumped into lily. my eyes that held adoration towards my child turned cold and constricted when I saw lily.
it's like, i become this heartless man whenever lily is present. the warmth earlier that I had for sofia is no longer there for lily.

"i'm sorry sir" she says abruptly, "what brings you in this quarter" i ask bluntly.

"i was scared" she says, i couldn't feel anything. i almost became unemotional.

"scared of what"

"that they'll come for me"

"nobody in their right mind would come for you while you're under my care." i stated blankly before brushing pass her.
was I too harsh? i don't know, i didn't like children, in fact I despised them, and my daughter is the only exception.

sofia's birthday is happening in exactly 1 week, and i want to make sure it's the best birthday for her.
throughout the days, i went off to work as usual, until I receive a call from sofia's school.
"Hello, this is the vice principal Miss William's, on behalf of the school, we'd ask for the guardian of sofia to come here." is what the school said.

my mind began to race around thinking what could possibly have happened to my daughter. i rushed off in my car and drove off to the school, i walked into the school building, headed towards the direction of the office.

"Mr Lawson, glad to have-" i cut the front desk lady off, "To the principal" i say, bluntly.
"right, this way." she says a-taken back from the sudden cut off.
time moved really slow, everything seem to be going slow, the closer i made it towards the principals office, the more I start to imagine what went bad.
upon the door opening, i was expecting my daughter to be in a cast or something, however, my daughter sits still at her chair with a blank gaze.

"your daughter has violated the school code, she's pushed one of her peers down the stairs, resulting in a broken leg." the principal starts off saying.

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