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our school day came to an end, and i didn't even notice that time went by super fast. i stood by the 'pick-up' area, and in came daddy's car that was really shiny and black.

when papa gotten out of his car his top has three buttons that were undone, and his collar was messed up. "papa!" i excitedly say as he embraces me spinning me around before placing me to the ground.

"how was school? by the looks of it you enjoyed school." he says helping me carry my stuff. "I did! papa i met this new girl, her name is claudette and she was really nice. oh and she is now friends with lily and we had tons of fun together." i say in one mouth full.

"im glad, you had fun." papa says as he drives us back home, all the fun i had made me tired so i fell asleep in the car. as always papa carries me inside and puts me one of the comfy couches.

when i finally woke up, i remembered i had homework so i went to find papa and Felix told me papa was in his office.

"papa! I have to draw a horse for homework" i say, "come here." papa nonchalantly says, welcoming me onto his lap as he takes a look at my homework.

"let's start by drawing two big circles and a smaller circle." he starts to say as he puts his hand on top of mine as he guides my hand with the pencil, "daddy! thank you" i exclaimed, and papa gave me a gentle pat on the head. i slid off his lap as i exited his office, going back to the living room.

i went to turn the television on, and felix asked me if i was thirsty which i nodded indicating yes i was.


while on the plane, i found myself wanting to fuck. so the flight attendant who kept flaunting their breasts at me, i chose one of them to fuck.

The announcement for the plane landing came at a perfect time as we both released. i quickly gathered myself, and went back to my seat. the plane landed and i made it back in time to pick my daughter up.

it was interesting how much one child can speak in one breath. Nonetheless she had fun, and that's all i wanted for her to have.

things at the mansion was much more livelier with my daughter around, it wasn't always like this.

The mood around the staff were much more happier and not gloomy. My office door didn't seem like a death trap anymore, as my daughter would happily welcome herself in without needing to knock.

helping a child with such a simple task was a wonderful experience, of being needed for something. I helped lift her on to my lap as we both looked over the homework, and she was squirming too much that it was getting irritated so after awhile we finished, and she crawled off my lap.

i diverted my attention back to the email, apparently my ex wants her daughter back. 'no way in hell is she getting her back' i was furious, she dropped the child off like some garbage and now she wants her back?

who does she even take me for.

in her email she told me that she birthed sofia so she had rights to have her back, however it's obvious that i fertilized her, planted my seed into her for her to even be able to give birth. i have just as much rights as she does, it takes two to tangle.

anyway, i knew this was going to soon turn into a headache.



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published: 9.25.21

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